Saturday, June 20, 2015

RIP Whitney Lou

My sweet baby momma, Whitney was helped to the bridge
this morning. She had many issues due to her dementia and her
quality of life was not as it used to be. 

Honestly, I have never had to make the decision to help
an animal to the bridge and dear god i hope i never have to again 
because it literally made my body hurt and i could not control the tears.

I want to thank you all for the emails and messages..I love you all very much.
You have absolutely no idea how much your friendship means to me.

Whitney Lou
 I will always love you and remember you
August 26 2001-June 20 2015


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...and you know that Blogville aches with you... Huge hugs
((((((((((((((((((((YOU AND FURMILY))))))))))))))))))))))))
YAM-aunty xxx

Matilda the Boxer said...

I'm so sorry. I just had to make this decision too, and I know there's nothing harder in the world. It's the last way you can really show them how much you love them.

My Mind's Eye said...


My Mind's Eye said...


Jans Funny Farm said...

So sorry for the loss of Whitney. Some decisions are so hard! We know you did everything you could to help her quality of life, especially loving her. A warm hug purrs and paw taps of comfort.

Lovable Lily said...

We are so very sorry to hear that Whitney had to go to the Bridge today. We are all so very sorry for this great loss.

While we've never had to help someone cross the Bridge, we can only imagine what a person goes through. It is one of Mommy's greatest fears! We commend you for your strength, courage and compassion.

Sending you load's of love,
Lily Belle & Muffin

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We are so sorry that it came to this point.. but you know that Whitney's MIND and Body are now at Ease... You showed her the full measure of your love by allowing her to move from Confusion to Comfort.

Poodle At Play said...

I am sorry to hear of your Whitney's move over the Rainbow Bridge. Lots of love and hugs to you.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Allison, I'm so sorry. I remember reading that things weren't quite right with Whitney a while back but I just had no idea. My heart is breaking for all of you because I know how much it hurts to make the decision to let go when there is no hope. But you did give Whitney a wonderful last gift of your love for her......the gift of being pain free and young again. Just keep all the good memories you had together safe in your heart. Trust me...those memories will get you through.


Bobbie said...

Oh Allison, your heart must be broken! I am so very sorry and I am broken hearted right along with you and your family. I have helped two of my dogs to the bridge, but I have already told Gary, if/when the time comes to say goodbye to Gracie = I do not think I can do it. It is the hardest thing ever!! (((HUGS))) and much love to you and your family.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

we wanted to say how truly sorry we are about whitney...with sincerest
sympathies from us and hugs as well, boomer, daisy, tuna and dude
and sauce too. whitney is, and always will be ...a beautiful girl...

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Oh now. We are so sad. Poor Whitney....

Having had to make that decision, it never gets easier.....even when you have a VERY sick animal. I just take a box of tissues, and continue in tears for several days.

We're sending you hugs..

Ziggy Stardust said...

I am so sorry, my heart goes out to you. I truly feel your pain. I know she is running free with Angel Sasha and they will get into all kinds of mischief together. Angel Sasha was right at the bridge to meet her, I am sure of it. I am thinking about all of you with love.

Love Anne and Ziggy

Duke said...

Our hearts break right along with yours. We are so very sorry for your loss. Huge hugs to you. Godspeed, Whitney♥

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Idaho PugRanch said...

We are so sorry about Whitney.It is Ok to cry - but know you did the most loving thing for her. We made the same decision 15 years ago with our pug MaoYen. She was in her own little confused world. No quality of life. Now they are running free released from their pain
hugs & love
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh dear friends, we are so, so sorry to hear about Whitney Lou. I know there are never the right word, so we'll send you our best purrs, gentle hugs, and all our love.

Scooter said...

We are so very sad to hear about Whitney Lou. Sending you lots of warm vibes and Blogville POTP to heal.

Bentley said...

I know what it is to release your pet to the bridge. It never is easy but know you did the right thing for Whitney. Sending you prayers and hugs.

Kinley Westie said...

So sorry for your loss. Sendin big hugs.

Linda said...

We are saddened by the loss of your sweet Whitney.

xo Cinnamon

Anonymous said...

