Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Story of Albert

Greetings dear friends!
I am here today to tell you all about my coming home story. Since we have three dogs to post we decided to start early so the posts wouldn't be so long for you all to read. Before I begin I would like to thank Miss Minna Krebs for hosting the adoption stories for Thanksgiving.

The year was 2002, July 2002 to be exact and mother and father were expecting a little girl in October. The parents were very recently married (10 months). Upon mother’s entrance into the institute of marriage she had to leave behind her beloved dachshund Clyde. It was difficult for her to do so but she knew it would be in his best interest for him not to move to a new territory.

Mother decided she needed another dachshund in her life because; basically she couldn’t function without one. She also did not think it was imaginable to have a child come into the world without a dog. Mother brought it to father’s attention that the new child should have the chance to grow up with a dog in order to instill love and respect for animals at an early age. Mother felt like those were qualities every child should have. Father agreed to a new canine member of the household with a few rules. The first rule was that the new puppy would be crate trained and of course, house trained.

When father agreed to the acceptance over the phone since he was on a business trip, of a new member mother immediately called the breeder from where Clyde came from who was also a vet. (This was a time when rescues were not really heard of around here.) It was fortunate for me that he had no available dachshunds but gave her the number of another breeder. She quickly called this breeder and he had puppies that were ready to go home.

Mother drove out to the breeders home to take a look at the puppies and there I was. She spotted me and a smooth red hair. Well, mother wanted a long hair since she had never had one before. But, she knew she couldn’t just get a long hair because she simply wanted one. She was more concerned about personality and temperament. I knew this was going to be the family for me so I made it known to her that I was meant for them. The moment mother held me she knew it too and it was love at that instant. But, she put me back in my kennel and told the breeder she would have to go home and contemplate the situation.

Mother went home to call father and tell him she had found the puppy for them. Father agreed and gave mother the go ahead to pick me up. Mother made the call to the breeder informing him that she would be picking me up.

Oh and if you were wondering, the crate training lasted all of one night. I have been in the big bed ever since. And the little girl was born 8 weeks after my arrival. Mother assumed she would have more time with me before the girl was born but she decided to make her entrance into the world 6 weeks ahead of schedule.

My first birthday

Thank you for joing me today,

Pees: Whitney's story will be posted on Thanksgiving Day


Unknown said...

Oh Albert.....that is just such a wonderful story! It sure makes me smile!

Remington said...

Great story Albert! You were JUST what your mommy needed! I am so happy you found each other!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Albert what a beautiful story. I must say that I am delighted that you were able to get NEAR the computer to write your story. It must be sooooo peaceful in your home... what with Puddles being off for Intervention and all.
You were such a cute puppy. I can understand why your mom wanted you to join the family the INSTANT she saw you.
I do hope that you all will have a chance to write your Shopping list for your mom and dad. I can tell that YOU would be the sensitive type who would want to give them stuffs like Diamond jewlery so they can sparkle and shine and new cars with tons of safety things and stuff.
You have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy all the food and family time.

The Daily Pip said...

Albert, that is a most beautiful story! I agree about the every child needs a dog to grow up with. Please don't tell Puddles, but I think you were just as cute (if not cuter) than my beer drinking buddy!

Your pal, Pip

Bruschi said...

Hi Albert! What a wonderful story! It was love at first sight for both you and your human parents when you saw each other!!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Corbin said...

Albert! Always good to hear from you, my dude! Loved your story... I also wasn't exactly what the momma wanted... she wanted a 40lb border collie... and she got a 65lb pit bull! Go figure! She made the right decision... not many who can handle the Puddles as a younger sister!

A MilShelb Mom said...

Great story, Albert! Mom thinks you are so photogenic. You must not try to run from the camera. You seem much more laid back than Puddles. (Of course, that wouldn't be hard to do...)
~Milly and Shelby

Levi said...

Oh boy! I wouldn't have ever pictured the puppy pics if I hadn't seen em for myselfs!!

What a great story- my mom thinks kids needs to grow up wif pets too...and daddy needs da practice before the kids so.....I am his practice, BOL!

kissa-bull said...

oh the wee lucky ish squeeing wiff all your puppy cuteness.

we hopes you have a gweat thanksgiving

pibble sugars and wee wiggles
the pittie pack
and the wee ones

Zona said...

Albert, what a wonderful story!! I bet Abigail came so early because she just couldn't wait to meet you!!!


♥I am Holly♥ said...

Albert, that is a wonderful story and we love the pictures very much! You are so handsome! We are glad you got your great home! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Duke said...

What a great story and seeing as you're in your birthday hat, please come to Mitch's birthday pawty, Albert!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

That's a wonderful story of love at first sight, Albert. It's so wonderful when the right doggies and humans come together.

lotsa licks, Lola

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Albert, we are very glad you adopted your family too! And you have some very dreamy eyes!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are very happy that the first breeder didn't have any pups - or we wouldn't have come to know you and cherish you and your family as friends. But we are very jealous that you got bed privileges - never going to happen here:(

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara, and the Momster too

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We love your story and completely understand the breed bias. we live with one of those, too--except it's scotties here.

XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella

houndstooth said...

Albert, it's so lovely to hear from you! The very first post I read on your blog was written by you, and I immediately felt that I liked you! Your story is a great one, and I am glad you decided to share it today!


K9 Katastrophie said...

Oh Albert! What a blessed pup you are!


Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Thanks fur sharin'

We wish you a Happy Thanks giving and hope its one filled with furiends, family and lotsa turkey!!!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Isn't it special when we choose THEM!?!


Pepsi Bum said...

What a lovely story, Albert! Bet the girl couldn't wait to meet you, so she decided to come out early! Teehee.


the booker man said...

mr. albert!

it's super nice that you got to paw your adoption story! yuppers, what a good thingie that the first breeder dude was out of puppers so that your mama could come and find you! oh, and you are a totally handsome dude...your pictures are off the hook! the ladies are gonna faint from your good looks!!

the booker man

pee s -- about the crate trainin' 'n asa are crate trained, too, but usin' the crates totally didn't last very long! teehee.

Maureen said...

Dear Albert - Gosh but dat is a good story. I got full of the happinesses just reading it. I also really likes your piktures. You look like you could be royalty or sumpthing.

Big slurps, HoneyBuzz

Anonymous said...

Oh, Albert...what a sweet little baby puppy you were. No wonder you grew up to be such a handsome man-dog! I think you did a real good job picking your family. I know your mom just luvs you to bits and you've been such a good big brudder for Whitney and Puddles. Thank you ever so much for sharing your story with us!

Wiggles & wags,

Lorenza said...

Sure it has been pawesome to be growing with little Abigail, right?
And then Puddles, and then Whitney....
Lucky you!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Kisses and hugs

Road Dog Tales said...

Oh Albert - what a sweet story! We like the way your Mom thinks, too! Of course, that "every kid needs to grow up with a dog" could have just been an excuse to get you - but we like it anyway and it turned out lucky for YOU!

The Road Dogs