Friday, August 24, 2012

Brudder Goose.....

(capitals be fur emphasis)
is you theres?
It's me, Puddles D. Rainwater
 I has a favor to ask of you.

Sees, I knows how much you loves sticks
and I has a stick I needs you to come get, it's huge. it's gigantic, it's giiiiiiiinormous!
It's even BIGGER than me, okay so must things is but dats not really da issue.
Want me to shows you?
Can you sees it? It be behind me.
Okay, okay, I'll moves so everybuddy can see.

Okay, seeeeeeee!
 I told you it was a camed from my pee-can tree.

It be AAAAAALL in my way.
 I likes to dig heres and I can't get through it to gets to my spot.
It do be very important furs me to gets my daily excercise udderwise...
I gets very restless and ornery and dat ain't a purty sight.

 Will you puuuuuuulease come get dis stick?

Huh? Huh? Will ya?
I'll pays you in beer and Cheetos.



The Daily Pip said...

That is a mighty big stick, but I am sure Goose will be able to take care of it. Now, did you say something about beer and Cheetos ...

Your pal, Pip

P.S.: What font do you use? My assistant has meaning to ask you. She is all interested in fonts, go figure?

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Nobody could resist that face!!

Remington said...

No problem, my friend....I will be right there....

Unknown said...

Oh Puddles we'd love to see Goose get that stick. We can all come over and have a chew pawty! Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Uh Miss Puddles - due u KNOW what that big stick cood b hidin'? YoU NEED tu b RITE CLOSE when Goose movez that stick cuz it cood b hidin'ALL kindz of critterz. You cood SHARE thoze critterz with Goose az a reward fur movin'that stick. By the way, in case he duzn't c this post an'u didn't know - he'z stayin'with Bert rite now.
Shiloh'n Shasta

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

I'm sure that stick won't be a problem for Goose..... annoying it's in your way though mate!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Erin said...

Nice toe nails Puddles! Also have you lost some weight? :-)

- Bubbles

Finn said...

Love your toes! If Goose needs an extra paw, I'll come over and help. I like beer.

jen said...

That is a a small tree not a stick Puddles! wow! I bet Goose will be right over to get that thing out of your way!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD THAT thingy MUST GO!! BUTT FURST you gotta get all the Pee Cans off of it... so you can fry another Pee Can Pie.
I am sure that Goose can get rid of that HOOOOOGE stick. Plus I see that Remington is willing to lend his paw too.

Grady and Leonardo said...

Hey Ms. P.
Looks like you had a pawdacure with them pretty blue toey nails.

Good Luck getting your stick moved, and your digging spot back.

Have an awesome week end.
Leo, Grady and Mom

Charlene and Storm said...

oh puddles them close up pictures of you are adorable you look so placid, are you hiding a secret wildness behind those eyes cos you cant dig then, i cant see it?

i love your toenails, they are just up my street!!!

Charlene and Stormy

georgia little pea said...

Dear Miss Rainwater, it's a good thing you weren't in the yard when that came down or it would've ruined your blue nail polish for sure. Are your EVER going back to natural? X

Matilda the Boxer said...

Oh wow! You're going to have to pay Goose a LOT of beer to move a stick that big!

Lovable Lily said...

We know that once Goose sees that stick he'll be right over to move it for ya. Goose can move mountains we're told.

If you're serving beer and cheetos we'll come help too!

Lily Belle

Millie and Walter said...

Good thing that falling branch didn't take out the swing. I'm sure Goose will be right on the case as soon as he and his mom are done with their morning chores at Bert's place. They can even bring some of the borders with them to help.


Marg said...

WE will be right over for the beer and cheetos. Don't know how much help we will be about moving the stick but we can be the cheer leaders and cheer Goose on. Come on Goose get that stick moving.

Brian's Home Blog said...

My goodness, that is a whopper!!!!!

The Websters said...

Oh wow! I hope you get some help asap.

So Mrs. Master really likes that color too. Supposedly, she "accidently" keeps picking out that color to paint EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE.

Master and I painted the basement red to show our disapproval of all the light blue everywhere else.


Dachshund Nola said...

OMD that's a big one!!! I can help

houndstooth said...

I wonder if you could box it up and mail it to Goose. That would be after you mailed all the pee cans here to me, of course! I have a feeling that if anyone could take care of that stick, it would be Goose!

How Sam Sees It said...

I'm sure Goose will be right over to get it for you!


My Mind's Eye said...

Puddles I'll get to the stick in a minute but NR (mom's nickname) and I want to know how in the world do you do that thing with your eyes? Mom says it reminds of of the looks she used to give 'my girl' when she was a teeny bopper. Oh and tell you Mum you'll teach her that look for a beer and some cheetos!! MOL

Well you do most certainly have a problem!! You might need Goose and his posse to remove those pee-can tree branches.

Hugs your BFFF

Soggibottom said...

I'll swap you two beach stones, a couple of ears full of sand and a dish of ice cream for that stick matey.
luvs. Freya Rose Blossom X

Mary Lou said...

You grow restless whenever exercise is not occurring? So did Shadow!! She needed her walks, or else my girl would drive me toward insanity!! Funny. All Rose needs is food!! Hee, hee, hee.... ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

GOOSE said...

I've seen bigger. I will drop everything and be right over! Anything for you Puddles. Even if it was just a twig I would be happy to remove it for you. Are there any nuts on there? That would be a bonus. Packing my bags right now. I would even do it even if there were no beers and Cheetos. But since you offered. Did you have a big wind? From all the comments I do believe that we should have a pawty. I think we might find some squirrels and other critters in that thing. I can then make skurs out of the tree and we can roast them up (after you deaded them). Bring on the beer and cheetos and it is a pawty for sure.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

You might want to throw in some strawberries too!

booahboo said...

is there a stick in there??? me see alllllllllllllllllll green only.

when do you think your mama will be bored with her camera? anytime soon?

lovely lovely shots! esp the first one... you look so tiny Puddles!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Well, while yo u are waiting for that stick to be removed, you can come over and dog pile on Meowm!

Oh, we noticed you are sporting some purrty blue claws of doom! We love them!

JacksDad said...

It's a good thing you weren't under the tree when it fell. They wouldn't be able to find you for a month!

Ruby said...

Oh, Puddles, what is a doxie to do when a tree is in the way of her favorite diggin' spot? PAWTY!!! Oh, yea! Cheetos, beer, and I'm sure Miss Sasha can whip up squirrel surprise!
Be right over!



Kitty+Coco said...

Land sakes, that looks like a Mango job. Did a T-Rex get rowdy in your backyard or what?

Mollie said...

Wow that waz a very very big stick..youz soo cute xxooxx
Mollie and Alfie

Sketching with Dogs said...

He will be there in no time.
Ha! love the blue nails.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Anonymous said...

Huuuuge stick! Riley came around the corner of the house the other day with a 6 foot long stick in her mouth! She couldn't even pick it all the way up off the ground because it was so heavy. Crazy dog. If Goose needs any assistance at all, tell him to call Riley! She can help him and Remington get it out of there so you can have your premiere digging location back!

Elyse and Riley

Two French Bulldogs said...

We bet you a cheeto that Hoose is on the way
Benny & Lily

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We think Goose might have to get a crew together to remove THAT stick. Are you sure you have enough beer and Cheetos?

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Unknown said...

oh yes I see loads of sticks in dat der pile!


Dandy Duke said...

We would be happy to come and give Goose a paw. We love cheetos and beer too!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh Dears Me! If you can't get to your's diggy spot, you gonna have a nervous break up. Hope dat sticky goes away soon. Maybes I can send da Hurry-Cane Isaac to your house and him will pick it up fur you.

Shawn said...

Oh my Dogness, I hopes Goose gets there quickly to help wiff the removal of that biggie stick. Hopefully he will bring Bert cuz they have a big housefull of doggies and I'm sure he could use a break from them.
Maybe Allred could join you! He could climb the Pee Can tree and herd the squirrels down so you could have a Chase The Vermin Party!

Your furiend,

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no! We hope Goose will be right over to move your pecan branch so you can dig. Course you could always dig a big hole and bury it.

The Meezers or Billy said...

we'll come get it for you - you're so cute

Murray's Mouth said...

Aw, sad face... my guys would love to come get it!

What Remains Now said...

Wow! Where are you going to dig while this big stick is messing things up? I hope Goose can help.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Puddles ~ Good to hear Goose is on his way. I know him and Remington will do a good job. Hope you have enough Beer and Cheetos! Maybe somebuddy just needs to bring a match and we'll have a bonfire and we can have roasted Pee Cans along with the beer and cheetos.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Anonymous said...

Woah! That's a big stick!! It scares me :O and I am a brave boy!!
I would like some beer and Cheetos :D

Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles, I bet with Remington and Goose, that stick was gone in no time at all. Can you do me a favor, if there are any possums or squirrels deaded under there, please put them in the freezer for me. Mommy and I are having a pizza stand for back to school and we need all the meat we can get. Thanks

Loveys Sasha

Anonymous said...

I could come and help you but I live a bit too far away ;)...

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Puddles, wowza that is a big stick. Thank goodness Goose loves sticks and is willing to help. We don't care too much for sticks but we would come for beer and cheetos. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Dexter said...

Miss Puddles,
The Mango feels slighted that you did not call upon his larger than that Goose self to assist with the stick removal. Besides, now you can have adventures. It is like having a forest in your own back yard.


Marg said...

Puddles, you need to come over and see our blog post today. It has a cat on it that looks kind of like a dachshund, really short legs. It will make you smile.

Unknown said...

You must have had a T-storm come through eh? My Uncle Buddy could make short work of that for you, but he's out here in California.

Oh, and I did a doggie DNA test. Turns out, a DOXIE is NOT my father! (Sorry Maurry) I think you'll laugh at the results, so go check it out.

the teacher's pets said...

Hi Puddles,
If Goose doesn't answer to your call of duty then I will use my big mouth and start barking until he gets his butt over to your house. Okay?
And...if he still doesn't answer then I will march right over to your tree and start digging! I have long, long coon hound legs that are meant for digging! I'll even put blue nail polish on to match yours, okay?

Lorenza said...

I am sure Goose will be more than happy to help you!
Kisses and hugs

ShellePenn said...

That is a HUGE stick!! I'm not sure that Brother Goose can get it all on his own. Why don't you have a stick party and we'll all come down for beer, cheetos and stick movin'.

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby

Ziggy Stardust said...

Hey Girly, I know you were all busy and stuff this weekend getting that big stick out of your yard and maybe deading possums for my pizza stand. I had a pawty and saved you some cake and wallymelon and strawberry ritas. Stop on by when you can, the pawty is still going on to celebrate National Dog Day. We will keep the light on for you.

Loveys Sasha

p.s can you try to pee before you come in the bouncy house??

Patrice and Higgins said...

If anyone can get that big stick is will be Goose!!! BUT, if I come try to get it, will you give me some Cheetos and Beer??


Maggie Mae and Max said...

My Dear Puddles,

Just say da word and I will hop a train to come down dere and help Goose remove dat stick!


Barbara said...

I WANT THAT MAGNET!! Where'd yew get it Frankie????

So now doggies are eating roll-on deodorant? Das so weirds.