Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Wednesday Story

Hellos everybuddy!

 Yesterday on Pip's world famous bucket list tour we was in Illinois withs
da world famous Bunny.
We gotted more souvenirs to decorate da car with.
Bunny has plenty of collars, hers won't even notice.
Maybe da crown.

Today, we will be at Sarge's place.
Poor Sarge.

Raise your paws if you wants me to tells ya'll a story!
Oh goody, I see a milliondy eleven paws up.

Nows, gather 'round in a circle while I tells my story.

Okays dis all happened on Monday and it was raining heres.
Well we all knows I don't likes da rain.
No siree bob I does not.
 Wells I hads to go to da baffroom like really really really bad...but it was wet out.
So, I snucked in da baffroom while mum wasn't lookin'
and then I went and pooped on da baffroom floor.
It was a nice consistency, not too hard, not too soft but hard enough to makes a
ploppin' sound when it hitted da floor.

Well ya'll sees, I knows I ain't suppose to do dat but I did it anyways
cuz I wasn't bout to go outside and gets all wet and I was also just bein' 
kinda lazy if ya wanna knows da truff.

Wells then mum hearded all dis commotion in da baffroom...noises.
OMD does you knows what happened next???????

Her comes in da baffroom and discovers me movin' my poop into
da baffroom closet....dat was da noise her poop rollin' all overs da floor.
I was tryin' to HIDE it so hers wouldn't see it.

(Mum says thank dog furs bleach)

Bwhahahahahaha...oh me, sometimes I is too funny furs my own good.



Marg said...

Oh Puddles, that is hysterical. But just a little to much info. Did you get put on restriction?? Maybe Mom needs to get you a raincoat. It has been raining way too much around here. We are tired of the mud. Take care.

georgia little pea said...

Pudds, you're not kidding are you? Such a demure sweet littledog with blue nail polish and you pushed poop with your snout to hide it? I am in awe.

Lovable Lily said...

Just what in tarnations were you gonna do with your poop in the closet Puddles? I sure hope your Mom didn't pass out from all that bleach she had to use.

We love the drawings showing you were moving your poop from point A to point B. Very technical I might add!

Well I guess you can blame your insanity on all the beer, cheeto's and time zone changes.

Lily Belle & Muffin

What Remains Now said...

I am amazed at your cleverness to hide the poop (or at least attempt it). I think your mom should be proud of you. I'm heading over to Sarge's right now.

GOOSE said...

was the bleach for the floor or to clean off your beautiful nose? I say you are very smart to try and clean up after yourself. Other thoughtless ones would have just left it right there.

The Daily Pip said...

Here's a tip ...when you have to go, you have to go your business and just keep walking and when the peeps go all crazy and ask why you did that just pretend you don't hear them and keep walking.

The Daily Pip said...

I am thinking I should leave the crown in the car when we go into the Navy Museum....

Remington said...

WHAT? Isn't that what a bathroom is for? Next time put it in the toilet....your mommy can flush it....

Matilda the Boxer said...

Oh Puddles! You are TOO funny! What a clever idea.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HEY Paddles It's ME (ERNIE) that was a really super super Pooper Scooper Idea you had. WE don't Like to get WET. BUTT we gotta Poop... and THEY Poop in there and then make it go away. THAT is what YOU were tryin to do. Make the Poop Go away.

HEY... my mom knows a song somthingy like that
Make the Poop go away and get it off of my floors now.
Say the things you pooped out there.
Will make the poops stay away.

Too bad that your mom has no appreciation fur the fact that you didn't track MUD into her house instead.

stellaroselong said...

OHHHHHHHH so you are supposed to hide the I get it!!!
Thank you puddles my BFF!!!
Maggie M.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles ok my Mommy is laughing so hard that she is holding her undies and running to the bathroom. Good job girl and nice job trying to cover it up. Don't you sometimes wish we had longer legs? You could have maybe just kicked it over there...oops Mommy just peed the floor. I refuse to go out in the rain also. One time I had a poo right under Mommies puter desk. She was pretty mad,but whatever. Let me know if you come up with a better way. Have you voted for the ball King and Queen yet? Let's get together at the ball have champagne. See you there.

Loveys Sasha

The Websters said...

That was so so so smart to hide it! Seriously, you should teach classes!

I give the drawings an A+ but is your mom using old pics or did your girl paint your nails again?


rottrover said...

We think you're brilliant, Puddles!! We, (especially me, Bart) really hate the rain. Yuck. You are one smart Doxie. Maybe your mum could get you a doxie-box for the bathroom - like a cat box...then you'd never have to poo outside. Just sayin'...

-Bart, Ruby and Conehead

jen said...

So were you moving the poop with your nose or did you have a pooper scooper?

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You did a good ting, girlfuriend! Number did pick da baffroom and not her's shoes. Number did attempt to make it go away.

Don't barf could send you me sissy Shelby. Her can make da poop disappear......FOREVER (if you nose what me means) BOL {YUCKY}

Linda said...

Only you Puddles, could make a story about poo hysterically funny.
I hope you used your paws and not your nose to move the poo to the closet.

xo Cinnamon

My Mind's Eye said...

Mom has tears in her eyes and she is cackling like a crazy woman.
this sentence is hilarious!!

"It was a nice consistency, not too hard, not too soft but hard enough to makes a ploppin' sound when it hitted da floor." Kudos to your mom for
using art not photos for demonstration. MOL

My offer still stands for a Cliff Notes in Litter box 101
Hugs Madi your BFFF

Unknown said...

Puddles we are cracking up over here. You are just the cleverest pup on the planet. Pity mum found out as it could have stayed in the closet forever. Great re-enactment. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Corbin said...

Remind me of this story the next time I think of smooching your poopie rolling smoocher.

Anonymous said...

Haha! You are TOO funny, Puddles! I can't believe you tried to hide it!

Surely Bunny won't notice ONE collar and ONE tiara missing?? Right...?? ;)

You and Chloe are two peas in a pod. She has her favorite pooping spot upstairs in my room. And her favorite pee spot is anywhere on the carpet...we're getting new carpet once she dies because she ruined it!!

Elyse and Riley

Millie and Walter said...

So I have a question...was the closet open? If not how were you going to open the door with your poo in front of it?


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Haw, haw, haw - my peeps had their laugh for the day. We hopes that your mom gave your feet and nose a fresh, clean wipe too but not with the bleach, of course.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

gee WHIZ.(that is a potty Pun fur you) Puddles... you should have called our mom... SHE LOVES POOPS.. she has a HOOOOOGE collection of our poops... She could have added YOURS to OURS and had a SUPER DUPER POOPER SCOOPER Poops sculpture thingy.

Peggy Frezon said...

I'm not sure I was ready for such a post first thing in the morning. I'm glad there are only drawings and not actual photographic evidence!

Idaho PugRanch said...

OMD Puddles, you has us rolling on the floor. That is just toooo smart and funny to try to hide the POOP. We don't like the rain either.
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hmmm, we notice since you visited us and had to drive to Atlanta with Buddy's head out one window and Sam's the other, you've gotten a bigger car - a convertible even. Must be so much more comfortable than the little red sports job.

Pippen said...

Did you get any on your nose???

Sam and Pippen

Katie said...

Puddles you sure are too funny for your own good! You are a smart cookie :-)

Oink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey NURSE PUDDLES... since you are on a

POOPS ROLL today I think I gotta tell you that just beclaws you are dressed up like a Navy Nurse... you gotta remember that when we are talkin NAVY stuffs.. Fleet does not mean Enemas. We are talkin ShiPs not ShiTs. Just sayin.

Brian's Home Blog said...

It sure is difficult to type cause I got the giggles!

Scooter said...

Oh that is funny Puddles. Now....why didnt you just cover it up with MY couch cushion and she would never know??


Scooter said...

Hey Puddles,
alls you had to do was pull on the roll of paper and drag it over and cover it with the fancy soft paper!!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

It could have been the carpet....just sayin'.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Puddles! You made us laugh and laugh! We thought pooping on the bathroom floor was bad enough...then you had to go on a roll...literally.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Those drawings are simply perfect! I pooped once on the rug and ate it. But she knew I did it anyhow
Benny & Lily

Ruby said...

OMD! GURL!!!! I just peed all overs myself!!! *Ma, I need another widdle pad!*
Okays, now Puddles, what the hell were you thinkin' tryin' to PUSH your poopie pellets into the CLOSET???? OMD, I thinks they were just fine just where they were. Out in the open where your Moms could squish it between her tootsies. What a great surprise for hers!! BOL, BOL!!
Okays, I know what I'm gettin' ya for Valentines Day....a case of DEPENDS!!!! Now, what size are you?

GizmoGeodog said...

OMD Puddles...Only you!! That is the best laugh ever...Momz sez I better not be taking lessons from you or we'll be having a serious "Come to Dog" meeting and there may be a loss of treats involved

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

BOL!! Oh my gosh'ums. That's the funniest thing ever Puddles!!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

Unknown said...

soo cute you guys look like you had a lot of fun!!!!

Unknown said...

sooooooooooo cute!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Could you not get the tiolet lid up?
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Dandy Duke said...

Bummer that you got caught! You are too funny, Puddles!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Dachshund Nola said...

BOL I just peed!

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Your intelligence is only surpassed by your beauty.


Unknown said...

Love Milo :)

Scooter said...

Wow, I'm so glad you didn't poop on the poopdeck of our ship today! BOL I can tell you that pooping indoors will get you in all sorts of trouble. Peeps have no sense of humor for that...not one bit. Thanks for joining me for our adventure today. I had a blast and I think the Navy will never be the same!! BWAR HAR HAR
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Now that's a fu7nntn story!

Sniff a the ball tomorruw night and save a dance for me.


Anonymous said...

Puddles you amaze us with your adventures! Heeheehee

Your Pals
Susie & Bites

Wyatt said...


You are a sneaky dog...we could learn a thing or two from you. I'm thinking you should do a seminar circuit. "The World According to Puddles"! We would buy tickets to see that!

Wyatt and Stanzie

K9 Katastrophie said...

Heehee!! You naughty girl!!


houndstooth said...

Bwaaaa ha ha ha ha! Oh, Puddles, you are a true canine mastermind! I admire you for so many reasons.

Hey, that collar looks familiar!


Dougall-the-Scottie said...

But it was the BATHROOM!!

Mollie said...

Tears rolling, that is so funy, thank God for bleach..BOL xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Unknown said...

Happy Valentines Day all.
Have a wonderful time.
We hope it is a good one.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Puddles, you did the right thing - for pooping in the bathroom. Now, in emergency I poop on the livingroom rug. An then my mom always says: why don't you use the bathroom? (heheee....)

ShellePenn said...

TMI.. just TMI

Why were you putting your poop in the closet though??? You saving it for some future nefarious purpose?

You are going to throw it at people throwing at you in the dunking booth, aren't you!!

Girlll seriously.

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

KB said...

Oh Puddles, the closet was an awesome idea. Too bad she caught you...