Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Today is Wednesday

(Subliminal Kool-Aid message----ON)

So today is suppose to be wordless but dat just ain't gonna happen.
I want to gives a big shout out to my kitteh furiends Sammy and Andy and their mom furs my most beutiful header.
Their sweet mom made my new banner fur ME.
Hers even put dat beret on my head...purty cool huh?
And I just looooooooves it!
(run overs and say Hi to them and tells them what a beautiful job they did withs da banner......
they may even posssibly make one fur ya'll...don't knows, I'll haves to get back to ya on dat one)
Ain't it beautifuls?

Now fur my wordless foto......
Have you evers seen anything quite so beautifuls before....sigh

The End

Peace Out,


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Nothing like that cool Kool-aid jingle to get you going in the early morning:)

We absolutely LOVE your header. Your furiends and their Mom were so nice to do that and so very talented!!!

Looking very beautiful in your WW pic today, Puddles. That's our pretty girl.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Unknown said...

You are sooooooo pretty!

Unknown said...

Yeah...we have seen someone as beautiful as u...YOU, Puddles in all your earlier photographs! u ALways look soo beautiful:)

yeah..that header pic is KOOL!
wags, Bud n Gin

George The Lad said...

I can see you had your make up on for that shot ;)
I thinks I've already said I like you new header,if not then yes I do.
See Yea George xxx

Unknown said...

just because you put on a pink and white polka dot collar doesnt make you pretty and all girly heheheheh.

The header is sooooooooo pretty we will go say hi to your friends as always.

ps. there is a weenie post on my page today, just for you.

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

We refuse to drink the Kool-aid, but you do look beautiful in that picture :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Puddles....your beauty and modesty leaves 100% wordless....and being a Southern girl you know that doesn't happen to us often!!!

MOL Puddles you are soooooooo funny.

We do so love your header!!! Momma J capture your personality to purrfection.
Hugs Madi

The Daily Pip said...

I am still trying to figure out what all this orange and purple sticky stuff is in my fur. What happened last night? I AM SO CONFUSED!

Your pal, PIp???

booahboo said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. you are sooo soo beautiful... that's a really nice WW photo.. you are usually collarless.. now u don a pink collar... awwwwwwwwwwwww.. awwww i really haven't seen anything quite so beautiful before... awwwwwwwwwwww awwww.. hehehhehee.. its just them beers kicking in *burp*

Martha said...

Hi Puddle Duddles, we love the new Header - you have some very clever friends.
Your wordless picture - well we have no words - we are in awe of your beauty.
Must stop drinking that Kool aid.......
love you lots
Martha and Bailey xxx

Maggie Mae and Max said...


You got hatted by Sammy and Andy too! Dey is such great kittehs. :) Mom and me luvs da new header!

WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS You looks luverly today, as always. :)

Chester said...

It IS a great header Puddles! You're WW Photo is quite stunning. Such sleek and shiny fur...I'm a bit jealous that you don't have to worry about rain frizz like I do! Wags from, --Chester

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

A vision of beauty you are, Puddles!! Love, love, love the new header!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I did NOT LOOK at your blog today... beclaws... I want to be able to tell the PoPo that I have NOT seen you!!! OK??
Kooooooool AID... KooolAid KoolAid Tur Kw ahhhhhs ??? Wonder what flavor that is? Chicken? Turkey? Pumpkin? Ground Mole? Chipmunk?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That is a furry nice header those special furiends did fur woo!

As fur the anything so beaWOOtiful?

Well, matter of fakht I did when I fluffed MY tail this am!

Khyra and The Golden Khousins

Mack said...

Beautiful indeed!

Corbin said...

Puddles, you must be the most beaufitul pup I've ever seen!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

You are truly beautiful, Puddles!!!!!

We are overjoyed that you like your header....we do too.....:) :)

Love to all of you.

Unknown said...

I'm cracking ups at da thought of a Puddles Wordless Wed! Those two things just DON'T go togethers

Sammy and Andy did a pawsome job on da header! It ROCKS!! Kinda like U2 (heehee)


Unknown said...

My momma has da same 'problem' 'cept not about Mr Bono.
In facts, her problem is WORSE! Her calls Mr Troy Gentry (hubba-hubba) and Jimmie Johnson (da driver NOT da old man on Survivor) her Husbands ALL da time!

We just speak softly round her when her be having these 'moments'


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

STILL... Not lookin at ya...
Butt I did come back to SAY... I had to warn Remington about not having you visit... unless he REALLY wants a cure for boredom. hehehee

Unknown said...

LUCY here........

Looking fabulous in the new header, but I have one small request...
Do you think you could have Sammy and Andy re-design it slightly?

I was thinking they could add a line at the bottom like this:
"Makeup by Avon-Provided by Lucy, your Avon Representative"

Never one to miss out on a marketing opportunity,

Unknown said...

You're so beautiful indeed, Puddles! You're gorgeous, stunning, sweet, extremely attractive, cute, lovely and etc.............

Remington said...

You are one stunning lady!

