Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hellos ya'll!
It is I, Puddles Duddles Raianwater bringin' ya'll
an update from da homestead.
dats me.

Da Kerazy Lady went through with hers HELLbow surgery.
...alls I gotted was a t-shirt.
I deserves more since I has had to listen to hers bitch and whine and complain.
(da volume remote has been a lifesaver).

They reattached da hellbow tendon back to da bone.
Her was in shitloads of pain afterwards.
By Saturday her was back in da gym doin' cardio (KERAZY)
And nows her has started therapy.

Unfortunately we can't comment cuz her is in a huuuuuge splint
dat looks like a piece of PVC pipe cut in half...and movin' her
fingers be painful since thry is connected to da crappy tendon.
But we is checkin; da blogs to sees how ya'll is.

Nows fur your funny fur da day.
Mum can't shave her undersrms so my dad has to do it for her...bwhahahhahaha
OMG, dat is just sick.
Sick I tells you!
Mum haded to gives him instructions on hows to do it properly...hehehehehehe.

Nope, we has not losted our sense of humor.

Puddles....withs a mum dt sucks at left hsnded typin'.

Please furgives me fur not bein' ables to comment.
Mum is gettin' kinda down so we is leavin' comments open so 
hers can laugh and smile...and we really hstes to do dat to ya'll
cuz it really not be fairs to ya"ll.


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Puddles, we're sending your mum heaps of love and healing slobber for her hellbow. Sorry but we laughed too at your dad shaving your mum's underarm hehehe. Next, he'll be asked to shave her leggies too! Of course she could always let her underarm hair grow and get your dad to plait it! Ewwwwwww. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Sounds as kerazy as ever at your house. We hope the hellbow gets better VERY soon!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

What Remains Now said...

I'm glad your mom had the surgery and is healing up. Hopefully this will mean no more pain in the future. Who's in charge of making sure she follows instructions and doesn't mess up the new elbow? I recommend 24-hour supervision.

Unknown said...

he'll be inquired to cut off her leggies too! Of course she could habitually let her underarm hair augment and get your father to plait it! . Challenge coins

The Furries of Whisppy said...

We're glad the surgery is over! We hope your Dad doesn't miss a spot. BOL.

GOOSE said...

Bawhahhaha! If that were my MOM she would have to ask a stranger on the street to do her pits. hahahha I say she should let it go until she can do it for herself. OK OK hear me out. Then I think while we are waiting for that to happen you would have a contest for us all to guess how long it gets before she can do it for herself. I would be more than happy to provide the prizes for that contest. Of course we would need to see photos. That would be one of the most fun contest in all of Blogville. OH and we could add an element to it. We could also have a "Look a Like" contest. We could see which one of us looks most like your mom's hair pits. We could post side by side photos of Blogvile residents and your mom's furry pit. Oh the fun we could have with this.
Tell your Kerazy lady that we have been and will continue to keep her in our prayers for healing.

Unknown said...

No worries Puddles we know mum is probably in some discomfort. We hope she is better soon. We see you when we see you. LOL the T Shirt. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Lovable Lily said...

Well Puddles, the good news is that her surgery is over and once she is healed there are NO more excuses on why she can't hand out more treats.

We're glad that you know how to use the remote control for the TV so you don't have to listen to all the moaning.

Tell Dad he deserves a medal for the Pit Shaving! We think she should have let it grow out long and become a free spirit.

We know in time she'll be feeling great butt until then, we're sorry you have to endure such hardship and torment.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Millie and Walter said...

OMD! That Goose is too funny! We think his idea is great. Seriously we are glad the hell bow surgery went well and hope your mom heals fast.

Millie & Walter

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh Puddles, our Mom is shaking her head in agreement here with the poor Mom's woes. After having her broken arm, she can totally relate to all the things Mom cant do, like the armpits, the bra hooking, and a whole lot more. We are glad the surgery is over and we are all hoping for a speedy and excellent recovery.

Hugs and Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Scooter said...

Hey Puddles!
Wow, that hellbow is definitely interfering with your lifestyle! That's just wrong. OMD I hope she can still feed you...that would be horrible! Anyway, Stella and Rory have the right idea. Forget shaving and teach him to braid instead. Put a few colorful beads in it for style. BWAR HAR HAR Did she get some fun pain pills...that could be worth tons of entertainment!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Goose is a genius!! What a fangtastic contest idea...

