Monday, May 16, 2011

Look At Me

Lemme just tells ya'll how bored I was during da Blogger sickies!
 So I was subjected to da worse thing possibles....

But I did discover sumptin' cool.
Look what I can do.....

 I can make myself have TWO chins!
OMD, ain't dat da most amazin' thing you ever did see?
Bwhahahahaha....sometimes I think I is too funny fur my own good.
And da hoomans get all bent outta shape bout double chins...pffffft!
I thinks it's quite charming.

My talents are limitless what can I say?

Peace Out,


The Daily Pip said...

That is very impressive! I don't think I can do that with all my fur in the way. But I can curl my tongue, roll it up like a rug. I bet you can't do that! That's about my only trick ...

It sure was boring without blogger on Friday wasn't it? I was forced to nap on the couch and watch TV all day.

Your pal, Pip

Anonymous said...

You're your own #1 fan, huh Puds?

That phone number you gave me was totally bogus.

What Remains Now said...

It makes my heart happy that someone in the world is happy about double-chins in a picture. I try to not have a double-chin in pictures, which is why it looks like I'm checking out airplanes in all my photos. Puddles, you are a lesson to us all in self-confidence. You go girl!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Golden Hello, I'm back from my long Spring Break. It kind a helped us the bloggie sickies. We were able to catch-up on our reading but got really confused with the double posties. I just basically stayed on my bed. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Puddles...more chin means there is more skin which meas there is more PUDDLES to luvs to death and we all say More Puddles Please.
Hugs Madi

Erin said...

I thought girls didn't even like havin two chins and here you is makin yourself have them!!?



Dexter said...

I believe those are called wattles. Hehehe.


Unknown said...

You WAS bored, weren't you.....


Adien Crafts said...

My human can do that without even trying! We thought you looked like you'd just been given a lemon thinking it was a nice treat - hee hee, it's such a funny photo! Dex & Lou x

Unknown said...

Pawsonally, I like the 'look' in your looks like you are scheming your next adventure.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WOW!! You have soooooo very much many Hidden Talents!! I am stunned that you can do such a thingy.
BUTT... after seeting this.. I am now PRAYING that Blogger NEVER EVER goes down again. I'm just sayin.

ShellePenn said...

and this close to bikini season? ofc dachshund rules of beauty are totally different than hooman. :)

Road Dog Tales said...

Double chins never looked so adorable!

The Road Dogs

Remington said...

You look great Miss Puddles!

Anonymous said...

Grandma gets all upset over her double chin or "turkey neck" as she calls it! I'm going to have to show her this post because you look most gorgeous--even with two chins! Maybe she'll learn to look on the bright side.

The Blogger sickies were a real bummer. Glad everything seems to be working again now though.

Oh, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with cracking yourself up and being your own number one fan! :-)

Elyse and Riley

Corbin said...

Hm... I think there is a hidden message in this post. With that look in your eye... you MUST be planning something.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Very cool, Puddles - how did you do that!!! TD can do funny things with his ears and his tongue, but this one is really unique.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

the teacher's pets said...

Fur all of those human girls out there ... pay attention to Puddles because she says it's okay to have 2 chins! Bravo!

Bocci said...

We are impressed, Puddles! Your talents are limitless!

We wanted to thank you for your inciteful commentary on our abuse/hoarding posts and to let you know that we've done some investigation... and in the next day or so, we'll be doing a comprehensive post that discusses how to report animal cruelty-we did an interview with the HSUS, and we've got lots of great info...thanks to your suggestion!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Our mama has two chins ya suppose that's ONE of the reasons she loves you so much, Puddles??????

As for us kitties, we just plain love ya......and would even if you had a dozen chins!!!!!!!!!

Backcountry Brodie said...

If'n it wozn't fur my sis Dixie hasing the dubbull chins (or tripull, mebbe) I would has thunked that you be air brushing your pikshures in your blogger down time.

Scooter said...

Yes, very impressive Puddles. A girl of many talents!!

Jazzi and addy

Brian's Home Blog said...

You always look devine Puddles, no matter how many chins you have!

Barbara said...

Puddles, you owe me a keyboard. I just spit my coffee out laughing at your pictures. Man, I should just learn to embrace my double chin...yours is so cute!

pam said...

We has fourple chins. But then we has fourple cheeks and foreheads and butt wrinkles and and and... (mommy says the list goes on and on - dats rude mommy!!!)

Bobo and Meja (does you gots any of dat wrinkles remover cream?)

Bruschi said...

BOL! You really do crack me up....and yourself too apparently! BOL! Being bored can make you do some silly things! The two chin is a nice look for you though!

Unknown said...

My Mom was cracking up for sure with this post Puddles! She is always trying to not show her doubles! Billy

rottrover said...

I have two chins, too!! And I am MOST handsome!!

Unknown said...

Wow Puddles that sure is impressive, I have been working on tummy rolls myself!

Tucker said...

Oh I thinks someone needs to lay off the cheetos. BOL. Dat comment in gonna gets me in trouble but I couldn't help it.

woof - Tucker

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You are ONE talented girl, Puddles!!! We're starting our day with a big chuckle.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

We can't do that because our beards would cover it up.

A MilShelb Mom said...

We LOVE it!! Milly has double chins, too!
~Milly and Shelby

Anonymous said...

Heehee! I can do that, too! Mom says I have Old Man Neck. I think that's a compliment.

And WHHHHAAAAAAT? You gots a SQUIRREL????? OMD! OMD! Forgets Broward County. I bet Navy Seal Team Six is gonna be calling you for your precision killing technique. Come to think of it, I heard they had a dog with them when they went to that Osama guy's place. Was that YOU?

Wiggles & wags,


We fink yoo is pawsome!

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

JacksDad said...

Oh, so now you're a CHIN-chilla! :)

houndstooth said...

Wow! That's a very distinguished look for you, Miss Rainwater! Do they allow you to look distinguished in Redneckville?

A bird crapped on you?! OMD! I have been laughing about that all day!


Duke said...

We would love you no matter how many chins you had, Puddles!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Puddles!
It is not easy to do that!
You are grrreat!
Kisses and hugs

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Ah, Puddles....I hates to be da barer of bad newsys but ain't 2 chins a sign of.....old age?

K9 Katastrophie said...


Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Puddles, you weren't bored. You were BORED! You sure do look proud of yourself for your double chins. Hehehe.

Two French Bulldogs said...

you must have been bored. Look at all those chins!
Benny & Lily

tweedles said...

Puddles,, you are too funny... i think my mommy hides her two chins

Just Jess for now said...

I can't even see your pictures Puddles and you have me in stitches.
PS: Baloo's new Mama loves reading your blog too. I told her she should read and she always to check in to see what you will be up to next. :)

Anonymous said...

Heh heh heh you were really bored ;P

Actually your two chins give you a bit of a professorish look ;) Made me pay attention it did! BOL!

Waggin at ya,

Ronnii said...

BOL @Puddles yoo is just sooo kewl ! Da Momster has like 87 chins dats why her hates havin her photy tooked butts mee wood lov her ifs her hads 887 chins. Hoo-mans is just soooooooooooo weird


Dog Foster Mom said...

Aww, puddles you're so cute, with one chin or two! And tell your mom -great photography, as always. :-)

Bobbie said...

Puddles, you're so funny!! LOL. I've missed you.

Martha said...

Hi Puddles, thanks for dropping by. We must say we think you look beautiful even with a double chin - now that doesn't seem to work with humans!
Your mom always takes great pics of you.
We heard about blogger having the sickies - glad it seems to be better.
Martha and Bailey xx

Anonymous said...

Wow Puddles you sure is amazing!

woo woos, Tessa

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Teehee. Mom calls the extra skin under out chin 'dwaddle' - or 'dwaddlum' in plural. (I think Mom may be a secret drinker...)

As for our yard. Um. For the last couple years Mom has done 'zero-scaping' (i.e. not a damn thing - as opposed to 'xeriscaping' - which would require money and effort and stuff), and last year, about August, our yard became mostly dirt, and since it's clay, we have red dust, and one day Abby got smacked down to the point that she went from blond to red. True story.

Anyhoo, Mom has decided that she can't live with Dust Bowl 2011 (this woman has issues - no mud, no dust... no fun...), and she's DETERMINED to put down some grass seed this year. But she's got to rake the yard (which hasn't been done since the Pleistocene era), so she's been doing that for the last 2 weeks. She wanted to put grass seed down this week, but it snowed last night, so she's using that as an excuse to not finish raking and put in the grass.... (I think she's just lazy...)

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

booahboo said...

Does the double chin mean that you gotta be on a diet soon? hehehehehe

booahboo said...

I can't do them double chins... but i could do jumping jacks really well :p

kissa-bull said...

finally someone else agrees wiff us. we've been tellin our mommish double chins are all the rage right now but she wont beweeive us.thank you puddles now that you say so she's gonna know that its the truth

pibble sugars
the pittie pack