Monday, September 27, 2010

Intoducing Mini Me

Happy Mondays ya'll!
Da Elgin Pugamuffins sent me's a  Mini Me awhiles back and
I hasn't introduced ya'lls to hers yet cuz her needed to be trained furst.
Howevers, Mini Me is untrainable...But, I introduce you anyways.

Introducing Mini Me....

Oooops sorry...wrong end

Here ya go...
Ain't hers purty....da resemblance is uncanny if you asks me.

Lemme just say dat Mini Me is a pawful (and unrtrainable)
"I can explain"
Yea, I bets you can

Then befores I knew it , Mini Me turned into a regular ol' drunk
"dis good stuffs Puddles"
Stay outta my beers would ya!

Oh dat not all hers done...
hers even got into my Avon makeups and now hers looks like a tramp
"How does I look?"
I thinks I has created a monster

I haves no idea where Mini Me has picked up all these bad habits..cough...cough.
I should prolly leaves on dat note...hehehe!

Peace Out,


Ruby and Penny said...

Mini you is adorable Puddles.
Ruby & Penny

houndstooth said...

Bwaaaaa ha ha! Mini Me is as cute as you! I know exactly where she got those bad habits -- from another untrainable doxie! Are you going to try to send her to rehab so you can have your beer back?


Unknown said...

You are such a little nut Puddles! I am LOL!

Charlotte said...

Hmm, now where do you spose Mini Me picked up those bad habits?

We just don't know, Puddles!

((hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

Unknown said...

Puddles! You looks kinda, umm, differents this morning. I can't quite puts my paw on it....

I go gets da reading glasses to take a better look


Mack said...

She is a mess isn't she??!! But awfully cute!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! That's cute Mini-Me. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Dat mini-me Puddles is cutes AND she likes beer!!!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

My Mind's Eye said...

Puddles if you want to get rid of mini me....give her some of that cream I will make her invisible....
Hugs and MOLs.

Anonymous said...

Haha! oh, that Mini Me is quite a pill! Well, at least you'll have company the next time you have to go to

Wiggles & Wags,

Bruschi said...

Oh what a striking resemblence Puddles!!! I can't IMAGINE where she learned those bad habits!!

The Daily Pip said...

Love the new header picture! OK, so as long as Mini Me stays away from my beer, I am fine with her joining the gang. She does look very good in powder blue!

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

Oh, I sees better now
Da Elgins done went and got you a Pudlet!
Her is very pretty and a carbon copy of da Puddles!

Now I be thinking this could work out very good fur you. Whenever your mom thinks you been bad (which prolly never happens) you can just blame it on da Pudlet!

Pretty soon your mom will be thinking da Puddles is even more perfect than Albert!


Corbin said...

Hm, I might have to get me a puddles mini me so I can have you with me always! Where can I find one, I wonder....?

Unknown said...

peeS.....I loves da redecorating you have done on your blog...

Those Elgin Pugs said...


Mommy is on 'da floor laughing so hard....

when hers catches her breaf's...
she be backs!!!!!!

'da Josie

the teacher's pets said...

I think somebody else should be training your Mini-Me or else she's going to end up on a street corner with a beer in hand looking like a tramp because she's learned to wear too much makeup from Miss Avon herself! Why don't you let her live with Daisy for a few days so she can learn how to flirt with the boys instead? Send her on over, please!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hummmmm Now Pawsonally I'm thinkin'

You sorta have this one comin'.
I don't think you should be listenin' to that Minna Krebs' advice though. You shouldn't be puttin the blame on such an innocent little one. I'm just sayin'.

koko said...

Mini You is untrainable coz she is a.... mini you :)

Licks, hero

Brian's Home Blog said...

Looks like Mini Me is trained pretty good to me!

Texas The Doxie said...

Monster? Yeah dats what I was thinkings

Barbara said...

Mini Me is someone you can blame bad behavior on now! You didn't do it, Mini Me did!

And stay away from Puddles beer!!

booahboo said...

mini Puds? oh boyyyyyyyyyyyy.. *runsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss*

rottrover said...

