Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

 I has eye booger.

I so embarrassed.
Don't look.

*and by da way, dis was SOOOO NOT wordless

PS: yes, da foto lady could has taken outs my eye booger withs da foto choppin'.
But hers didn't.
Said hers wanted to show da "real" me.
What exactly is hers tryin' to say????


My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Puddles...don't hang you head in shame!! We all have eye boogers and BTW they are way better than the other boogers especially when they show up in a photo.

I love love love that first pic of you it has Doxie Diva written all over it.
Hugs from your BFFF and I'M FIRST today,

Unknown said...

Heheheh! My Daddy removes my boogers! Why I can hardly see yours!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

The Daily Pip said...

I have some major eye booger issues. The trick is to let your fur grow really long so it covers your eyes.

Your pal, Pip

The Daily Pip said...

P.S: Does your mom have trouble swallowing pills? Mine does because she is afraid she will choke. When she was pregnant, they had to order her special chewable vitamins. Oh and she is afraid of me and my sissy choking too - so she is always chopping up my treats (if she thinks they are too big). Huh?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Puddles, hold your head high with proud - all beautiful pups have boogers - they are a fashion accessory:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

ShellePenn said...

Dixie takes care of all the eye boogers in our house. From adult, child to dachshund, nothing breathing is safe from the raspy tongued devil.

Though I have to admit, she does a great job exfoliating... never have to use Retinal anymore.

Have a great day!!!!
xx Shelle

Unknown said...

Geez. My momma needs to buy a case of new stronger eyeglasses at da Walgreens.....cuz her can't see it. Even bigified

Lovable Lily said...

You're too funny! Eye boogers or not, you are still one good looking Doxie!

Lily Belle

Unknown said...

I can'ts believe we are actually here bigifying a blog foto, trying a different pair of eyeglasses.....trying to see an eye booger!?!?

Bwahahahaha. No wonders it is difficult to 'splain Blogville to our non-blogging peeps

Unknown said...

I can'ts believe we are actually here bigifying a blog foto, trying a different pair of eyeglasses.....trying to see an eye booger!?!?

Bwahahahaha. No wonders it is difficult to 'splain Blogville to our non-blogging peeps

Declan said...

Oh I have some classic ones. I have large tear ducts you know... Mum LOVES it when I wipe them up the doors.. Hehe! Deccy x

houndstooth said...

BOL! I'm glad somebody here is very picky about those sorts of things. I hear you're about to become a professional model, too! Good times!

Despite that eye booger, you still have Pee-can Princess Diva written all over you!


Unknown said...

^ ^ ^
See above .

My momma has a fear of her comments posting multiple times!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Don't worry I don't see it ... Happy WW! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Your Mom took a pic of you with an Eye Boogie? HOW RUDE. I think you should retaliate !!! Take a pic of HER on the Peep Potty. BaaaWaaah
My mom washes my eye boogies away. BUTT NOW I think I will have her Save some and Send them to YOUR mom!!

Bassetmomma said...

Oh, Puddles! You are still beautiful, even with the eye booger!

GOOSE said...

Boogers? Where? Let me get MOM's glasses...... Nope still can't find the booger. Beers to ya. I'm mean cheers to ya.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Eye Booger??? Oh nose! Wonders if you can saves it and hides it under da pillow (maybe Mom's pillow) and sees if you gets extra tweets or sometin! You da BOOGER FAIRY!

Anonymous said...

well i have to say, that i have no idea what an eye booger is...(i live far away in scandinavia/finland maybe that goes as an explanation...)

but i do know that princess puddles is pretty with or without a booger.

Backcountry Brodie said...

I think sumday you be finding your mom in a compawmising pawsition and you post her pikshure on your bloggie. Hehehehehe.

Unknown said...

Eye boogers are a common occurrence around mom's house! Does your Mom use a kleenex or just wipe with her hand and then rub it on you?

What Remains Now said...

Gosh...I must be blind because I can't see anything. I'm probably blinded by your cuteness (I can hear Sarge puking right now).

The Websters said...

Eye boogies are the worst. Usually i get my eye pokes out when the humans are trying to get them. Dumb dumbs. There's nothing wrong with a little eye boogie. Just leave it alone!



Remington said...

Oh dear MIss Puddles I can hardly see it....don't worry ....I get them all the are VERY BEAUTIFUL!

Matilda the Boxer said...

Don't worry, it happens to all of us!

Duke said...

It's okay, Puddles. We all get eyebuggers. It's a fact of life, right?

Love ya lots

Anonymous said...

Unlike all your kool-aid drinking friends, I will always tell you the truth.


Pippen said...

That Tank... he's kinda mean! But in this case we have to say he's absolutely right! Hideous is the word!

Sam and Pippen

rottrover said...

Miss Puddles, your Foto Lady did good with your pictures today. We could hardly see your eye booger. We get real big ones and mom's always rubbin' our eyes for us. We think we have allergies...

That Minna cracks us up...We can't 'splain it to anyone either!!

-Bart and Ruby

Brian's Home Blog said...

Poor booger Puddles. But we love the pics!

Dachshund Nola said...

Don't be ashamed! I wear mine with pride!
Dachshund Nola

Bobbie said...

AWE PUDDLES!!! You crack me up! You don't have to say a word, you expression says it all. Gracie gets those eye boogie thingies and hers gets all gooey and hard and big.. (clinging to all that fur). When I pull hers off she always wants to eat it. Disguesting!! I hope I didn't give you any ideas..

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Humans!!! They just love to embarrass us.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella &Roxy

Tucker said...

eye boogers, no biggy.I gets those all the times especially if I sleeps with my eyelid still open. The best way to gets rid of them is shake you head and they fling to the walls, the floor, and yes the ceiling. BOL. I is a messy dog.

woof - Tucker

A MilShelb Mom said...

Eh, we walk around with those alot. Mom thinks they're gross and normally won't touch them. She's a girlie-girl. BOL!
~Milly and Shelby


I has eye boogers all da times and Momma always cleans em out furr me.
Yoo look furry purrty even wif dem booggers.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OK... so now are you gonna get up on the Banquet Table at the Val. Pawty and DANCE the BOOGIE WOOGIE ???

PeeS... I will start savin my eye boogies and puttin them in a Bud Light Box... JUST FUR YOU!!!

Cole said...

You're still pretty...even with eye boogers!

Pippen said...

Whew! We was starting to get worried that we offended you!

Sam and Pippen

Neeko said...

Miss Puddles...
Meee so missed your beautiful professional poses :o)
Eye booger? What eye booger???

Neeko :o)

Maggie Mae and Max said...

My Dear Puddles,

You are beautiful with or without eye boogers. :)


Anonymous said...

You iz a natural beauty, Puddles ;)

Wyatt said...

Somehow you still look really cute, even with boogers!


FiveSibesMom said...

You are so cute - with or without eye boogers!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We gets eye boogers too. And Meowm has gotten some pictures of us with eye boogers. What is up with that?

Ziggy Stardust said...

Its better than a picture with nose boogers, that would be way more berassing. I hate when Mommy tries to get my eye boogers and she hates when I bites her. We are even.

licks and sniffs Sasha

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

The Beaglebratz here - kinda late butt we iz here. We r guessin'that the eye booger iz small may-b butt whatever it iz just enhances your natural buutie cuz that iz all we c.
Shiloh'n Shasta

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I get eye boogies too. So no worrys Puddles- your still cute.
I looked and looked and could not see any in that beautiful photo of you- did you wipe it on your foot?

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We didn't see a thing. You are a classy Southern lady, always.

Jed & Abby

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Wee can't see it ? Is it jus us dat can't ? Even ifs yoo does havs a booger yoo is still GAWJUSS !!!
Izzy, Uji n Ronnii
xxx xxx xxx

KB said...

Poor Puddles. It's hard to find a good assistant these days. They take photos at the worst possible moments.

If it's *any* consolation, you are beautiful even with an eye booger.

Lindsjö taxar said...

Qute pictures of a charming dog...

pibble said...

Meeeheeheee! I guess even supermodels have eye boogers! Yer still a cutiepie!