Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Monday ya'll.

Dis weekend I spent time looking furs my Christmas pressies...
and I was shocked!
I was apalled, devestated, heart broken...yada yada yada.

 Just in case ya'll furgots what my butt looked like...ain't it cuuuute?

Da Puddles very sad indeed.
Mooooooooom....where's my pressies?
I promise I has been a good girl dis year.

{Well, I couldn't help myself when da neighbor kitteh gots on da porch...
her did have lots of hair by da way...
nor could I helps da fact dat Sissy's Trifexis was right in her my face...
nor can I helps I has to burrow in ALL da blankies and they subsequently smell likes me...
nor can I helps it dat I nips da fingers when I gets a treat...
Oh and sorry bout da broken ornaments dis year...
and about da rehab peoples, I didn't mean furs them to quit their job...
how much time does we have?}

All I wanted furs Christmas was some treats dat ain't green beans...bleh!
What kinda fool gives green beans as a treat?



K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Puddles, you looks so sad! I am sure you will get something good!


My Mind's Eye said...

Morning to you my sweet Puddles!!
Oh what a sad face but your BUTT is still gorgeous!! I expect the mum had all the presents hidden. After all she lives with 3 Doxies, one being a Diva, and we all know Doxies are relentless hunters!!
MOL green beans for a snack...that is absolutely hilarious. You mum must think you are a vegetarian.
Hugs from your BFFF,

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

EEEEkkk...Tween you's and mee's, is you fur certain dat you isn't on da NAUGHTY mistake, of course! Me is sure some pressies will turn up even if it be a green bean wrapped wit a red bow...get and green for Christmas! BOL

What Remains Now said...

I think it's good to know that a girl can maintain her figure in rehab. I was always curious about that.

booahboo said...

green beans???? run Puddles runnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

houndstooth said...

If Lilac could manage to get presents from Santa last year, you can get some, too! Frankly, I think Kuster might have you beat on the naughty list shenanigans anyway. That puppy is always into something!

You do look pretty cute under that tree! I'd send Santa the second picture and hope for the best. The second picture might be sending the wrong message...


KB said...

Oh Cute Puddles!!! You were in rehab? You look great, girl!

Grean beans? Yuck!

The Daily Pip said...

Bawahahahaha! Have you peed on the refrigerator? No? Well, then in my book you have been a very good girl. I have nailed the new fridge on several occasions. I am a very bad boy and that's the way I like it - except I still deserve pressies cause I am a cute bad boy!

Your pal, Pip

Maggie Mae and Max said...

My dear Puddles,

I find your butt to be very cute indeed.
So happy to read that you have accepted my invitation to join me in the sunshine today. I am anxiously awaiting your arrival....


Scooter said...

Hey Puddles!
Wow, you most definitely look upset to say the least! Don't forget there are still 12 days until the big moment. I think Santa is toying (get it?!?) with you a little.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Pippen said...

Puddles... We asked Santa about you, if you made it onto the nice list and all he'd say was 'that Puddles... what will I ever do about her?' So we ain't sure if you'll be getting anything more than the green beans!

Sam and Pippen

Remington said...

I am certain you will get some presents, you have been good recently, right? Green beans aren't so bad....

Unknown said...

No presents here yet either...ugh

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yea, what is up with this no present stuff, surely they are hiding somewhere close!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

All the Rehab folks QUIT??? Wonder WHY?????????????

Silly Girrrrrl... there are NOT supposed to be any pressies under the tree... Until Santa Paws BRINGS them.
Of course he will be Checkin (and FAINTIN) his LIST before he leaves anythingy.

SHEEEEESH... you are showin your BUTT... AGAIN????? The Wives don't like it when I see any BUTTS BUTT THEIRS.

Hey don't worry.. IF.. IF Santa Paws Furgets to leave you somethingy.. you let ME know... Ernie and I will MAKE some "STUFF" fur you. You wouldn't mind if there was some grass and a bird feather or two stuck to THEM would you????


We is sure dat Santa Paws knows where yur howze is and we bet yoo will have lots of prezzies!

Peggy Frezon said...

Don't worry Puddles, you'll get some presents soon I'm sure. Maybe your mum is hiding them so you won't peek.

rottrover said...

Well, we were doing pretty well until SOMEONE (named Bart) got up on the counter the other night and ATE a whole loaf of bread!! SHEESH!!

I, however, have a perfect record. Just sayin'.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How we have missed that cute little bottom, Puddles:)

Don't you know that since you have little bipeds int he house, there can't be any presents around until Christmas morning? We know you will be overwhelmed with all the great pressies for you then - and they won't be cans of green beans. We can guarantee you that, because our food cabinet is overflowing with them - there are no more to be bought anywhere:) BOL

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Jans Funny Farm said...

Ah, green beans. We dogs like them but in our food, not as treats.

Puddles, you remind us of the Christmas cartoon we saw a couple of weeks ago. Santa died laughing cause you told him you were good. :)

Unknown said...

