Monday, December 23, 2013

Da Day Before Christmas Eve Post

Greetings all and happy Monday!
Okays so obviously I is alive from hasin' my shots.
I had NO allergic reaction dis time.
However, they not gives me my rabies shot...they is still discussin' whether or not to do it.
Nows while I was hangin' out at da vets office I gots to play video games
and watch some teevees and then unfortunately I did gets busted fur
tryin' to do some surgical procedures (mum nt put dat on hers list).
I was all gowned and masked and everything.
I was gonna do a lobotomy but dat dog just needed a toof extraction.
Ooops, my bad.
So all went well.

Nows lemme me shows ya'll my cards.
They is over yonders, can you sees them?
Okays, lemme gets a better foto.

I has 2 doors withs all my beautiful cards.
I has 62 cards here.

Nows I wanna shows ya'll da hoomans door, it's da baffroom door.
 They has ONE card!
I shall biggify it furs ya'll.

don't laugh.
It was from Ruby da Airedale's mum to my mum.
It was a lame plot to gets hoomans more cards.
I was like..."OH NO SHE DIN"T!"
But hers did...hehehehe!

Puddles...STILL withs more cards.


YourSpecialDog said...

Beautiful photos :) and so much cards you are so famous :D

Cowspotdog said...

Your mom and my mom are in the same card group we think...she only had one too. We are so happy you survived the shots...those are scary thing sometimes

Lovable Lily said...

Hey Puddles, We are so happy to hear that all went well with your shots and that you had no puffy face this year. Sorry to hear that the lobotomy surgery fell through. That would have been a lot of fun for you (maybe not so much for the other doggie.)

Your card count is very impressive! Your poor peeps. At least our peeps gotted at least 3 cards.

We gotta tell ya this..... Mommy got a card the other day in the mail addressed to her, Daddy and Grandpa Bob. When they opened up the envelope the card inside was the one that WE sent those people. They stuffed the wrong card in the envelope. We gotted our own card back! Dumb sh*ts! So here's the question, does that count as a card? Muffin and I said no way Jose.

Hope you have a good day before the eve of the big day!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Unknown said...

Yea glad to see you back Puddles. OMD mums' door cracked up up big time. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Dexter said...

Well, I have to admit, that was a pretty good card, for a human. Hehehe.

Glad to see you survived your ordeal at the vet.


Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Well, duh. Of course you have WAY more cards than your human - seriously, who is going to get more cards? Puddles the famous neurosurgeon, or the crazy lady you live with? (For the record, our parents got a grand total of 3 cards...) We're glad to hear your vet survived your visit there!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hmmmm....we gots to have a discussion with dat Ruby bout her Mom!

Brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) can't get any rabies shots cause him's allergic to dem and puffs up like a marshmallow...


Marg said...

Oh Puddles, that is such great news. We are so glad that you are all right after the shots. Wow Puddles, you got a lot of cards. We are so sorry that you didn't get one from us. Our Person is so slack.But you know, we wish you a very Merry Christmas. Take care too.

Taryn said...

Wow, look at all those cards! What fun.

My vet never does rabies shots at the same time as any other shot. Too much for the immune system to bear. Fortunately in my state, rabies is only once every 3 years.

houndstooth said...

Bwaaaa ha ha! There is no way your humans will catch up on cards now!

I am so relieved that you didn't have a reaction. My brother, Hawk, couldn't have rabies shots. He just got titres and he was fine.

So, what do you think Santa will bring you for Christmas?


The Websters said...

What do you think it would take for us to get to go to VET school? I really feel like we could go into business if we got licensed.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WHAT???? They wouldn't let you do BRAINY surgery? Well pawhaps you should have started with somethingy Easier... like a Testiclectomy on your Dogtor.

You have a MAJOR COLLECTION of Cards there girrrl. It is quite understandable though... YOU ARE
Puddles D. Rainwater... AKA
Puddles Barrel Butt and EVERYBUDDY Knows YOU...

stellaroselong said...

Oh PUddles our momma needed a good laugh today and she knew you would give it to her.
Merry Christmas my friend!
Stella Rose, Mags and Gussie

Inger said...

I'm so glad you're OK, Puddles. Smart as you are, brain surgery should be right up your alley. And next year, if I remember, I will make sure to send your mom a Christmas card. Have a Merry Christmas, don't drink too much beer, be a good girl. Samson says hello.

Millie and Walter said...

We are very much glad to see that you survived your shots and incarceration at the vets. Too bad they wouldn't let you do that surgery. Keep up the good work on the cards. We are kicking butt at our house too.

Millie & Walter

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Strewth imagine not letting a doxie do the dogtoring.... what were they thinking?

&*> Oh Puddles, I am sending great big squeezy hugs and wiggly wags to you and your family for the season and lots of the Love with the capital 'ell', YAM-aunty xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The Daily Pip said...