The winner could get the

I just hope she doesn't get FLEAS in her PITS .
You could get her a FLEA Collar and tell her it is the New RAGE... in necklaces...
HEY we could have a PIT HAIR DECORATING Contest.. fur all the Blogville Girrrrrls.. They could put Clips and bands and Ribbons and BLINGY Thingys in their PIT FURS...
When will we get PICTURES of your DAD shaving her Pits??? Did he have to use a PINK razor?

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Don't worry about commenting! We need your momma to heal so that you can be taken care of properly!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

BOL BOL BOL...what more can me says? Me is just so happysome dat da HellBow didn't falls off before da dogter got to glue it back in place. just take good cares of da Momma. Remember her has da hands dat feeds you...and you's can't afford to lose any more weight!

Hap-Pee WindsDay!

Anonymous said...

All my best wishes to your kerazy Lady and her hellbow. I hope she has no more pain and she is well soon

Patrice and Higgins said...

BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Dad shaving moms underpits?? I wish you would have gotten a picture of that cause it sounds like it is a riot of boat load of funny!! BOL!! I hope you moms hellbow get gets better really fast so she gets to feeling better!!


Cowspotdog said...

Well good to hear your Mom survived - but tell her to be careful - that hellbow is probably always going to be a bit weaker and she won't want to go through that again!

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Eeeewww...your dad is a hell of a guy.

Corbin said...

At least you got a t-shirt... my parents went to Chicago and LEFT me and all I got was a damn bandana. I'll try to think of funny things to make your mom laugh.

The Websters said...

Please, OH PLEASE, post a pic of your dad shavin your mom's pits. I just want to see that so so bad. He must really love her!

I'm sorry that your mom is getting down. Maybe she should reminisce about when the stoopids moved out this morning to make her feel better!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

GEEEEE WHIZ.... we was sooooo focused on your mum' Hairy PIT... that we furgot to even MENTION the fact that all you are gettin outta this is a TEE SHIT... GOOD GRIEF.... What is up with THAT... ??? It isn't even a good COLOR fur your FURS!!! SHEEEESH

WE think it needs a littl... YELLOW or a tad of BROWN on it... If you get our Drift...

Piappies World said...

Hello there Puddles! We do hope that your Mom will feel better soon. She'll be up and about in no time. Do watch over her closely and help her around the house. bol

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Idaho PugRanch said...

BWAAHAA HAAA Sorry, but Goose and F&E have us really going!! WE could have a braiding contest!! Oh Oh BWaa HAaa BWAHHA HAA HeeHEE

Seriously Puddles sending lots of love and healing thoughts to your Mum! Hang in there girl!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey PUDDLES.... on the WEATHER CHANNEL... they have an ad fur that
NO NO thingy... that gets rid of UNWANTED HAIR...

Maybe you should get one of those fur your DAD fur Father's DAY...

Barbara said...

Yer dad muss really lub yer mom to shave her hairy armpits! Sounds like yew have had a horrible time cuz ob yer mom's elbow. I hope dis doesn't include gibbin out treats.

Inger said...

Samson Says: I got a post up FINALLY! Your mom might enjoy it since I'm a pretty funny dog too, not as funny as you, Puddles, since I speak proper English and all. It's the second post down when you go to my mommy's blog. We are sending lots of licks and hugs and good wishes to your mom. What? You didn't get enough attention from us? It's all about your mom? Oh, Puddles, you will never change, will you? Anyhow -- no comments are needed, we just want your mom to feel better.

Inger said...

Samson Says: I got a post up FINALLY! Your mom might enjoy it since I'm a pretty funny dog too, not as funny as you, Puddles, since I speak proper English and all. It's the second post down when you go to my mommy's blog. We are sending lots of licks and hugs and good wishes to your mom. What? You didn't get enough attention from us? It's all about your mom? Oh, Puddles, you will never change, will you? Anyhow -- no comments are needed, we just want your mom to feel better.

JacksDad said...

You'd better be careful. Once he gets used to the razor, no telling WHAT he might want to shave!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Puddles we do feel sorry for moms hell bow but we feel more sorry for you. Moms usually milk their injuries, ya know, they are all drama queens. And for all your pain and suffering, a tee shirt, ugh!
Benny & Lily

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
P.U.D.D.L.E.S.!!!! Missed ya, ya liddle tyke ya. I know youse really bin looking after mum and givin' her lovin' and loppy looks and all.

I just hope you ain't going around licking at that shaving cream again - mum's likely to be a bit ticklish in those pits which could result in wiggling and wagging of the HELLObone, which wouldn't be funny...

