Friday, September 24, 2010

MY Tongue and Asta's Birfday

I brings ya'll da latest breaking news in da Twinkletoes Tongue Contest:

My Tongue!

It may not be freakishly long or
haves a cute little curly whirl to it
and it may not flip flop outta side of my mouth
But, I swears if ain't da PURTIEST tongue I have evers seen.
(Now Twinkie bout dat million dollars you promised...mail it to 123 Puddles St)

...and as a special bonus I included some ear action at da same time.
I am very multi-talented what can I say
(Oh, and they is no special category fur da purtiest tongue, I just made dat up...hehehe!)

Send or post your TONGUE photo anytime between now and the end of National Dog Week. My email is twinkietinydog (@) and I am looking forward to your submissions. If you choose to post, please email me the link. I don't want to miss anybody. For those of you that lack imagination, think peanut butter, yogurt on a stick, something yummy. Go on, tell your parents and make sure you tell them what "ingredient" to use to get your tongues to look better. Furiends, you should have known my contest would be a fun one for the participants.

Ya'll run and tell Asta happy birfday!

We Loves you Asta and hopes you has a wonderful Birfday!


Peace Out,
Add Glitter to your Photos


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow!! Great tongue picture Puddles. was ya trying to pick your nose with that tongue?

Asta & Mommy's Mommy's birrthday is today. she would be 97 hyears olf today.


houndstooth said...

Puddles, I think you just used this as an excuse to blow raspberries at everyone! I do hope you can somehow learn to hold your licker.


Ruby and Penny said...

Great tongue Puddles.
Love the new blog look.
Ruby & Penny

My Mind's Eye said...

Puddles did you put a little mousse on your tongue to make it curl like that? Very, very cute PRD picture!!!
Happy Weekend,
Madi and Mom

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

The ear action really add something to the tongue theme, Puddles. Nice glamour shot.

lotsa licks, Lola

Unknown said...

I figured you be all over this contest since da prize to da winner is a COUPON!!!


Unknown said...

I figured you be all over this contest since da prize to da winner is a COUPON!!!


Anonymous said...

Heehee! You DO have the cutest little tongue EVER, that's fur sure! But then you add the ear action and well, it's practically cuteness overload!

Oh, gosh...I didn't know it was Asta's birthday! I'll have to run right over and gives her some birthday kisses!

Wiggles & Wags,

Unknown said...

Okay, furst don't count as two comments today when da stupid blackberries sends da same comment TWICE! (How embarassing)

Seconds off, and speaking of da blackberries.....did you know that when my mom reads you post you have a COMMERCIAL as your signature?

BOL!!!! Your signature be all one word
"PuddlesAdd Glitter to Your Photos"!!!! trying to be like Lucy?

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Now see how you are???
You are stickin in the EAR thingy beclaws you think you are gonna get extra points for that. NOPE.. Twinkie will NEVER fall for your scheme. You little cheater.
neener neener neener

Unknown said...

LOL You are a cutie for sure!

Corbin said...

Puddles, I think you're thinking about kissing me in that picture... that lick was meant for my face, wasn't it? Don't lie...

Road Dog Tales said...

Now that is a purty tongue! And with the ear action, well, who could resist? Glad we're not having to pick the winner in this contest! It's gonna be tuff!
The Road Dogs

The Heartbeats said...

Puddles, yous so purdy! Even yous mad face was purdy yesterday! Normally, we got to Dr. Furr. He's our neighbor and very sweet. However, Daddy is seeing a client pro bone-o but she works for another vet and that vet has offered free vet care. We weren't planning to take him up on it but this is probably gonna save Momma and Daddy losts o' treats!


Diana Chiew said...

Nice picture, Puddles! Twinkie must be real busy with all those entries to his contest.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Puddles, you are so cute!! Good luck on the tongue shot along with the ear shot too!!! Happy Birthday to Asta!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Maggie Mae and Max said...


LUVS your tongue photo!! A winner fur sure!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS My dates wif Otis wuz a total surprise. He picked me up in da balloons and swepted me off my paws!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Bunny on this one. I'm sure you've just been waiting for an opportunity to stick your tongue out at everyone.

Barbara said...

Man Puddles, you is bery talented!!

booahboo said...

that sures is the purtiest i must say so myself.. and the ear thingy flipping overs.. hehehehhee.. you sure knows how to do them tricks :D

happy Fridays to you Puds.. and be nice to the black blobs.. i mean Whitney and Alberts :)

Remington said...

Great pic, Puddles -- it is SOOOO you! Happy Birthday to Asta! You are so nice to post it!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a "fab" tongue, go, girl!!!!!!!!!! That ear action is mighty cute!!!!!!!

Piappies World said...

What a great tongue photo, Puddles! We also joined at contest and we are enjoying seeing the entries.

Good luck for that winning shot!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

OH, Puddles, the tongue shot was great, but you really put the icing on it with that ear move:)

Happy Birthday to sweet Asta - we hope she has a very nice one.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Holy smokes! Look at the length of your tongue! (well it is long compared to ours). We think you have a cute tongue.

K9 Katastrophie said...

You have such a bootiful tongue!! I didn't know you had a train! Can you take me for a ride sometime?


Brian's Home Blog said...

You got it going on there Puddles! Happy Birthday Asta!

Barbara said...

Of courses I knows youz a girl! You just talk mean like a boy!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Well, cuddle Puddles, I have a secret. I am your twin sister and can feel what your feeling and know what your knowing. That is how I know you has a train. I can also see what your seeing!! We must have been seperated at birth!


Pee.s. Your comment on Frankie's blog said you had a train.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo are sooooo tres suave!

AND YES, Happy Birfday to Asta!


Doxie Rod said...

you're right, puddles! the ear plus adorable tongue makes for the perfect picture. great moment captured!

Neeko said...

Ha haaa... Cutie Pie ♥
I think Corbin got you on this one :o)))
LOVE the ear thing too...
You are just tooooo funnyyyyyy!

Neeko ♥

Anonymous said...

There must be a misunderstanding. I asked for a million $$$ to post your photo BOL

Neeko said...

Oh! One more thing! I almost forgot to wish your friend Asta a very Happy Birthday.
Nice thing you did for her :o)

Neeko ♥


*woo hoo*
Puddles dat wuz grate!

Happy woof day Asta!


Those Elgin Pugs said...

Ya'll is ka-razy!
I will come backs afters I erase dat tongue image from my brain.


Those Elgin Pugs said...

hee hee

'dat was a comments left on our bloggy from a dear furiend...BOL


we's wished Asta a happy b-day earlier...
what a nice b-day tribute~

IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man

Zona said...

Very nice... I bet you win your made up category. haha!!

The ear action - did you just wakes up? That happens to Phoenix if she's hot or woken in a middle of a nap. She's usually pretty mad at me when I do that.

Off to Asta's!! I didn't know about her big day err... weekend!


Lorenza said...

Puddles! I made my "tongue" post today and it has some ear action too!
But... I am not soo good showing my tongue!
Happy Birthday to Asta!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

We love the ear flip to go with your tongue curl, Puddles! This is what they call multi-tasking, right?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

How Sam Sees It said...

We love your new header! ...and the tongue picture!


The Daily Pip said...

The keg is tapped! Unfortunately, it doesn't fit in the X-Paws mobile.

Your pal, Agent Pip

Unknown said...

My momma and I are still catching up with everybuddy from this week. Butt I needs to clear this up......did you really pee on Tank's leg to heal him?? Your holy waters is amazing.

Maybe Lucy should begins marketing it!

the booker man said...

miss puddles,
you've got some good range with that tongue, and you're woofin' that it's not long 'n curly enough? whatevs, girlie!!

the booker man

Miley said...

Hello! That is such a cute tongue picture - good luck with Twinkie!

I found your blog from Twix's, and like her, I LOVE it! You are such a cutie, and I'm your newest follower!

Cuddles and licks,
Love Miley xxx

Asta said...

Oh my dog Puddles
How could I have missed this fantaboolous cawd fwom you..I'm soo ashamed( I think I may have to fiwe Mommi-secwetawy) she is useless
I love my's amazing is it fwom youw collection???
I know you must have millions of them, being a pwincess and all.
Thank you'we a soopew doopew wondewful fwiend!!!!

smoochie kisses
pee eess youw tongue is amazing!!! and gowgeous wf the matching twiwly eaw