You don't like green beans? Wonder if my Mom is trying to poison me then! Come to my house and I will share my pressies with you........if I get any!
Lovies, miss Mindy

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

You are workin on a new Green Bean Recipe??? YOU.. and Cooking????
OK so what is it
Green Bean CATS a Roll??? With squirrel fur garnish??

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

How about Green Beans and Groundhog CATS A Roll???

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD... I just left SARGE a WARNING Comment.. after I saw what YOU were thinkin of makin... and I'm not talkin about green beans.. THIS time.

Dachshund Nola said...

Oh poor Puddles! Shame on your mom!
Dachshund Nola

JacksDad said...

The Green Bean Santa Claus, that's who! :)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Early days Puddles, we're sure you'll get something (not nail clippers) from Sandy Paws. You're naughty list isn't too bad......

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra, Bella & Roxy

Kari in Alaska said...

well YOU are a pressie of course :)

Stop on by for a visit

Duke said...

We're sure that the pressies are high out of your reach. The hoomans are just trying to fool you and make you think you're not getting any, Puddles!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Maureen said...

OMD!!!!!!! Send me your green beans!!

Holy mother of dog, dey is the bestest thing ever, ever, ever! I can't gets enough of dem green beans. My mom gets dem for me at the neighborhood Chinese restaurant and if she doesn't feed them to me fast enough, I will climb onto her plate and gets dem for myself!!

Green beans in black bean sauce is heaven I tells you, HEAVEN!!

I'll be waiting by my mailbox so you's can send me all your green beans now.

Go on.

Hurry up.

I'm waiting...

nom nom nom - The HoneyBuzz

Barbara said...

Oh man, I couldn't let Jeep look at that picture of your butt - he would have gotten the monitor all slobbery.

Backcountry Brodie said...

Green beans, you gets green beans fur treats? That do be dog abuse fur sure!

Grady and Leonardo said...

Green Beans sound pretty good.
Moms been feedin us carrots since we were pups. If it wasn't for grandpa, we wouldn't know what REAL food tastes like.

Santa knows the truth so you have nothin to worry about.

Big Newfie Hugs and Smooches.
Leo and Grady

Anonymous said...

Oh Puddles, I has so missed you!!!! I'm sure something wonderful will find it's way under the tree for you by Christmas! <3 JBenz

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Its not too late for pressys to come under your tree- just watch and see!

Anonymous said...

OMD Puddles you loooks sooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! Specially in that 2nd pic!

I thinks that you should get pressies just because you is so DARN CUTE!

woos, Tessa

Two French Bulldogs said...

keep that pathetic look on your face, the presents will come
Benny & Lily

ShellePenn said...

I have a playlist of PERFECT songs for your Christmas today -snicker, snicker, snort-

Shelle, Milo and Dixie

Anonymous said...

Don't be sad, Puddles. I bet your mom has your pressies locked up in a super secret place and then on Christmas morning she's gonna haul them ALL out and go, "Surprise, Puddles! Lookit ALL the Most Magnficent pressies I got for you!!!!"

Yeah, I totally bet that's what's gonna happen.

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS. When you come over for Brudder Ranger's pawty, don't forget to bring the beer, okay?

Road Dog Tales said...

Ah ha! You ARE back! Excellent! At least we didn't miss too much before we escaped the stoopid stick. And what was the first thing that greeted us when we clicked on your blog after all these gazillion months away? Your cute butt, that's what! We're so glad you're back - we need to have a pawty - with cupcakes!

The Road Dogs

Anonymous said...

Aww, Puddles. This is almost sadder than Pip not having a couch... At least your Mum put up a tree already--we haven't even gotten that far. Maybe tomorrow. I haven't bought Riley anything for Christmas yet, either. Shocking, I know!

Here's hoping your butt gets some pressies this year!

Elyse and Riley (the treeless/presentless dog)

The Fiesty Three said...


It's so good to have you back!! Don't worry. It isn't Christmas yet. You still have time!! Pee Ess: Send our Moms a Christmas pickture to feature for our Christmas Furiends event over on our bloggie!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

YOU'RE BACK!!!! YEAH!!! We've sure missed seeing you and hearing your ever so entertaining blog.

We're sure there are lots of Puddles pressies on the top shelf in the closet. Have you looked there?

Jed & Abby in MerryLand

jen said...

Oh Puddles! I have missed your cute little butt!!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hiya Puddles,

I can't see your BUTT but Mona says it looks the same, kinda.

Thanks for agreeing with me. I was not bad just being the Weenie so I better not be put on the naughty list. Don't tell Mommy but I sniffed around & found where she hid our Christmas pressies. Now I just gotta wait to see what Santa Paws does.

Siff ya later..........Weenie

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohh Miss Puddles mee finks Santy Paws wil keeps all yor gifts safe from da tree rats until Crimbo day, dont yoo worries hims will bring yoo lots ovs nice fings mee is sure
