Monday, July 23, 2012

I Ain't Here

Dear Furiends,
I is out of da office until Friday...

Help yourself to some Cheetos until I return.

I hears I is goin' "campin' while da hoomans go on vacation...
I ain't goin on vacation cuz da kerazy lady said it was a 
Oh and Puuuuuulease don't furgets me while I is away.



What Remains Now said...

Thanks for the "heads-up"...unlike last summer when you disappeared and I thought your mom deaded you.

My Mind's Eye said...

Whoa baby with that many cheetos we'll be fine. Did you stock the fridge with beverages?

Happy Vacation to your peeps!!
Hugs Madi

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Dis is gonna be a long week fur me cuz I will not be able see your beOOtiful face and furs. :( Tell your peeps to have a most wunderful time on vacations. Missin' you all ready.


PeeS Maggie wants to know if you have some beer to go wif dose cheetos? ;)

houndstooth said...

A whole week with no Puddles?! That's outrageous! And does your mom not know that going camping with you would be some of the greatest blog material EVER? You totally should have come camping here!


georgia little pea said...

Lordy, are you off to the gulag, Pudds? Urrrrr. Why do they do stuff like that to us? But at least it's only for a few days. I was in there for SIX WEEKS!!! Urrrr again.

Are those cheetos for real? Surely your mama didn't mess up a whole table for a picture! Is she kerazy?


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I hope your Peeps have FUN on their Vacation... butt I think they should have taken YOU with them to ENSURE that outcome.

I made a NOTE TO SELF: Don't furget Puddles. OK?

Lovable Lily said...

Crunch, munch, crunch, crunch... Thanks for leaving us with everlasting memories of you while you're gone!

We're gonna miss you and a whole week? Hope we survive that long.

Lily Belle

Declan said...

You'd better have left the fridge full of beer too Pudds mate... I assume Kerazy lady has checked you into a 5 star facility?.... Deccy x

Unknown said...

Have a good Monday Puddles and we hope your peeps have a good holiday.
Best wishes Molly

Matilda the Boxer said...

It's not going to be the same without you, Puddles! I can't believe your human is so mean!

GOOSE said...

First off NO WAY could you be forgotten! I think you should come camp out at Bert's place. There is plenty of room. And then we could hangout and I could show you off to all the doggies that come camp at Bert's place. And that crazy mom of yours must really BE crazy. What's a vacation without Puddles. She has LOST HER MIND! This is just not right. I have decided to not eat one Cheeto, not even any Cheeto dust until your return. AND AND no beer for this Goose until I can celebrate your return. This my pledge to you Puddle my friend.

Keith Andrea said...

.,woof woof many many chitos., so much of cheetoz...i love it..

Dog Fence

The Websters said...

Tell them to hurry it on up and back here. We're going to eat through those cheetos in no time!


The Websters said...


Dear Puddles's Mom,

It just came to my mind that you are going on vacation during Puddles's birthday week.

What are you thinking?!?

Come home right now and shower her with gifts the way every pup should be during their birthday week.


Patrice and Higgins said...

One whole week with out Puddles, outrageous!


Remington said...

See you soon and thanks for the treats! They are GREAT!

ShellePenn said...

Campin'? I am pretty sure you are going to jail. I mean we all knew it was a matter of time... I bet you are going to Juvenile Dachshund Detention for a week to scare you stupid. Well, you are already a bit stupid, but this scares you stupider.. or straight or something.. Idk. It starts with an S.

That is what happens when hollywood learns your story and makes a big budget movie like Project X about your high-life and parties.

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

ShellePenn said...

Newby says he misses you.
He is licking the screen shot of your face.
It's making us a bit sick.

Must be true love.

Duke said...

We are going to miss you heaps, Puddles! Thank you for leavin' us cheetos!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

booahboo said...

goodness gracious cheetosness... that sure is a lot of cheetos... and your mom allowed you to spread it allllllllllllllll over them tables? my my... keraaaaazyyyyyyyyyyyyy... but.. nom nom nom... thanks a lot for the noms.

Be good at "summer camp" and play nicely.. and urmm... don't eat nasty stuffs.. and and and.. take care of yourself girly... we shall missya...

woofs n licks,

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are sure right, here you ain't!

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Puddles, my dad just got back from being away almost 2 weeks. Boy did the treats fall off while he was away. But now that he's back, maybe you could come over while your mom's away. We don't have Cheetos but we could buy some.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Ummmm, vacation and you aren't allowed? WTF? We think you should come live with us! Meowm would take you on vacation all the time!!!!!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Have a nice vacation and don't forget to drink lots of margaritas to cool you down under your beach umbrella.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Dachshund Nola said...

Never forget you!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh dear, Puddles - we sure hope your camping isn't like our camping - we all end up with major poop issues after our trip.

Thanks for the cheetos, but we think we would really prefer to enjoy them with you there too.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Ruby said...

Oh, I am truly gonna miss ya Puddles! You keep me and Ma laughin' (and boy does that woman need some laughs!) Have lots of Cheetos and beers while the peeps are on their 'vacation'....although, I don't understand how it could be a vacation without you! (The nerves!!)



Unknown said...

Holy crow! Thats a whole lot of cheetos! munch, munch. Hope you have a fun week!!!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Backcountry Brodie said...

Camping? You fell fur that? They did not put you in *shudder* JAIL, did they? If'n they did, you had better be bizzy plotting your revenge. Just sayin.

Mary Lou said...

Seriously? Are you trying to kill me with temptation?! All those cheetos. I am an addict, but trying to quit!! Trying. And, you are not helping!! Nope. You are enabling my problems!! Hee, hee, hee.... ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Asta said...

Puddles(chomp, chomp), scoose me, i was just enjoying(chomp)some of yoow genewoos cheetoes
I hope yoow peeps will have as much fun as I know you'll have cause whewevew thewe is Puddles, thewe is bound to be fun
Smoochie kisses
pee ess, fowget yoo?awe yoo kidding??????

Posie said...

Heeheeheee soooooo maniie cheetos! Nummers! I is jusht bakk frum campin, eees grayte! hope yoo has a mutch fun as meee did! Hope yoo mayke it bakk in tiyme fur da parayde! love n likkers, posie xoxx

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We just got back from camping. Hope you have a great time. Try to get back in time for the olympics, okay?

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

the teacher's pets said...

Oh no! How are we going to live without you and your silly sense of humor for a whole week? Oh, we can eat Cheetos, that's right! Thanks for leaving us some comfort while you leave/abandon us!

Tucker said...

You know that your hoomans are just sitting at home eating your cheetos and drinking your beers, right? BOL

woof - Tucker

Inger said...

Oh, Puddles, I think you want to give us all an upset tummy! Camp is good as long as it isn't a BOOT Camp! Be careful of those. And if you ever want to meet my doggie, Soldier, he's all over my post of today. Enjoy!

A MilShelb Mom said...

What's a vacation without YOU!? You should have come and stayed with us!
~Milly and Shelby

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Dat's a lot of Cheetos. I can bring da big guy over and we can have a pawty! Me could never furget you. Hope you don't furget me. Maybe we come back at bout da same time! Look Out Blogville!

Dexter said...

Puddles? Puddles who?


The Daily Pip said...

Crunch, crunch ...burp ...crunch, crunch ...slurp ...burp ...I will be glad to keep an eye on things while you are gone ...crunch, crunch, crunch ....

Your pal, Pip

Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles, I hope you have enough beer and cheetos to hold you over until they come back. I will miss you. Takes some time to relax, cause we will be busy with Olympic stuff and frying squirrels next week.

Loveys Sasha

p.s. Did you get me any more of those frogs, they were delicious

Two French Bulldogs said...

wish that was our room
Benny & Lily

Bobbie said...

I'll miss you terribly Puddles!!

Oh, and we feel the same way about Gracie so don't feel badly. A vacation would not be vacation if she went along. Sad but true.

I hope you and your family have a safe and fun week.

Marg said...

Oh my COD, is that all Cheetos. Yikes. We sure will miss you Puddles. I don't think we can manage without you. Hope the Beans have a good vacation. Take care. Thanks so much for you good thoughts about Mahoney.

Anonymous said...

What will we do without you until Friday!?!? This is an abomination. Tell your Mum that no vacation is a vacation without the Puddles!

Elyse and Riley

KB said...

It's a travesty, Puddles. And you even had to leave all those Cheetos at home? What's your address? We're heading over to eat them.

Sweet William The Scot said...

You says your gone, but I think maybe you are hiding under all those cheetos and just fooling with us.
Sweet William The Scot

Asta said...

Oh my dog Puddles, you HAVE TO come back. It's gonna be yoow Biwfday and I'm having a plane load of beew flown ovew fow it
Smoochie kisses