You don't be pesterising mum for making comments eithers. We knows yez all are there. Though the lefty typing ain't so bad. If you all really want to, you can just type "wave" at everbuddy's place and we'd know what ya meant!

Final word for the day? Watch that frowning dog-gal; if the wind blows hard it could stay that way!

Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxxxx

+++((((8))))) for Mum.

Matilda the Boxer said...

I hope your momma's hellbow gets better soon so she can get back to WORK and help you blog!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Aw, Puddles, we sympathize with you. Humans are the pits when they are in pain. They whine and moan and complain ... unlike us furries!

Your mom needn't worry about visiting and commenting. She has an invalid excuse. Um, we mean a valid one. In fact, she should rest her typing fingers so they'll be ready to go when she can type again.

We all send get well purrs and very gentle pawtaps to your mom.

Sketching with Dogs said...

We are very glad your mum came through her surgery well and hope the hellbow is healing every day!
A-hahahahaha, you sould of posted a video on Youtube of your dad doing that Puddles - or maybe not :)
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HEY PUDDLES..... if your DAD "Knicks" your mum's Pits with the razor... will she tell him that famous southern thingy...
"KISS my PITS"????

You need a TATTOO or a BETTER TEE SHIRT... that says

da tabbies o trout towne said... we iz guessin de hole trout wrapped round de hellbow thing dinna werk out... tho yur mom has ta add mit her smelled like a million $$$ even for a breef minit huh...

ya noe.... with summer time rite round de damn korner...we hates it....

N yur mom mite bein a wee bit leery oh goin swimmin with pee vee and cee pipe attached ta her arm...

trout WILL come in handee after all...

if her getz bout 75 slices N puts em in a pile...knot a row... but a pile... they will make for a nice bathin hat...

her can wrap de trout with a nice color full ribbon oh her choize, for tie inn de trout ta her head...

knot onlee will her smell grate, haz de kewlest swim cap like EVER, haz hair that shines like a oil slick.... her will all sew be able ta stay a float in de waterz

pick sure it....

onze again trout saves de day !!!

Ruby said...

HOLY COW PATTIES!!!! What's this abouts your Moms doin' CARDIO so soon afters surgery??? Crap, Ma would have milked the 'time off' for all it was worth!! She would have sat on the couch eatin' bon bons and gettin' her fat arse even FATTER!! Your Moms is either a genius, or OCD....let's just leave THAT question out there....
Nows, about your Moms pits....I say let em' grow. She should just pretend she's French! (she does speak parlez vous Francis, right?!) Oh, and you can gets a beret and some attitude!! Oh, well, since ya already gots the last one, just the beret then!! BOL
Okays, now Ma sent you guys card yesterday, so you should be gettin' them soons. If she needs help openin' them, tell her to use her toothers likes us! hehehe
Okays, Ma said that I'm babblin', so I gots to go....
Gives your Moms LOTS of slobbers and snuggles. Oh, and tell hers not to mix her pill and the Bud Lights! Not a pretty picture, I tell ya...
pees: Oh, and Ma didn't want to know hows your Moms was wipin' her hinnie...or is your Pops doin' that for her too??!! BOL BOL

Anonymous said...

Ohhh poor Mom, Dad understands cause he had his hlelbow broken, no wasted, cause now its plastic, plates & screws, and yes it was PAINFULL! Now just don't trip her sos you can laughs!

The Mad Scots

Brian's Home Blog said...

I am glad your Mom is doing some better! Hey, she should have you do the shaving thing Puddles!

Dachshund Nola said...

OMD BOL that's hilarious! Hope she's better soon.

Murphy said...

Glad she is coming along with the hellbow!! Be nice to her Puddles. Maybe you can shave her arms next time!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley
Ambassadors of Love

Bobbie said...

Sooooo glad to hear all went well! Tell your mum don't overdo it! Oh, and could you pleeaassee get a picture of the underarm shaving thingy. This, we have to see... Actually, make it a video instead. And don't bleep out the cuss words. ... LOL! Take care of Mum now, ya hear?

KB said...

Your mom still took some totally awesome photos of you, Puddles!

R had hellbow surgery, and he says that your mom should take the "doggy downers" that he took for recovery. They make you sleep all day long so you don't go kerazy!

Lorenza said...

Sure you all are having an "interesting" time there in your home!
The shaving thing sure is.... is....
You know!
I hope you mom feels much better soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

houndstooth said...

You left comments on because you KNEW I would find a way to comment anyway! I'm an Greyhound ninja like that.

