Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Happy Hump Day!
Okays, today is Wednesday and I is suppose to be wordless...
Aint dat just hystericals?

Lemme shows ya'll what happened to me just moments
afters I peed on sissy's bed...mum calls it karma...whatevers
da heck dat is.
 It was just pure terribles.
"oh blankie 2 I thoughted we had sumtin' special togedders"

Ya'll, I thoughted my blankie was gonna eats ALL of me, 
I has had nightmares ever since.
Luckily, afters mum stopped laughin', hers helped me gets out of da horror hole.
Don't worry I was not harmed too bad...just still hasin' nightmares.

Puddles and Blankie 2


Marg said...

Oh No Puddles, not the swallowing blankie. Yikes, that really is scary. We are so glad you were rescued. But you do look cutesie surrounded by that blankie. Have a great day.

genji said...

Puddles. Wordless? What would be the point? Hope you and blankie 2 have come to an understanding.

Cowspotdog said...

Was that a blob blankie......slowly smothering and absorbing you.

My Mind's Eye said...

Puddles at first we thought it was a great big bib so you could eat your corner piece of cake with no worries.

I'm convinced blankies are possessed.
Sure as tootin' when I get under my it starts patting me and rubbing me and sayin' where is Madi? Plain crazy girlfriend.

Hugs madi your bfff

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...(tight, quivering lips...building to explosion...) BRRRWWAHHHAAARRRAA BOL

Ahem. I'm okay. The floor can handle the floods.

Awwwwwww Puddles. Have you considered that maybe Blankie 'too' is hurting 'one'? Maybe it just really wanted to get close and cuddly? At least that's what I told myself about the sheet that tried to eat my feet the other night........

(and it's nowhere near halloween yet!) Go and rub yourself in some chamomile - it'll help the (cough) sleep.

Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Mollie said...


Mollie and Alfie

GOOSE said...

I bet that blankie 2 just wanted to be close to you. I mean who wouldn't. Maybe it was afraid it was next after the bed incident and thought if it swallowed you up first it would not have to take a spin in the washing machine.
Either way glad you escaped.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Now SEE... when you Pee on your Sissy's Lounging Pad.. you evoke the REVENGE of the BEDDING.
We hope you learned a lesson:
Don't Pee on the cushie stuffs beclaws that Pees them Off.

Unknown said...

Puddles are you turning into Houdini? Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Lovable Lily said...

OMD! You really did get eatted by Blanket 2. We sure are glad that you're ok (well, except for the nightmares.) You better start sleeping with one eye open.....

Lily Belle & Muffin

houndstooth said...

Oh no! That looks horrible! I'm glad you got out alive!


Scooter said...

Hey Puddles!
Wow, that's really scary! I do think it was a bit of linen revenge, but I'll be extra careful around my Dad's pillow from now on. Ya just never know!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

stellaroselong said...

I overheard my MOM tell my DAD this morning AFTER she had read your blog that "this is the reason that we don't want Maggie hanging out with that doxie!" Whatever that means!
Stella Rose
P.S. My mom can be snotty like that sometimes.

Millie and Walter said...

Oh Puddles only you could get swallowed up by a blankie. Glad your mom helped you out of there.

Millie & Walter


Puddles oh no the blankie monster!
*thank you for the kind comments about our beloved Abby*

Pippen said...

Dear Ms. Puddles Duddles...

It ain't the bikes that skeer us... it's the blankies!

Sam and Pippen

Matilda the Boxer said...

How mean! I can't believe your blankie would just turn on you like that! Maybe it didn't get its rabies shot and went rabid!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OMD....Karma, my butt! Dat blankie was tryin to have its way wit you.

You owe your Momma fur gettin you outta dere.

Noodles said...

Thanks for warning us about the real danger of blankets swallowing us up! I have always been a little wary of blankies - but now. . .
Love Noodles

Anonymous said...

A Blankie what eats doggies? That's scary, but I would like a people-eater-blankie. Maybe a purple one LOL Have a wonderful wednesday.

Inger said...

That must have been one HUNGRY blankie!

Peggy Frezon said...

That is a little scary! Hope the pillow doesn't find you.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Oh my Puddles, we are sorry but we are laughing at Ambers comment

Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Murphy said...

Shoulda never peed on the bed! We are glad you got rescued from the blankie!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

We have found it is best to strike first in the Blankie Wars - if we kick them off the bed, they can't attack you!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Sketching with Dogs said...

It is supposed to be a measure of a dog's intellignece how quickly they can get out of something that is thrown over them. Mum has covered Dip with a blankie before and came to the conclusion she would still be there next week if someone didn't take it off for her!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

stellaroselong said...

No, Puddles my Dad doesn't have any problem with you hanging out with Mags, cos he himself has a bit of a wildstreak running down his back, its MY MOM that is the stick in the mud.
stella rose

Geoauntie said...

Dear dear Puddles, I do not know what to say, I think it is a disgrace you mum giving you a blankie that has holes in it!!
Oh Puddles nightmares too I think your mum has some making up to do. hehehehehe
Lady Vicki

The Furries of Whisppy said...

HAHAHAHA! Oh noes, we can't stop laughing! HAHAHAHAHA!
Will this teach you NOT to pee on your sissy's bed? Somehow, we don't think so. MOL!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Watch out Puddles, the foot monster lives in there!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Uh-oh! Karma can be a real pain in the tushie sometimes. Glad you weren't harmed!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles, you do get yourself into predicaments! Thank Dogs you do, cause life would be pretty dull without you. I think you should keep this in mind for a Halloween costume. "I am Puddles, crazy head in a blanket dog!" or something like that. Did you leave any packages in there?? I am so glad you are back that I am dancing just a little right now.

Loveys Sasha

Duke said...

You look a little bit nervous in your blankie eating pictures, Puddles! We hope you don't have nightmares forever about this!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

I was in shock earlier when there was a comment from none other than PUDDLES!! It was like hearing from a ghost! Just kidding!

Glad to see you're back (although you've been back for a week or two now, and we're just now noticing...what good friends Riley and I are, huh?)! ;)

I looked at this post earlier on my phone and my comment got eaten, but it looked like your Mum had done a poor job of photoshopping your head onto a picture with a blankie. Now that I look at it on a computer screen, that blankie totally ate you!! (And it's a legit picture!).

Looks like your Mum is going to have to break down and buy you another nice blankie, since that one has turned to cannibalism!!

Caught up on the other posts--good job on peeing on Whitney's lounge pad! (Side note, Chloe has peed in my room TWICE this week! She hates me). :)

Elyse (and Riley), your bad friends!

Val said...

oh Puddles it's good to have you back!! even if it's in a blanket :)

KB said...

Oh Puddles, I cannot believe that your mother laughed when you were being eaten by the blankie!

Mary Lou said...

Hi!! I created another Blog today--just for diverse Writing Projects!!--check it out at this address, if you would like!! ;) .

Taffy said...

OMD! You look terrified! I am not much of a snuggler but I learned that you short hairs like that sort of thing. Maybe you should just give in and burrow down for a nice nap!

Taffy said...

Well, that was supposed to say: I learned from Twix that you shorthairs like that sort of thing.
Don't let your mom do the typing for you...they always eff it up!

jen said...

What type of doggie eating blankets does your Mom have in that house?
Actually I should't say anything, we have human eating blankets here! One tried to eat me last night!

booahboo said...

didya eats them blankie or did the blankie eats yous? is this the same as the chicken and eggs thingys too?

booahboo said...

wordless does not work for Ms Puddles.. don't even try.. cos it would be weird if Puddles goes WORDLESS... rights?

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Oh no! I didn't know blankies could eat doggies!

Ruby said...

HOLY COW PATTIES!!! What the ......!!!! Gurl, only you could get into such a predicament!!! (well, you AND me, butts let's not split hairs...) Well, I guess I'll have to come over theres and fish ya out. Now, I'm thinkin' two six-packs should relax you enoughs to slip outta theres, butts I can always just bring a case. You need to be well lubricated to escape somethin' like that!! BOL
Okays, you gots the Cheetos and pee-cans, right? Wells, we can make a run after I free you ~ you still gots your Moms car keys, right?
Ruby ♥

The Websters said...

I think your blankie was mad at you for going potty on the bed. You really need to show it who's boss!

Anyway...are you going to come and teach me how to be a big sister?


What Remains Now said...

Yikes. Don't pee no more on Sissy's bed, Puddles.

Katie said...

Oh Puddles, what a scary blanket! Glad you got out okay :-)

Mary Lou said...

Rule breaker!! Yeah, I am that, too. A self-described rebel rule-breaker!! ;)
Crack. Me. Up!! Sorry. No, actually I am not sorry!! Crack. Me. Up!! ;op
--Raelyn and Rose

A MilShelb Mom said...

OMD! We are glad you are ok! What a terrible thing to happen.

Our Mom laughed so hard she cried. She said it was "too funny" but we didn't think so!
~Milly and Shelby

Bobbie said...

Oh Puddles! The look on your face! I guess you will think twice before peeing where you shouldn't from now on, right? Poor thing.

Patrice and Higgins said...

Puddlessss.....I don't think you could be wordless!!!! Teehee!!! Anyhoos...So glad that you were able to escape that bad blankie!!