What a rotten thing for us to share:(
More hugs... Kathy

Dachshund Nola said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. ((((hugs))))

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Mom Kim here - I am so very sorry for your loss - Whitney was such a beautiful sweet girl.
It is such a difficult decision that we pet parents have to make sometimes. My little Angel Oreo suffered a mini-stroke in the late summer of 2006 and lived a few months more but his quality of life deteriorated over the next few months. He was already dealing with incontence, partial deafness and blindness when he had his stroke but the added brain damage only made it worse. Finally in Feb. 2007, I had to make that decision - my first also altho I had had dogs all my life

rottrover said...

Allison, you and your family gave Whitney Lou the best life she could have and part of that is helping her get to the bridge. She is greeted there by many friends. We send love, hugs and special rottie kisses. I'm sure Bart met her - they wear the same colors! Take care of yourself and don't let Puddles get you wasted!

-Ruby, Otto and Lisa

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so very sorry for your loss, Allison. Mom says she knows exactly what you mean - it is such a hard thing to have to do. Soft woos and gentle hugs to you, Puddles, and Albert.

Hugs and Woos - Ciara and Lightning and Mom too

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We are sooo sorry.. You were very unselfish in the decision that you had to make.
We know your broken right now,,, We send you love

Tweedles -- that's me said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julie said...

Its a very hard decision, we've been there and know how difficult it is
Sending you lots of warm hugs and luffs, take care
Loves and healing licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

easyweimaraner said...

I'm so sad for you and for Whitney... I send a lot of hugs to you... and I so agree, I hope hope hope that I never have to make this decision again...
easy rider

Agnes B. Bullock said...

So sorry to hear this. It is not an easy decision and one we never want to make. POTP for you and your entire family.

Sketching with Dogs said...

I am so sorry to hear about Whitney. You did the absolute best thing for her, when their quality of life starts to go we have to think of them, even if it does rip out our heart.
Big hugs to you from all of us.
Lynne, Dip and Elliot xxx

Millie and Walter said...

We're so sorry to hear about Whitney. She was a sweet girl who was very loved by you all.

Murphy said...

Such a thing causes the heart to ache for quite some time and the ache is deep. We are sorry for your loss but it really is an act of love .

Your Pals,


Murphy said...

Such a thing causes the heart to ache for quite some time and the ache is deep. We are sorry for your loss but it really is an act of love .

Your Pals,


Ruby said...

Oh noes!!!!!! I am sooooo sorry. this is heartbreaking news! Butts, it sounds like you did all you could for her. Sometimes it's just kinder to let them go. No more confusion or pain.
I am sendin' tons of {{{{hugs}}}}} and kisses and margaritas...those always help....
Ruby ♥♥

Scooter said...

we are so sorry about Whitney. It is hard to help them over the bridge but sometimes its best for them. Im sure that Jazzi was there with a taco for Whitney. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Diana and Oreo

KB said...

Great big hugs to you. It is one of the hardest things in the world to do but it's the last gift you can give a sweet girl like Whitney. She was a wonderful dog, and you gave her an incredible life - filled with love and happiness. May she rest in peace and may your hearts find peace. Your friends - KB, R, and Shyla.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh mates. We send you our sincere sympathy on your sweet Whitney passing to the Rainbow Bridge. Hold each other tight. You are in our thoughts. No worries and love Stella and Rory

stellaroselong said...

We could not blog until this morning, but we wanted to say how sorry we are about your sweet whitney. Momma had to do that also with Trudie and it broke and cracked her heart apart into 1000 pieces, so she nose just how you feel. We are sending you lots of hugs and love today. I know Whitney had a grand life wif you. stella rose and momma

Inger said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Whitney. She had a long and happy life with you and your family. You gave her so much love throughout her life and then you gave her a final gift of peace, free from pain and suffering.

Little Miss Titch said...

So sorry for your loss,our thoughts and prayers are with you,xx Speedy and Rachel

FiveSibesMom said...

We just learned about beautiful Whitney and are so very, very sorry...

The Daily Pip said...

Sweet beautiful Whitney is free of the pain of her past and of her dementia. She was so lucky to be part of your family and experience such love and devotion. Forever missed. Run free dear Whitney

Backcountry Brodie said...

We are so very, very sorry :( RIP Whitney.

Shawnee and Daniela

Ziggy Stardust said...

I am so sorry. You know that you have my heart. I will pray for all of you. Angels Whitney and Sasha are probably having a girls day together across the bridge, eating cookies and tea and talking about boys and annoying brothers and sisters(certainly not Puddles).

Run free sweet girl

Love Anne and Ziggy

booahboo said...

We are so very sorry to hear about Whitney. It is a decision that most dog owners fear but have to make when their beloved dog is suffering. You are very brave. I wish i do not have to make this decision for my dogs and may they just go quietly in their sleep when they are ready.

At the shelter where i go to on weekends, we sometimes have to make a collective decision for some animals.. and it hurts just as much each time. The pain don't really go away and crying helps.

We hope be better soon. Run free Whitney.

Many hugs from all of us here.
Dommy+Anny, Chachi, Lori, Giant, Marilyn and Mr. P


We just learned about the loss of your beloved Whitney. I am so deeply sorry for your sorrow and your heart ache. Just know you made this decision with the utmost compassion and love for dear Whitney. It may not make the choice any easier but you will know in your hearts of hearts what choice you were faced with was done out of love, unselfish love. Because having to had to make that choice myself, I know, with every fiber in my being, I did not want to do it. But, I knew for the sake of my Gracie, I had to. I had to fulfill a promise to do the right thing for her. I can only hope that time will gently ease away the pain and sorrow you feel, and although it may seem like it won't, trust me on this one, it will. Each of us grieves in our own way and whatever you feel is right. Be gentle with yourself and remember all the love. Sending many comforting purrs and hugs.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Oh Allison, I am so sorry about Whitney's passing. She was always very special to me. I wish there was something I could do to ease your pain. I had to make the decision with Samantha when she was the same age as Whitney but she was in so much pain, it was the right thing to do. I will miss seeing Whitney but she will always have a special place in my heart.

God Bless......Sarah

Sweet William The Scot said...

They take a giant piece of our heart when we have to say goodbye. We are sorry.
Sweet William The Scot

Unknown said...

OMD I am so sorry to hear about beautiful Whitney. Helping a pet to the rainbow bridge is a noble and loving thing to do and she understood. Love Dolly

Marty the Manx said...

I am so very very sorry you had to help your beautiful Whitney over the Bridge. It sounds like it was the right decision and that your decision was made from your heart. I had to make the same decision with my love of my life Oskar the Samoyed and I know how big a hole it leaves in your heart. It will get easier. Angel Abbe and Grace's Mom is right.
Marty's Mom

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

We're very sorry that Whitney has crossed. The ache is deep. We understand.

pibble said...

We're so sorry - the Bridge is rather busy these days, isn't it. But Whitney Lou will find many friends to help with her journey. Our thoughts go out to your entire family! {hugs}

Jenna Solimando said...

So so so sorry about your sweet Whitney </3 Cry it out, eat some ice cream, and cry some more. It helps! It is a super tough decision but you know she went to a better place. If here on earth was a better place for her at this moment, then it wouldn't have had to be done. It was what was best for her so she can be at peace again. I had to put my horse down two years ago and it was the toughest decision.

Zoey.lovesyou's mom

Piappies World said...

Oh no Puddles! We just read about Whitney and we are so sorry for your loss. So sad that there has been so many of our furry pals crossing the rainbow bridge. Sending you and your Mom prayers and hugs from Piappies Mom and the Piappies.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

The Websters said...

Oh no. We are so so sorry for your loss. Sweet Whitney is now playing and running free.

Lots of love,

The Websters

Mayzie said...

Oh, Puddles and Momma Allison! We have been SOOOOOO super far outta Blogville lately and we just saw this. My mom and I wanna send you both loves and hugs and brindle kisses. We know how much Whitney meant to your family and how much you all must miss her. Puddles, please tell your mom that my mom says that even though it's the hardest thing anyone ever has to do, it's also the kindest, least selfish gift any hooman can give their four-legger.

Gentle wiggles & wags,