I am so glad your mom had her surgery and that she's on the mend. I mean, really, how else was she going to keep waiting on you hand and foot? Here's hoping she got some good drugs to go along with the surgery so she can be in a good mood!

Shaving her armpits? Oh, thank God I was born a dog! *shudder* The very HORROR of it all!


Scooter said...

Oh PUddles, you just got shirted!! What a zip!!! Glad that it went well and she will be good to go pretty soon.

Now...bout that arm pit stuff, I love Gooses idea, know how funny that would be.

Now....nother thing I am wondering, you know I do wander alot so here goes. What happens when he has to help her with the other stuff down below if ya get my drift??? BOL

the wandering Jazzi

My Mind's Eye said...


Dandy Duke said...

Your poor mom havin' to put up with a lesser quality shave job!
Take good care of her, Puddles. She's going to need all of your good help!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

genji said...

Hope the therapy goes well. She could have at least gotten you a Doxie-sized shirt :)

Cole said...

I hope that hellbow is as good as new soon!

Tell her that beer and Cheetos are the recipe to feeling better...not cardio!

Tucker said...

Oh we is glad your Mum is gonna be betters... It's a hoot that your dad had to helps her shave, or she could just be half french... BOL!

woof -Tucker

Dexter said...

Humans are quite inflexible when it comes to adapting to new situations, so one armed mom is going to be grumpy for some time to come.

As for that shaving bit, momma suggests she just wear long sleeves. There are worse personal hygiene things that she'll be having trouble with, right?

Time to get her that voice activated software. Although I'm not sure how well it does with funny accents. Anybody move into the Stupid's house yet?


Unknown said...

Puddles...I hope your mom's elbow heals up good. She should try to get better quick because we are all missing you around here. It is just not the same when you are out of touch. BOL I had to laugh trying to picture dad shaving mom's underarm...that has got to be hysterical! You should film it, for ransom purposes, of course.
*high paws and Cairn cuddles*

Mary Lou said...

Da Kerazy Lady went through with hers HELLbow surgery. And.... ...alls I gotted was a t-shirt. Crack. Me. Up!! ;-D
That reminds me of something which I randomly stumbled across Online. It was a T-shirt which featured a picture of Robert Downey Jr. {Stay with me here!!} And it said this. "Robert Downey Jr. stole my heart and all I got was this T-shirt"!! I want one!! Kidding!! ;-D
Send you Mom this message from me. GET BETTER SOON!! And be a good Comfort Dog to her. Alright? ;op
--Raelyn and Rose

Katie said...

We sure hope that hellbow heals up quickly!

Piggy kisses,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

Maggie Mae and Max said...

My Dear Puddles,

Give your sweet momma and extra big sloppy kiss from me and Maggie Mae! We sure do hopes her is feelin' better by now. :)


Declan said...

Hey all gets too much you pop on over here for a beer and Wotsits. Your dad deserves a medal..hehe! Take care little buddy . Deccy x

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Hopefully your Mom's rehab is going well. When our mom had wrist surgery (silly woman is a bad ski racer that doesn't bounce very well!) she was in a cast thingy and she had to do tons of rehab so she could actually flex her wrist all the way. Given the amount of whining our Mom did, we think you are super lucky you've got a volume control on your Mom!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

My Mind's Eye said...

All around
Madi and mom

Unknown said...

I hope your mummy is doing okay... and your daddy withs him having to shave her armpits BOL BOL BOL poor guy
Love Milo :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We want to thank you so very much for your kind words of comfort and friendship after our very sudden loss of Thunder. We are all still very sad, but the support and love from all of our friends from all over the world is helping to heal our broken hearts. We are sure that Thunder Dunder is now in a very happy place and also very thankful to have so many wonderful friends.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, Lightning, and Mom Kathie

asta said...

OMD Puddles! I'm so vewy vewy late in sending yoow Mom pawson love and healing smoochies. How howwid that must have been, but I'm glad yoo hots a tshiwt out of it at least. We went to Swissewlund fow a week( a fwiend sent us tickets). Anyway, Mommi found out just how ancient she is..we went climbing in the mountains. While I was just as nimble as a mountain goat, Mommi and Daddi's thighs wew shaking like leaves by the time they got down fwom theiw thwee houw hike, hehehehe..mommi slipped on the wocks and was shoowe she had yown a ligament, but she ovewdwamatizes things..she just twisted hew old cweacky knee.

I miss you and send love and beews to get yoo thwoo this time
Soochie kisses

Lovable Lily said...

Just wanted to stop by to send you all some ♥. Hope all is well and that mom's helbow is getting better every day.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Mary Lou said...