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed that you have all these dawgs gushing over you... telling you how beautiful and wonderful you are. You truly do have a cult following and unless they send me $10.00 for
there's really nothing that can be done for the poor schmucks. BUT, there are some of us who are not so easily manipulated you little vixen. We will continue to warn newbies in the hopes of keeping them from your spell.
PeeS... I've disabled your subliminal Kool-Aid message. No one hears it except you. BWAHAHAHA

Cocorue said...

love the header!!! and you ARE beautifoooooooooooo.....


jen said...

Your header is beautiful, just like Puddles' WW picture!

We are still thinking about the Kool Aid thing:)

Barbara said...

The header is STUNNING.
I've drank the Kool-Aid and I feel kinda strange. Is that normal?

Pippen said...


The header is stunning... mostly because it showcases Albert and Whitney!

Sam and Pippen

PeeS. Just wanted to let you know that the free beer we offered today was laced with some of Tank's leftover meds... they should be kicking in right about now... Luckily, you were the only one that took the bait! How's that for a nefarious plot to take over the world!

Unknown said...

LUCY again....Thanks for the shout out on your header!

In your honor, I am offering an Avon special today!! KOOL AID RED Lip Stain!!!

10% OFF!!! Just mention keyword 'Subliminal'when placing your order!


Levi said...

The jingle has me doin the head bob and wanting some cool-aid!!
Lovin the new banner :)

JacksDad said...

I don't think I'll ever think about Kool-aid in the same way again :)

Anonymous said...

Feeling a bit woozy there P??? Maybe seeing a GIANT white rabbit as you take your afternoon snooze? HAHAHEHEHEHAHAHAHEHEHEHAHA

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Urrrrrrange Kool-Aid... I don't think so.

Anonymous said... looks soooooo byoo-tee-fuls! Oh, and your header is awfully pretty. That was so nice of your furends to do that for you! It's just pawfect!

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

Puddles, you are most beautiful!! We are your newest follower. Riley's playmate (my parent's dog) is a dachshund mix. Face like a dachshund but with long legs.

Your header looks great!!

Elyse and Riley

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

What's got your attention...over there. A squirrel, rabbit or a fine figure of a hunk!

We'd love to know.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Oskar said...

Ya know Puddles, I like a girl with good self esteem!

The header looks great, I just put a new one up today too!

Nubbin wiggles,

Duke said...

You are absolutely a vision of beauty, Puddles!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Yoois so pritty Miss Puddles
x x

Nubbin' Tails said...

Your header is lovely, but your Wordless Pic is even better.


Mr. Nubbin'


We lubs Sammy and Andy dey is gud furfriends of ours and der Momma did a grate job on yur header Puddles! Of coarse dat is a gorjuss pixchur of yoo! wowie!!


Anonymous said...

I don't be belivens you drinks the kool-aids....unless they be coming in the beer flavors!!!

I will say though that yous almost as cutes as me.....


Your Tur-kwa kool-aid lovin Who, Sugar

Ms. ~K said...

Oh Miss Puddles,
You make me weak in the knees!
A true Southern GentleDog,

houndstooth said...

Puddles, I love that collar, and your new blog header is fabulous! I'm still shocked that neither contained a picture of your butt, though. What happened? Did you forget to take a spin on the stairmaster this week?


Dexter said...

I'm drinking the puddles kool aid! Love your heady. You look kind of like rough trade.


Lorenza said...

Your header is soooo beautiful!
And your WW picture is great too!
Kisses and hugs

Neeko said...

Hello Cutie Pie :o)

Love your new header!

Hey! Quick question: Who is "Mini Puddles" that left a message @ Those Elgin Pugs?

Neeko :o)

Two French Bulldogs said...

just gaaaw gous!
Benny & Lily

Taffy said...

I noticed your new header the other day and fell in love again! You are one beautiful girl! Am I missing something here with the whole koolaid thing? I'm feeling a bit thick in the head cause I'm seeing it all over blogland but not getting the joke. *Sigh*
I am wondering where turkwhaz comes from!

Road Dog Tales said...

We DO love that header, too! And that is a very pretty Puddles pic, as always! Lovin' the pink collar.

The Road Dogs

KB said...

You are such a beautiful dog! I want to reach out and pat you.

Texas The Doxie said...

ok all i gots ta say is dat MUSIC IS ANNOYING MAKE IS STOOOOOOPPPPP PLEESSSSSEEE *sobs* pleeessseeeeesssss

Texas The Doxie said...

PS. How comes you get 53 comments on your blogg when peopls obviwously loves me more cause I has more peoples followin me.
oor maybe its just Pompei. hmm..
Noppe I thinks all me.
I'm goin ta have to rektify this.

Zona said...

New collar? I'm having a slow afternoon so the kool aid messaging on was perfect timing!


Roxy Ann LaRue said...

Hey you sexy Doxies...Roxy here just popping in to say HI and wish you a Happy Halloween.

Terrorzinhos said...

Great blog you have! Sooo funny!
You are really pretty!!!
We will be following your adventures!

jack, Kaiser and Farrusquinho