Friday, June 20, 2014

I Needs Some love and Thoughts Please

Hellos boys and girls...tis I, Puddles Duddles Rainwater and I has
gotten myself into a predicament of sorts.
See, it all started on a luverly warm, sunny day...Wednesday to be exact.
I went fur my walk and came home to check out da backyard to make sures there
was nuttin back theres there shouldn't squirrels and groundhogs.
well, I seen nuttin so I yelled at mum to lets me in da door and hers seen me
at da bottom of dis....
WARNING: not fur da faint at heart
my leggie gotted all ripped up from my leg to my rib cage.
now ain't dat sumptin?
I was rushed to da vet and then into surgicals to sew me back togedders.
(also haded my teefers cleaned while I was out...more on dat laters)
Cuz of da location of my battle wound they was real
concerned bouts fluid buildin' up and yada yada.
Howevers, yesterday, my sewn up part now has one F'ed up infection
and it is draining cuz it gots a hole in it now...but dis is actually a
good thing. They gaves me more good drugs though.
NOW TODAY all I do id throw up and now mum be all freaked out again...
we currently has anudder call into da vet.
So I know I hasn't been around because I could use some love and thoughts
right now...and a beer would be good too...and some Cheetos.
Puddles...survivor of battle wound from hell


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OMD...OMD..OMD!!!!!!!!! Arm da troops and we'll all head fur your neck of da woods! What the H**L happened to you, girlfuriend. Did the tree rats attack??? Seriously, we all have your back (uh, undercarriage). Please Please keep us updated on your condition. All the POTP from our house is heading in your direction...

Luvs Ya!

Anonymous said...

Good grief... can't look... can't look away. What (who?) did this to you?!!!

Agnes B. Bullock said...

PUDDLES!!!!! POTP always for you!

stellaroselong said...

I toles you and I toles you and I toles not drink and walk!!! I imagine you stumbled down the cliff after inhaling wayyyyy to much, and there was a jagged rock or stick, or squirrel with your name on it. I guess I am gonna have to cash in on that train ticket, grab my dr. kit and head on down to the station, tell your ma to just keep a cold washrag on your head until hers hears me knock on your door, I will use our special signal of one knock, two knocks, on know the one we practiced....hugs Angus McConnell and "girls"

Ranger said...

OMD Puddles! I am so sorry dat you got some battle wounds sweetheart. I'm gonna send you loads and loads of paw prayers for you.
Hang in da girl... the POTPs is on its way.

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear sweet Puddles D is I Madi here to offer a transfusion of kitty slobber as it is acute all. Anything I like turns as hard as petrified wood.
Girlfriend you know I am purring and sending kitty hugs...please keep us posted.
Madi your wing woman Nd bfff

My Mind's Eye said...

A cure all not acute all stooooooid auto correct

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Puddles Puddles PUDDLES We just don't know about you, Puddles. WHAT did you DO to yourself THIS time? We THOUGHT we had you Cured of swinging from Chandeliers and stuffs...

OMD PUDDLES Ernie and I are sending you our STRONGEST DACHSHUND POTP and VIBES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Now get WELL and HEAL. We can NOT have YOU being sick and injured.

kmp said...

Oh my word! Puddles, how in the world did this happen?! We are with Tank - can't look, but can't look away! Your mum must have FREAKED!! We are sending you lots POTP and good vibes!

Edgar and his mum

Pippen said...

What the heck did you do out in the backyard?

Paws crossed that you have a speedy quick recovery!

Sam and Pippen

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

OMD Miss Puddles Duddles Rainwater – Diva Shasta here. WHATEVER DID HAPPEN? Did those rascally tree-ratz attack u? Did that Chrissy-elf due this tue u sumhow? Oh I is so furry much happee u iz here BUTT I due wish it were fur a better reezon than this. Oh yes, u MUST haf our POTP – I will werk on the other stuff tue. Oh u iz my mentor – an’u iz hurt – OH WOE IZ ME! (Now listen tue your nurse Diva Shasta - make shure your mom knowz that u need total quiet an’no interruptshunz durin’your healin’process an’they NEED tue give u plenty of foodablez tue durin’your gittin’better stage – u NEED tue keep your strength up.)
NURSE Diva Shasta

Marg said...

