Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WTF Wednesday: #1

Welcome to my very furst edition of WTF Wednesday!
I has borrowed da idea from Mango withs pawmission cuz I thoughts it was a luverly idea.
So thank you Mango furs lettin' me join in withs you.

I shall begin nows.
Well, I goes to many many many blogs withs some of da most breathtakin' scenery evers,
scenery dat just happens to makes me wanna move from my 'hood.
Scenery dat I be jealous of cuz ya'll all looks so purty with your outside da house fotos.

So I thoughts I would show ya'll da scenery I gets to look at everyday...
day in, day out, day in, day out, day in, and day gets it doncha?
And, ya'll knows how much I likes to make fun of da Stoopid's too,
so I can kill 2 squirrels withs one rock today.
My scenery leaves me with them 3 little letters...WTF?

 Like WTF is alls I can manage to gets out of my mouf.
It do leaves me dumfounded.

Dat theres is da Stoopid's dog kennel...and half fallen down fence...withs a tire and tons of udder crap on a tarp.
(I don't know if they actually has a dog stayin' in da kennel though)
 Hmmmm...nows I knows why mum don't wanna takes any fotos in da backyard.

Nows, on a side note...
I wanna wish my BFF brindly girl Mayzie a most wonderful HAPPY GOTCHA DAY!
I loves you Mayzie and thank you fur bein' my furiend.

If you would likes to send Auntie Judi a card you can email Pip at mrpippip(at)gmail(dot)com to gets da addy.


What Remains Now said...

A good first installment of this series.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Wow! Maybe they keep Squirrels in that pen. No.. that's not right.. THEY are the squirrels who NEED to be kept in a pen.

My Mind's Eye said...

Puddles they say a picture is worth a 1000 words; however, why wasted 997 words when 3 will do?!
Thank goodness you are vertically challenged and can't see the top of the shanty.
Hugs from your BFFF
PS be sure to take lots of beer to Mayzie's party. The tuna in my cake will need somewhere to swim

Lovable Lily said...

I agree with you Puddles, WTF is exactly what I'd be saying too. Great job on your first WTF posting.

Lily Belle

Unknown said...

Super WTF 1st posting! Dang, we sure wouldn't want to live near the Stoopids house either! Prolly rats in that building!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

booahboo said...

i am the jinxed.. i type me a loooooooooong comments and just lost it.

booahboo said...

%#&&@((@#((###@@@@.. the shorty comment works.

booahboo said...

hehehhee.. please don't mind our jingle bells words. I do apologise for them words... anyyyyyyyyways... i was just saying..

Peoples tells mes to look for the good n the beeeyootiful in everything and everyone... we try.. we really did try and find the beeeyootiful in yer picture... but if your momma have photoshoppy them picture and leave them green beautiful leaves... it is a beaaautiful scenery too... and most importantly to photoshops you in.. on another layers and you can make them picture beautiful.

how's them new camera? i am so so so jealous.

we am smarties pants now... we copy this comments first.. just in case the loooooooooong comments don't go in...

Bassetmomma said...

WTF??? I don't know how you're ever gonna top that one! BOL!

booahboo said...

Never never ever read camera manuals.. they are boring to bits and and and they cut the fun out of finding out things yerself and and jamming it :)... just shoot and run your fingers through all them buttons.. and and.. wear your nicest clothes and go lie on them floor or the grass to take them nice pics.. we are awaiting for the review of the beautiful Puddles.. i mean the camera.. :) i am still so very the jealous. Can you please mail your old camera over please pretty please. You don't need them anymores.

btw... the worse that could happen to the controls is... u can always reset its :D

i am still jealous.

The Daily Pip said...

Bawhahahaha! WTF Wednesday for sure! What happens when it rains? Looks like the whole thing might fall down! Maybe the stupid peeps should be forced to live in under that tarp!

Off to wish Mayzie Happy Gotcha Day!

Your pal, Pip

GOOSE said...

I am at a loss for words, and it's not that I am weak from being sick. While MOM says I should use the WTF sparingly she says go right ahead and say it for her too. So WTF! I know a couple of guys and one gal who have two BIG dump like trucks and a BIG "tear buildings down and load them up in the dump trucks" machine. They owe me a favor. I could send them your way and take care of that right a way.

Declan said...

Hmmmmmm.... I think this may be something else we have in common, mate! Deccy x

rottrover said...

What a lovely view! Butt KB's pictures aren't THAT much prettier - she just has a better camera!!

-Bart and Ruby

Dachshund Nola said...

WTF?! Rednecks are funny and frightening BOL
Dachshund Nola

Peggy Frezon said...

On my fav TV show Modern Family, Phil says WTF? means Why The Face? So I'm sure that's what you're talking about Puddles, right?!

Linda said...

Your neighbors must be related to mine cause they got lots of WTF crap in their yard too. Lets move to Hawaii where the sun shines lots.
♥ Cinnamon

Sketching with Dogs said...

WTF Wednesday, ha, loves it!
That picture was actually looking quite good as you scrolled down the page, then we saw what you were talking about.
Why do we have to have neighbours!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

If a poor dog ever lived in dat dere WTF mess, me is sure it moved out a loooong time ago. Becoming a Junk Yard Dog would be better den livin in dis s@*%#@)!-

Remington said...

Agreed -- WTF!

Sweet William The Scot said...

The Big Bang Theory ~ fire in the hole. BOOM
Sweet William The Scot

Backcountry Brodie said...

OMD, Puddles, WTF?!?!?! I need to send you more seeniks! OMD, WTF, OMD, WTF, OMD! I cannot beleef that we has better seeniks here in Noo Joisey. Who would has thunked?

BTW, those noms mom buyed me... I is here to tell you furstpaw that there be NO vegetabulls in those noms. I has tasted them and they is totally nommy. I know it say stuff like "Zookini" (BLECH!) on the cans buttttt, that be a marketing ploy to keep the skwerrels from nomming it all up. See, I has it all figgered out. Brilliant, no?

Cole said...

Yikes, that is one scary view!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is sooooo funny and that is how I feel on In The Garden Thursdays!

The Websters said...

Wowee! That makes the rusty old pool with a tree growing in the middle of it (what we see in our back neighbors back yard) look nice.

Can you contact the city about this? Knowing you, I'm sure you already have.



Corbin said...

No words... none. I'd like to put the bitey on your stupids.

houndstooth said...

Yegads! I should get Mom to take some recon pictures of the Village Idiots' place! We could compare notes. I see that new camera is being put to good use! BOL!


P.S. Unless we take pictures in the house, most of mine are taken at other places.

Asta said...

Twooly? That's yoow view? And I thought mine was bad wif all the wooftops hewe....WTF.

At least you have a back yawd to go play in, I don't , so count yoow blessings giwl,hehehehe

Smoochie kisses

Marg said...

That is WTF for sure. Those people need to clean up their yard for sure.
It really is so sad about Judi. Thanks for sending her some woofies.We know she will appreciate that a lot. Hope you have a super day and thanks so much for coming by our blog.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That's quite a view!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

We're stoppin' by Mayzie's condo for the big party.

Oskar said...

That is quite the picture!

I hope no doggies has to live in there!

Nubbin wiggles,

Dandy Duke said...

You'll just have to plant some pretty flowers and concentrate on lookin' at them.
I'm bringing bacon pizza to Mayzie's shindig. I betcha I know what you're bringin', Puddles!

Love ya lots,

Two French Bulldogs said...

yikes, we are scared of that thing
Benny & Lily

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

WTF for sure - can't wait to see more!

Very sad at the news about Miss Judi:(

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Wyatt said...

Interesting touch with the tire...Hmmmm.
Maybe I should offer some gardening advice to your neighbors. We could have that place glammed up in no time!


Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Yikes, Puddles! If they had a poor doggie back there, surely you would have heard or smelled him. Let's hope there are no prisoners over that fence.

Did your mom get her new camera yet? Has she figured out how to use it?

Jed & Abby

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey Puddles!! When did you move to Texas? We got some stoopids next door to us that got the stuff. Maybe all stoopids got their trash from the same place.

Sniff ya later....Weenie

Tweedles -- that's me said...

No worries- we have some stupids too- just down the road from us.
But your stupids have more junk.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Holy Dog, now I get what you are complaining about. Yuck I would hate to look at that all the time. Maybe you should report them to one of those hoarder shows or crazy people shows. Puddles I am sorry for you, I will try to find you some nice happy posters you can put on that window and pretend you are looking at a beach or ice cream store or anything but that.

Loveys Sasha

p.s. seriously WTF

Anonymous said...

OMG... at first I thought "no nice scenery here" but I changed my mind. Good first WTF posting.

Dexter said...

Miss Puddles,
First of all, how delightful to be able to type "WTF" in my google reader search and find your post. I am so glad that another pal has joined me in questioning the logic of the world of the humans.

Now, regarding your "view." I am confounded to be sure. We have a similar contraption in a nearby yard which is luckily not visible from the Mango estate.

I hope there are no actual doggies currently being subjected to that shocking structure.

Keep up the good work. Methinks I have already discovered yet another mind boggling topic for my next week entry. You just wait and see.


Anonymous said...

OMD! Such beauty! So serene! Can't believe you have not shared your view with us before Puddles? ;D Hardy Har Har... Crazy neighbors. Shakin my head.

Waggin at ya,

K9 Katastrophie said...

My goodness. What a bunch of stoopids.


Alien said...

Views are highly overrated anyway.


Zona said...

Umm.. so yeah. I's been locked out of my laptop. No matter what Phoenix tells you I was NOT being punished. But I have been reading on my iPaw. I just can't comment. I stole.. err.. borrowed mom's work laptop to wish Ronnii all better and popped over to congratulate you! Apparently you have had a big promotion.. Executive Director!! That must come with all kinds of special treatment. Right???


Alien said...

And here I was trying to make those weeds grow. Ah, well. Time for a cocktail. Wanna go to the space martini bar with me? I'll drive this time.


Bobbie said...

This reminds me of our scenery when we lived in the hills of WV... hmmm aren't those neighbors gone yet???

Shane Kent Louis said...

I remember something because of this scenery...hmmmmm, gotta go and keep those squirrels.

Dog Fence