It has been one month since you last posted on this Blog!! I know that your Mum is recovering from her elbow surgery, and these things require time. But I miss you, Friend!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... Plus Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Reuben said...

Hi Puddles! I is very much missing your sparkling wit and liberal use of HBO words. Also I is sure that you is helpfully attending to your mama while she heals, doing things like taking photos of your dad shaving her armpits and posting them to the internets. Hope to see you back soon Puddles!


Alien said...

Just flying by to say hi.

Miss you!


The Daily Pip said...

Knock, knock
Who's there?
Bud who?
Bud weiser

Your pal, Pip Weiser

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Ah Puddles, do you think we could get you to shoot a video of your dad shaving your mom's armpits. It would be a real event in your blog :)

jen said...

Just stoppin by to see how the mom is doin! Hope you all are enjoying the summer!

GOOSE said...

Thinking of you and your mom Miss Puddles.

My Mind's Eye said...


Anonymous said...

Just read through this post again...and it cracked me up! I read it when you first posted it, but just came back by to see if you had posted since then. Hope your mum didn't die of hellbow pain!! Or did YOU die from having to listen to her complain?? ;)

It is Bailey's first birthday today--can you believe that?? Crazy. Almost as crazy as your Kerazy Lady (but not know that's not possible!!). :)

Elyse and Riley

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Happy Barkday Puddles!!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Happy Barkday Puddles!!

You gotta come back soon. Mona has told me all about you and I can't wait to see what kind of mischief ya get into. Mommy said you have met your match in me.


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Opps...I'm Prissy...Mommy smashed her finger in the car door and it's the one she types with....hee hee.

Lets try this again.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Pudles! have a great day and I hope your mom's hellbow will be better soon.

Ranger said...

Happy Birfday Puddles. I hope your Mom feels better sooooooooooon and her hellbone is all better. We miss ya.

Lovable Lily said...

Happy Barkday greetings Puddles! We hope that at least Mom is able to bake you a birthday cake or get you some Cheetos and Beer at the store. If not, give us a call and we'll be right over with a truck load. We'll have a pawsome party my furend.

Love to all!

Lily Belle & Muffin

What Remains Now said...

Heard about your birthday over at Frankie & Ernie's. Happy birthday, Puddles! Take care of your momma. She's going to have a lot of work to do for you once she's 100%.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Happy Happy Birthday Puddles!!!
We have been thinking about you and missing you!! Hope you have a great birthday
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Happy Barkday Puddles! We hope your day is filled with deading squirrels and other varmints, squirrel on a stick, beer and cheetohs!!!!!

Millie and Walter said...

Happiest of Birthday's to you Miss Puddles. We sure do miss you but know that your typists hell-bow has to heal first.

Millie & Walter

Dandy Duke said...

Happy Birthday, Puddles! We hope that you're bakin' a cake for your mom seeing as she can't!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

My Mind's Eye said...


Reuben said...

Happy barkday, Puddles! F&E posted a fantastic photo of you that really captures your personal self in a glorious moment of triumph. If you needs somedog to come over and kick dirt over your poo for you, let me know and I will be there posthaste.


Ruby said...

Holy Crap gurl!!!! I had no ideas it was your Barkday todays!!!! (I slapped Ma with a wet noodle 87 thousand times for screwin' THAT up!!!)
Anyhu, I hopes that you have been havin' the times of your life takin' care of the kerazy lady, and keepin' her in lines. I knows it's a tough job, butts I knew you could do it.
Nows, I hopes that at least she is takin' TONS of pics of your gawguss self and gonna post them so we can gets our Puddles fix!
I'm sendin' you some virtual Beers and Cheetos and we are gonna PAWTY DOWN!!!!
Okays, I hopes your Burthday was super duper and that you gets some peace and quiet from the kerazy lady's whinin'.....
Ruby ♥

Sweet William The Scot said...

You born in the month of July like me Puddles. Why I would say it was a very important month but for the fact Lindsay Lohan and you being born in this month are always in trouble.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

stellaroselong said...

Happy Burthday PUDDLES we have been missing you much...poor margaret has thought you have flown the coop to some far off place she couldn't even pronounce like missouri.....we hope your mom elbow gets to working real soon so we won't have to listen to mags go on and on about puddles this...puddles that.....
stella rose

The Furries of Whisppy said...

HAROOOOOOOOOO! We just found out about your Birthday, Puddles and wanted to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
We're checking in and are hoping everyone's doing great. Hope your Mom's hellbow is making a good recovery.