Oh Puddles. that looks awful. We are so so sorry. Sure hope they can fix the throwing up. We sure have you in our prayers and are sending tons and tons of purrs. The donkeys are sending their best Hee Haw's too. You had better get all well soon. Keep us updated. Hugs to the Mom. We know she is a wreck.

Unknown said...

OMD Puddles what has happened to you??? You been battling with evil pesky tree rats or something. We send you healing vibes and POTP. Praying for a speedy recovery. Please keep us pupated even if it is a short note. We will worry about you. Paws and fingers tightly crossed over here.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Puddles I'm so sad that this happened to you. My paws are crossed that it will be better soon. A big kiss to you for a fast recovery

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you poor baby, so sorry to see your wound. i pray now that you will heal quickly and feel better soon

Taryn said...

That's horrible! PRAYERS for you!

Sully said...

WTF!!! Dude, this is horrible, bless you little heart. Sending you POTP and prayers. Keep Blogville posted on your recovery.

Aroo to you,

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my goodness. Madi told me about your problems and we came over to drop off lots of purrs and prayes. We sure hope the all better finds you soon.

Unknown said...

POTP and many good thoughts coming your way Puddles & Ma!


Unknown said...

POTP and many good thoughts coming your way Puddles & Ma!


Cowspotdog said...

Oh puddles - how on earth did you manage to do that in your own back yard? Was there hidden ninja's or something. Now listen up - sickies are BAD ....BAD BAD BAD - so get you butt in gear and start getting better !!!!!!!

Unknown said...

What the he*k happened, Puddles? How on Earth did you get such a BIG gaping cut/wound? Gosh, you need to rest, take it easy, take your medicine and GET BETTER! I'll send you some good medicines (wink-wink).
*Cairn cuddles*

Idaho PugRanch said...

OMDDDDD PUDDLES!!! What in the world happened to you??? We are sending you special pug POTP. We have missed you girl and you must get better.
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Murphy said...

Oh Puddles, how on earth did you ever do this? We will cross our paws for you to get healed and have no infection AND to not mess with the stitches. We will also cross our paws for your mama who must be going crazy right now!! We hope you get your butt over to the Blogville Hospital right away!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Barbara said...

Here ah been wunderin ware yew are and den yew com bak all ripped up and fected. Puddles, yew stop did fection nonsense an get well quick!!

Little Miss Titch said...

Oh My Bun!Heal up quick Puddles my friend we got parties to go to!love and Snuggles,xx Speedy


Holy cat Puddles. I am trying to figure out why your feed is not coming into my Reeder and I see THIS! Oh my cod. OH Puddles I am so sorry. I hope you are better. we will start our purr motors going on full blast.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

NURSE Diva Shasta here ain - shure due hope your medicine tue help heal your boo-boo (an'that ain't honey boo-boo either or may-she had sumpthin'tue due with it?)
anyway, hope that anti-b-otic ain't the problem of your tummie sickiez - hope that gitz better tue.

Ruby and Penny said...

Omd! How on earth did you do that? Sending lots of doxie feel good vibes your way. Omd!

Love Ruby & Penny

Millie and Walter said...

Oh Puddles that looks very bad. We hope you get better soon and will keep our paws crossed tight for you.

Lovable Lily said...

Oh dear! Oh was it Oh Deer? Just how in tarnation did you do that to yourself? Puddles, we are so sorry to see and hear this story. Horrible!! We hope that the 'fection draining is a good thing. Usually it is. You don't want that stinky stuff inside of you fur sure. We've got all our paws crossed for you and fur your Mom too (bcuz we know she probably just about fainted when she saw that!)

It's always great to see you again (bcuz we hate that you've been a stranger) butt we don't want to see you looking like that.