Thank goodness you are OK ...must have been that special medicine you had me bring you know the one that comes in a can and goes POP when you open it.


Kari in Alaska said...

So glad you didn't have any reactions!

Stop on by for a visit

Geoauntie said...

Puddles, so glad you are home safe and sound. If I have to go to the vets again I will ask about doing an operation, I will say my friend Puddles, nearly did one once. Hehehehe

Two French Bulldogs said...

Thank goodness you survived the madness

Idaho PugRanch said...

Glad to hear you are Ok Puddles and that everyone at the dogtors survived your visit too! HA HA
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Pippen said...

Glad to hear you are A-OK! We can't imagine 62 cards... you should be getting another one cuz we didn't se ours there.

Sam and Pippen

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Great collection of cards, Puddles! We like your Mom's lonely little card, though. ;)

Corbin said...

Did you get a Corbin card? Maybe it's just hiding under your pillow...

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys. we bee ona pos dee vize two day N with de lightnin fast speed oh blogger we wanted ta say merry christmas bee fore easter getz heere!!!!!!!

genji said...

Did you even go to vet school? Lobotomies is serious business. I think mum and dad should just go on ahead and let you use their bathroom door too.

Duke said...

yeaaaaaa - you made it! We are so happy, Puddles! Well, that was pretty nice of Ruby's mom!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure am glad you are okay Puddles! You really are a card...Joker!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So good to know your visit went well, Puddles. And we do love that heh heh shot at the end.

Sending you wishes for a very Merry Christmas.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

What Remains Now said...

I'm glad you'll be able to celebrate Christmas lookin' cute instead of all swollen and a mess. Merry Christmas!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You will ALWAYS have more cards, but we hope you're sharing them with your girl!

Now, a lobotomy on a cat...we could defend.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Unknown said...

Puddles, you're wayyyy in the lead! You have so many cards. We hope you get lots of fun presents and have a very Merry Christmas!

Murphy said...

Good job on the cards. The peeps are just so sad BOL! Merry Christmas!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it out of the VET's office alive!! Too bad you didn't get to proceed with that lobotomy (especially once you already had your gown and mask on!). Those peeps at the VET's office can be a real drag sometimes, huh? Sheesh.

We hope you all have a great Christmas! At least that means that the satanic elf, Chrissy, will be put away for another 11 months or so (unless she escapes...dun, dun, dunnn!). ;)

Elyse and Riley

Anonymous said...

Crap...we forgot to write that we just love that last picture of you! I think it's your eyes in that particular picture that makes it extra captivating and beautimous!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Okay, Puddles, you won the card contest again. You are more popular than your mom. But you better stop gloating or she'll stop helping you with your blog.

Merry Christmas.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Yeah Puddles wins.

booahboo said...

Mewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwy Mewwwwwwwwwwwy Christmas to you Puddles... and to Albert and Whitney... and to your lovely girl.. and momma and daddy too.
Tryyyyyyyyyyyyyy not to get into too much trubles yeh. Happy Holidays!!!

Patrice and Higgins said...

Merry Christmas!!!!!


Pippa Sheltie said...

Ahahaha, well you ARE a nurse, I'm sure that lobotomy thingie wouldn't have done much more harm than a tooth extraction!
A very merry woofy Christmas to you all! Haha, that's a very nice card the peeps have there, and what a lovely place to put it!
Pippa :)

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Merry Christmas!!

Hope Santa paws was very good to you today.

♥♥♥Mona, Prissy & Angel Weenie

My Mind's Eye said...



Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles, was there ever any doubt that you would win?? I think not! I hope you all had a great Christmas,we had a blast. I am so pooped today that I am gonna take a nap followed by some sleepy time.

Loveys Sasha

KB said...

I'm so glad that you're ok after those shots. I can totally see you trying to do surgery on a dog!!! A Lobotomy!

You rock, girl, in the card department!

Scooter said...

Hey Puddles!
Wow, the big BYE bash is almost here! I can't wait to try out all of your pawesome drinkies.

BTW: Someone asked about the times for our posts. I don't have a set rule about that, but since it's NY "Eve" I was thinking things should post anytime from Noon on. Could you work that out with your helpers Madi and Ruby? Thanks for all of your hard work!

Mary Lou said...

Oh, I completely forgot about your shots!! Bad Blogging Friend, bad!! But I am glad that you are alive!! ;)
"Unfortunately I did gets busted fur tryin' to do some surgical procedures.". You have a valid point!! Mum did not write that on her list!! Crack. Me. Up!! ;-D
The hooman's card!! "What's this? two lumps of coal?". I am sorry. So very, very sorry. Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee.... ;op
--Raelyn and Rose

World of Animals, Inc said...

Puddles, you look so wonderful the day before Santa Paws comes to visit you. We hope he brought some pawsome gifts for you and some delicious treats to enjoy. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals