Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Puddles Duddles Rainwater bringing you da latest breaking news.
Sorry to interuppt dis regularly scheduled program.

Dis Popo car was in my driveway earlier.
See it?
Bye bye Mr. Neighbor!
Yep, they tooks him handcuffs.
Ahhhhh....good times around da 'hood.

I has no idea why they tooks him...but da Puddles is gonna find out.
But there were 4 popos theres...2 in unifrm and 2 in playin' clothes.
Da uniformers came running from da back of da house to da front and went in and da next thing I knew they was haulin' his butt off.
Thank you Mr. Popo officers!

This has been a breaking news from WTD...dat's we three doxies.
Puddles Duddles Rainwater signing off.


The Heartbeats said...

Crap! We miss all the good stuff!

Mamma Heartbeat

kissa-bull said...

the hood will be more happy making now. the popo's are most helpful are'nt they?

pibble sugars
the pittie pack

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Exciting stuff! Can't wait for the update.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella &Roxy

Backcountry Brodie said...

This made my day, Puddles. The Stoopids in the Big House. Duss it get any better? Now that be GOOD breaking news. You tell all when you find out, k? Show is your bestest unnercover investigative repawting.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

WOO HOO!!!! Hopefully he won't show back up!

ShellePenn said...

I love how they park in YOUR driveway to get your neighbors!! :)

Glad that Mr. Stoopid is gone... hopefully for a good lone while, too!

Brian's Home Blog said...

My goodness, that is terrific and hopefully you will get the scoop!

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand why they were in your driveway... care to explain?

JacksDad said...

I watch Cops this weekend and see if I can see you peeking through the window! :)

Unknown said...

OMG!!! The Popos arrested the POSSUM!?!?!? Thank dogness.....

Unknown said...

How come my momma is cracking ups at da vision in her mind of YOUR mom covertly taking fotos of this event......Bwahahahhahaaaa.

Erin said...

Woohoo! :))

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD O M D When I furst saw the PoPo car in YOUR Driveway.. I thought SARGE had come to get you and that you were gonna be in my Court Room.. and well.. I just POOPED ALLLLLLLLLL over my chair. WHEW... I am glad that it was just MR. Stoopid that got hauled away.. and NOT YOU!!

BaaaaaaWaaaaah my mom is cleanin up the chair.. And sayin THOSE words.
Double BaaaaaWaaaaah... Minna Krebs.. you put a REAL PICTURE of Puddle's Mom into MY Brain.. All down on the floor and sneakin up to the window.. with Puddle's Nose stuck in her... Well it just CRACKED me up thinkin about it. THANKS Minna Krebs

Anonymous said...

Welllll...I'm not sayin' that I know who called in a tip to the popo abouts your kerazy neighbors havin' ee-liss-it catnip in their house but let's just say that I have all-of- a-sudden gots me some extra green papers that are NOT from reward money. So do you wanna go have a beer later?

Wiggles & Wags,

Unknown said...

Well thank God the popos were not for you! Hope mr Stoopids is gone forever!!!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Maggie Mae and Max said...

What an excitin' time you had Puddles. Bye-bye Mr. Stoopid and YaY fur da popo!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS You and Max really tore up dat dance floor last night!

Cole said...

Holy moley! You do the investigative reporting, Puddles and let us know what the stoopids did this time.

kalyxcorn said...

o my goodness. ! :)

Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles you might want to hide just in case they come back for more(know what I'm saying?) or decide they were at the wrong house. Take care my pal.

loveys Sasha

Scooter said...

MAN!! That makes fur some exciting news!!

Jazzi and Addy

Unknown said...


on another note: are you sure they hit up the right house? I heard a bouts your ticket......

ps. Mom is giggling about your momma getting all those pictures. Why didn't she just go on the porch in her pj's and a beer? BOL

Unknown said...

By da way.....who does the weather report at WTD-TV??

Scooter said...

Hey Puddles!
Wow, what great news! So long, Mr Stoopids. That's one COP assignment that I would have loved to be in on. Great surveillance pix!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

rottrover said...

What about the curazey mom and daughter?? Can't they go somewhere, too??

The Websters said...

Woah Woah Woah! We, like Frankie, thought you were being taken to the slammer for your ticket!

Congrats about your neighbor. Hopefully you'll get to testify against him.



Anonymous said...

OMD Puddles that is like the bestest news like EVER! Well, unless the popo come back and take Mrs Stoopids too!

I sure is happy fur you all. I hopes that HE stays in jail fur a LONG LONG time!

woos, Tessa

Matilda the Boxer said...

Wow! For a minute there, I was afraid you were getting arrested for not paying your ticket from Sarge. Glad it's better news!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey PUDDLES. Is it too late fur your mom to change her order fur that new camera? I think she needs the UPGRADED one that comes complete with a PARIS SCOPE !!

PeeS... I'll bet LUCY would LOVE to be the WITHERS DONKEY fur the TV thingy. Get it?? WITHERS Weather.
OMD OMD... I Just Cracked Myself up!!!

HH and The Boys said...

Wow, big doings at your house today. Glad you have police around to keep you safe.

pawhugs, Max

The Daily Pip said...

Well, it's about darn time ...Hope he is gone for good. Do some sleuthing around there and let us know the scoop.

Your curious pal, Pip

P.S. I am just waking up from last night ...maybe over did it just a wee bit with Alien's Cheeto martinis

Duke said...

Your neighborhood is sure hoppin' with excitement, Puddles. I can't wait to hear the juicy details!

Love ya lots,

Grady and Leonardo said...

Put that sooper good sniffer to the ground and find out what all happened over there. We sure are curious.

Good job reporter P.
Leo, Grady and Mom

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I agree with Mitch... this is gonna be juicier than a fresh road kill.

Dachshund Nola said...

Great news!
Dachshund Nola

My Mind's Eye said...

Ding dong the stoopid is gone, which old stoopid, the stoopid in Puddles 'hood. Mom and I have joined hands and are singing and dancing.

Looking forward to the next breaking news. Thank goodness you, Mom, your girl and the sibs were all inside out of harms way.
Hugs from your BFFF,

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Yikes....Me hopes dey took away da correct criminal. So hap-pee dey didn't get you too. Me heard all bout da happenings at da pawty yesterday!

What Remains Now said...

Oh, I hope Mr. Stoopid is gone for good and you can get some nice neighbors. I can't wait to hear more. Hurray for the Popos!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, we sure hope this is the start of something good.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

A MilShelb Mom said...

Ohhhhh!!! We can't wait to hear more!
~Milly and Shelby

GOOSE said...

Woo to the Hoo. You can break in with news like that anytime. I hope the update comes in soon. I'll be glued to the screen to find out.

Jans Funny Farm said...

You do live an exciting life, Puddles. We'll be waiting for the next news break. Or is that breaking news?

Peggy Frezon said...

Wow! Well I'm glad the bad guy went away!

Dexter said...



Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh they got busted and hauled off to the slammer!
We are happy, happy!

Bassetmomma said...

Wooooo hoooo!!! Can't wait to hear the dirt when you find out!!

houndstooth said...

Oh! Oh! Send them here to arrest the Village Idiots next! Just having them step in puppy land mines isn't nearly good enough. We want a vacation from them!

I can't believe that you didn't get video of the whole thing, or better yet, volunteer to be a police dog so you could see the whole thing first paw!


Anonymous said...

i would have barked my head off if popo would come to my door. it's so scary (though we are law abiding citizens). my neighbours are a nuisance but not so bad that a popo would come...

Bobbie said...

YAY!!!! It's about time!!! But wait... will he be back?? Hoping not. Keep us posted Puddles. (((YOU ARE SOOO FUNNY)))

Just Jess for now said...

I second everyone else who has said, "yay!" Hopefully he's not coming back. LOL
PS: You crack me up as always. :)

Oskar said...

That's nice of the popo to take Mr. Stupids!

Nubbin wiggles,

Sweet William The Scot said...

There's always something going on down in the Puddle Hood.
Music's playing up and down the block mostly southern rock.
Grab a six pack and a lawn chair
And sing right along as we all wave good bye to the PoPo with Mr. Stoopid leaving the Puddle Hood.
Oh everybody join in! Sing Right Along! Bye Bye
Sweet William The Scot

Wyatt said...

Good news! Hopefully he will be gone for a long time :D

Wyatt and Stanzie

Bassetmomma said...

Hey Puddles, I gave you the Pawsome Blogger Award! Check out my Feb. 17th blog post.

Charlene and Storm said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA POPO! love that word. Glad i found this blog i will defo be following you Puddles Duddles Rainwater LOL!!!!!!! BOL BOL BOL!!!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

OOOOOHHHHHH mee gots skeered den dats dat Popo dids comes fur yoo mi hero. Fank Dogness it wosn't fur yoo. Mee is finkin dis is a goodly fing dat dem came fur daq neighbour man n bouts time too YES ?


Unknown said...

YO! Puddles.:..I know you is prolly busy, celebrating your MangoMinster 'win' and stuffs...butt, when you get a chance, could you help s sista out?? Bring da stepstool...I am still stuck on da Mirror Ball!! Sigh.

Remington said...

You certainly have an exciting neighborhood....

pibble said...

Ooooooooo! We want breaking news updates on this one, Miss Puddles! By the way, you look great behind the news desk. A second career?

Alfie said...

you are a great news anchor! i saw one of those popo cars in my 'hood the other day. There was a big scary dog in it! but it isn't as scary as the dog catcher car *shudders*

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Good ridence to bad rubbish I say.

Sniff ya later......Weenie

Anonymous said...

Yay! One crazy neighbor person how many of those people are living in that house...? Last time we checked the number was up to like 14.

Elyse and Riley

KB said...

Woo hoo! He's GONE! I hope that he stays gone.

I love "Puddles the Newscaster"!

Adien Crafts said...

Wow Puddles, looks like we arrived just in time to catch this breaking news, look forward to hearing what happens next but it sounds like good news for you! Dex and Lou xxx


Dat is gud noos Puddles.
Keep us posted fur da latest breakin noos.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hi, Puddles, we tagged you in our post today.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Puddles ~ About that can of Whoop A$$ maybe you can have the PoPo deliver it to the nasties who leave comments. Luv Ya!
Sweet William The Scot