POTP Baby!

Lily Belle & Muffin

The Furries of Whisppy said...

OMD. What on earth caused that? Good heavens.
We're sending our loudest purrs and keeping our paws crossed for you to make a full recovery, Puddles!

Sheltie Times said...

WOW. That was one scary incident Puddles. Lots of prayers going out that you are fully healed and that what ever got you never gets to you again.

Unknown said...

I am sending Doxie POTP to you Puddles! Please get well I hope the meds work and you don't get sick the infection heals and you are well! Love Dolly

Ruby said...

HOLY CRAP!!!! Gurl!! Did you get into it with a rabid tree rat or something??? Crap! I am faintin' at the sight....
Okays, I'm okays now....
You need some beers? Cheetos? I'm makin' a fresh pitcher of margaritas!!! They are delish!! And they go FABulously with beers and cheetos! Okays, I'll be right overs...
You tell your Moms that we are sendin' TONS of healin' vibes and cheetos your way, okays?!
Oh, and don't gets any pus on them okay?? Ewwwwww!!
Ruby ♥♥

My Mind's Eye said...


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

OMD Puddles! A mystery wound and not just a little one, but a truly Puddles' epic wound!

You just take all those Auntie Byotiks and get better!

Oh, and we learned last night on TV that you CAN have alcohol with pills, so have some NEED to stay hydrated.

XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Macdui

Murray's Mouth said...

Oh Puddles...please get better soon! Hate seeing and reading about your troubles :(

Geoauntie said...

Puddles please get better as quickly s possible, Take all the pills needed and build up your strength and get back to us soon. I am thinking and praying for you and your crazy mum. Love and the best-est wishes Hilary

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Joining all the rest in saying prayers for you Puddles... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Sweet William The Scot said...

Puddles Duddles Rainwater what got you girl. Did you deaded it or is it still alive. Did you try to get through the fence and got caught? Oh Puddles I am sure hairs 101 through 190 might be gone for good. Now take you medicine and get better. I have missed you Puddles. Get well Puddles fast.
Sweet William The Scot

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Holy Crap Puddles. We're sending POTP straight to you from Oz and hope you are feeling better real soon. Hope you have some good painkillers for the wound girlie. Sheesh, that has shocked us mate. Take care and hugs to all. No worries, and LOVE, Stella and Rory

Brian's Home Blog said...

Don't mind me Puddles, I'm just dropping off more purrs and prayers for you sweetie.

liparifam said...

WTH??? We've missed you so much, and now when you return - THIS!! Puddles, we are all sending POTP thoughts non-stop, 24/7 from here...

Backcountry Brodie said...

PUDDLES! Oh My Dog!!!! Holy Dog DooDoo!!! I mean, I kinda look like that too but the V-E-T did it to me to steal a lumpy bumpy on my belleh, I did not do it to myself or get it in battle with sumpin. Gurlfurriend, who was you fighting with? I bet your mom freaked out. You could has lost all of your innards, silly! I be thinking about you and hoping you heals up good as new.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles!!!! Puddles...ohhhhhhhhhhhhh(Sasha fainted).

Oh I am up now and OMD Puddles, what has happened to you??? That picture scared the poop out of me and I almost rowlfed my supper. Were you attacked?? Was it Chrissy?? I will be over as soon as I can to bring beer and cheetos. That is much better than any antibiotic.

Please hang on until I get there and I hope I don't...ohhhhhhhh(Sasha fainted again).

What was I saying? Oh I hope I don't poop on your carpet when I see you.


I have paws crossed and Mommy is praying for you.

Loveys Sasha

KB said...

Oh Puddles. That is horrific, and you have the POTP flowing to you from many of us - especially from Colorado. I hope you're feeling better...

That photo almost made me faint.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Oh sh*t - Puddles, your battle wound picture has my dad running around yelling stuff. We thought it was bad when Rory and Stella's mom posted a photo of Rory's bloody foot. But your photo really freaked my dad out. Yikes - man o' man - that looks like that stings a lot. Hope they put you together okay. You're not backwards are you?