Mini You even has the swollen eye like you had. Did you put a sider near her??

booahboo said...

what were the Elgin Pugs thinking when they send you a mini me... it would be chaos in the world with 2 Puddles... even though one is a mini version *BOL*

but the resemblance... is... ahem.. urmm... how in the world did the mini get those bad habits from... *wink*

booahboo said...

the avon on her... too much laaa too much.. hahahhahahahhahahahaa

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Puddles, you are so cute! Mini me looks exactly like you and where could she have possibly picked up any bad habits! Love the new header's very pretty! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Unknown said...

awww the mini you is a cutie - she looks just as pretty as you in her makeup!

JacksDad said...

I think mini-me may have a few threads loose if you ask me! :)

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

Mini is super cute! I am sorry that she is drinking all the beer!
Have a Wonderful Day.

Piappies World said...

Hi Puddles!

Now the mini-you would be a handful too! The mini-Puddles is just as adorable and cute as you. Weeeeee

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

Asta said...

I can't imagine who could have intwodooced mini me to all those bad habits..goodness knows you'we a pawfect wole's too bad she didn't em u late you bettew, heheh
smoochie kisses

Remington said...

ha ha....I have NO idea where she would of gotten any bad habits around you....ha ha

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MOL, we have no idea where Mini Me picked up those ideas either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Duke said...

Mini-You could never pick up any bad habits from you, Puddles, seeing as you don't have any - not even one, right?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Road Dog Tales said...

Looks to us like you did a good job training Mini Me! Look at this way, Puddles - now you have someone else to blame for, well . . . anything! Maybe that was your plan all along :)
The Road Dogs

Those Elgin Pugs said...


We's back!!! Mommy is still catching her breafs!!

Now, 'da Josie Mini me's acts 'da same way... hee hee!! Matter of 'da fact... her is missing right nows...

she was last seen 'dis morning running around 'da house wits Mommys lipsticks on 'den all 'da sudden a little piddle of pee pee's on 'da floor and hers goes missing...


Yous mini me Puddles be tricky...
butt yous can blame hers for things like getting into yous Momma's purse or making long distance phone calls or pay-per view movies 'dat be rated R!!

She is cute 'dose!!!

hee hee... we's can't stop laughing..

'da Josie


Mommy was at 'da same walgreens and 'dey restocked...

'dey have an Army of Mini me Puddles's waiting to take over!!!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Puddles cuddles!

I think Minni you really is a mini YOU!


Pee.s. I likes the picture of you on top of your blog!!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

MOL!!! Mini you is soooo cute. We have no idea where she picked up those bad habits either. **wink, wink**


Mini is so adorable and I can see why yoo too gets alongs so well Puddles!

Laffin and laffin

Martha said...

Puddles, we think one of you is enough for most dogs!
The Mini Me is cute but a little creepy......!
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxxx

Zona said...

Mini-me's make up makes me chuckle. I think pups are missing something in the pro-mini-me column: "I didn't do it... MINI-ME did it!"


Doxie Rod said...

oh puddles your mini me is just adorable!! but nothing is as cute as you :) thank you for brightening my monday after a long work day!

A MilShelb Mom said...

hahahaha!!! We think she's GREAT!
~Milly and Shelby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Puddles!
I suspect Mini Mi has come under a bad influence!
Kisses and hugs

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Mini you is pawsome!!!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Our map lites up wits 'da london bridge!!

Na Na Naaaaaa naaa... naaaaa naaa na... hey Jude!!! Snorts!!!!!!

'da Josie

Taffy said...

OMG! Puddles, we have one of those in the spare bedroom. OMG! Run! Run for your life.....
PS: Thanks for brightening a tough day and I love your pink and green update!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

She'll be in rehab in no time at all!


Miley said...

Mini you is cute, but not as much as you Puddles!
I think I know whee those bad habits came from! Whitney! Hmmm... or maybe not. :)

Cuddles and licks,
Love Miley xxx

P.S. Twix linked to you on her blog! Funny that...

Neeko said...

Hello Cutie Pie ♥

Sorry I missed this post...
You see, my Nana's boy, Danny G. is at my house for the week and I'm kinda behind things...
I better get my act together 'cuz I hear that my Bro is taking over my blog... Grrr!

Anyways, your Mini You is verrry cuuute!
You can do what I do: blame the bad things on her... except that my evil twin is invisible. It should be easier for you since you have her in the fur.
Brilliant! Just Brilliant!
You've done it again!

Neeko ♥