Lorenza said...

My paws are crossed for you!
Sure you have a huge wound! I hope it heals pretty soon!
Take care

Linda said...


Hope you get better fast.

xo Cinnamon

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Holy smokies Puddles-- how did you ever do that?
Well this means that I am going outside right now and send some magic healing bubbles to you,,, and I am sure Sashy sent you some too..
so I am also crossing my paws for you,,, and the Power Of The Paw too

houndstooth said...

I need to sit down! Oh my dog! Puddles, that looks awful! I hope that you're feeling much, much better soon. I have really missed you!


Dachshund Nola said...

OMD! POTP to you right now!

rottrover said...

PUDDLES! POTP coming your way!! And love, too!

Bart, Ruby and Otto

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Puddles we just heard about this. Our paws are crossed for you. POTP

Fozziemum said...

Oh Puddles that's so awful...our dear friend Madi mentioned you needed POTP and so we send all of ours from us to you...we hope you have a speedy recovery hugs and loves from Down Under Fozziemum xxxx

Duke said...

OMD, Puddles! We're sending you tons of AireZen and healing vibes to you. OUCH!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

2 Punk Dogs said...

That looks painful, were you defending the house from Godzilla!?!
Hope you're feeling better soon, sending 24 paws of good luck. <3

Mary Lou said...

I've been a stranger in these parts of Blogville--again!!--it feels so good to be back!! ;-D
Oh my gosh!! I had no idea!! I am so very sorry about your "battle wound from hell", Friend!! GET WELL SOON!! ;op
Love you later, Raelyn and Rose

Brian's Home Blog said...

How are you Puddles dear? We sure are worried about you.

A MilShelb Mom said...

Holy!!! Woah!!! OMD!!!! We are thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery!
Milly and Shelby

The Websters said...

NO!!!! Puddles! We are praying. This sounds terrifying!

Nora B. Webster

Soggibottom said...

Oh no little mate.
Sending you loads of love and luv's. Keep us all updated mom. Get well soon little babes.

Inger said...

Oh, Puddles, baby girl, I am so sorry you are going through this horrible injury. I will pray for you and your mommy, she must be so worried about you. You know she loves you, even if you think she's a bit difficult every now and then. Samson sends love and licks and I send my love and hugs to you and your mommy.

Jans Funny Farm said...

It's so good to see you post again, Puddles, but the subject matter isn't what we'd hoped to hear. We sure hope your wound is healing and you will be back to Cheetoes and beer soon.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

We Beaglebratz wuz just wunderin'if there iz an update on this? We iz so furry much worried'boutz the Puddles an'her mom. Shure due hope the boo-boo iz improvin'a little or lotz. Still sendin'the POTP!
Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD! Puddles, what the heck happened?! Or are you keeping it a secret? That is a skeery looking wound. I bet your momma FREAKED. I'm glad you got all sewn up, and we're keeping our paws crossed that the infection goes away real soon.

The Daily Pip said...

(insert sound of magical, new age music)

Just sprinkling a little magical, cheeseburger, I mean fairy/angel dust over your wound. And a splash of beer, Holy Water for good measure.

You are welcome.

Angel Pip

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh I like Pip's comment. Beer ~ Holy Water! You definitely need an intervention. Puddles I pray you are healing.
Sweet William The Scot

A MilShelb Mom said...

Please update us. We are all very worried!
~Milly and Shelby

booahboo said...

Homaigawd! Ur missing so long and you come back with a ripped leg story!!!! Homaigawd!!! Do you need a beer for yer mom?

Glad you are on the mends... and seriously... girlie.. you should just chill it and have beer.. and don't go chasing stuffs and get yerself ripped. Homaigawd!

We've missed ya!

Piappies World said...

Waaaah OMD Puddles! We are sorry we didnt catch this post earlier. We do hope that you are ok. All paws of Piappies are crossed for you dearest Puddles.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie