Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mum Is A Flake

Nows ya'll knows how mum be hittin' herself in da head withs da stoopid stick ALL da time on's very entertaining, more so than watchin' da neighbors.

Mum has a Honda Accord likes dis...
...except hers is black and lots older and dirtier..but others than dat it looks just likes dis.

One warm and sunny day...when hers was neglecting my blog... mum went to da gym (like hers does EVERYDAY) and put her purse in da trunk (her NEVER does dat though) so hers wouldn't has to take it in and nobuddy would steals it ...well, her keys gots hooked in da strap and her closed da trunk lid befores her realized it.

(insert Puddles laughter)

Her started freakin' out and saying bunch of bad words.
Her lookes sumptin' sorta likes dis....

I am so glad I wasn't theres cuz hers would has surely embarrassed me looking likes dis.
So da Vet man was at da gym (we live in a small town what can I say) and offered to takes mum home to gets a spare key and he telled hers to check da inside of da car just to makes sures they wasn’t in theres. (Note: Car unlocked) Nope, keys not theres. Soooooo, da Vet man takes mum home to look furs a spare key...OMD, he knows where I lives...aaaaaaaack! Just a word of advice, your vet should nevers know where you lives. Well mum couldn't find da spare key cuz dad had it in his car at work which was far far off. How exactly is dat gonna helps in a time of idiot-locking-da-keys-in-da-trunk?

Wells da crazy lady was beginning to panicks cuz it would has soon been time to picks up my girl from school and hers didn't has ANY ways to get her. And soon enuff mum began to turn into dis right before my eyes.

Wells, all of a sudden it hits mum likes a squirrel fallin' outta a pee-can tree... I do loves me some peecans by da way...
Remembers how I noted da car was unlocked?
All Honda's has a TRUNK LATCH inside!!!!
So all mum hads to do was pull da trunk latch insted of gettin' her fruit of looms in a wad.

I prolly shouldn't mention da fact dat not only does it has a latch inside but dis cool gizmo too... knows, incase you locks yourself in da trunk

Aaaaaaaand da seats fold down to get into da trunk too!

Folks, what I am sayin' is dat da woman actually had 3 ways to gets her keys out which, would also deafeat da whole purpose of putting her keys in da trunk...anybuddy could has stole dat purse (but there wasn't anything in theres anyways so there would has been no point if you was a thief)
I'm surprised I has turned out so well livin' heres.

Puddles...prolly should go check on my mum bout now

PS: My Papa picked da Girl up from school


Unknown said...

As my Moms, Mom would say, is she ready for the men in the white coats??
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

BOL n wee fort our Momster wos scatty-fied butt wee now finks yor Mom is worse den ours. Means life at yors is neva dulls-ville wee guesses

Uji, Ronnii & Izzy
xxx xxx xxx

Bobbie said...

HAHAHA!! Is your mum blond by chance? This sounds like something I WOULD do, but haven't yet.
Oh Puddles, I think you need to be really nice to your mum for a while... and don't worry, you'll be fine.

My Mind's Eye said...

OMC Puddles that is the funniest well written (love pee-cans) flaky story. OK now that Mom has quit wiping her eyes and cackling she said 'poor Puddles Mum I know how frantic she must have been.'I mean in a time of dire straits, who in the heck has time to think rationally. The question is how long did it take Mum to realize all those safety measures were there? MOL/LOL

Good news is..if Mum ever locks you in the trunk you have an itty bitty escape door!!

Hugs from your BFFF,

What Remains Now said...

Why, oh why did your mom let you know about this? Well, I guess she had to explain why the vet brought her home (which I agree is not a good thing for you). You might have the winning entry for My Peep Is A Flake. This is a mighty good story.

Backcountry Brodie said...

Hahahahaha! Ok, now that I has scraped myself up off the floor from fits of laffter I has to ask this. Puddles, we know from wot you has told us that your mom be a flake so that do be totally eggspected. But wot skeers me more than your V-E-T knowing where your house is, is the fact that the V-E-T did not know how to get into the trunk!?!?!?!?! Do they not teach that in V-E-T school - you know, in case your mom locked YOU in the trunk? OK so good news do be that mebbe your V-E-T won't rememmer where your house is.

Just Jess for now said...

That is all I can say.

Scooter said...

Hey Puddles!
Wow, what's hysterical! BWAR HAR HAR. Flake fur sure. That's a totally funny one and I'm sure sorry about the vet...will you be moving now?!? BOL Got you in the drawing now!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Road Dog Tales said...

hahahahaha This is SOOOO something like our Mom would do! At least she didn't spend $200 to have a new key made. Did she? Cause our AUNT did that one time only to find the spare key was under the floor mat of the car! bwahahahaha Hope that makes you feel better.

The Road Dogs

Unknown said...


Now, my momma owned TWO Accords afore she owned Big Red. So as her was reading this post, her said to me......" Wonder why poor Puddles mom don't pop the trunk hatch? Maybe it isn't in these newer models......"


Unknown said...

Lucky fur her, the Criminals in SC don't know that trunk hatch secret either! Heehee.....specially with it 'hidden' right there by the door! is our sweet Whitney doing?

GOOSE said...

BOL BOL!! OK OK the first thing you need to do is MOVE. You have no choice, the vet knows your address. I see home visits in your future. 2nd, just grab the keys and take the Honda, she probably won't even know it's missing. Yep you got a flake on yur paws.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WHAP ! That was her gettin hit with the stoopid stick..
BaaaaaWaaaaah now WHY am I NOT surprised by this? THIS is sooooo funny. YEP.. the Pee Can didn't fall far from the tree.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

BaaaaaaWaaaaah you made your MOM read your post????? Now that is almost FUNNIER than reading about what she did.
DARN girrrrl I wish I could have been there to see her when she saw what you told about her!!!
YOU are really Brave fur sure.

Remington said...

Oh my! That is funny!

houndstooth said...

Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, this sounds like something my grandma would do! She's always locking something up somewhere! Now I'm going to be a lot more worried if we don't hear from you, though, thinking that you've been locked in a closet or something...


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Time fur a memory check...Go lock da Momma in da trunk and sees if her finds da escape hatch!

PeeS....Does you trust dis vet to work on you's when him didn't even nose bout da trunk release??? HMMM!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Your poor mom! What a day she had. And now you're all going to have to move cause she showed your vet where you live.

Our Jan never had an Accord so she wouldn't have known and panicked too.

Cole said...

Bahahaha! I'd totally do that.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Sometimes the key to happiness is in the trunk!!!!

Anonymous said...

My asst. says she would never in a million years admit to something so STOOPID.

jen said...

LMAO! I just know that me and your mom were separated at birth!!
She makes me feel so much better about my flakiness!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh goodness! Well, at least your Mom could get her keys out! Last time Meowm locks hers in the car, the lock smith had to come out and charged her $70 for a job that took less than a minute!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh, we loves the new header on your blog!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Hysterical! That must have been some clout with the Stupid Stick...we're rollin' around the floor laughin'.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

SHE's done stuff like that, too.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Everybuddy, that was sooo funny. Your mum is definitely a flake. Wonder what shade of red her face was when she realised how she could get into the car. Hehehe. Take care all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Tucker said...

BOL... silly Momma

woof - Tucker

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Miss Puddles,

We has been at home. Meowm has been doing way too much traveling. She is home for awhile now, so hopefully we will get to visit more!

Peggy Frezon said...

Oh Puddles, where would your mom be without you to point out things like this?! hehe. Probably your mom has so much to do and think about, things like this just happen from time to time. I think she needs a Puddles hug!

Dachshund Nola said...

BOL BOL BOL!!! That is perfect!
Dachshund Nola

Anonymous said...

ROFL! Reminds me of that joke where the blonde called the tow truck to help her unlock her car after she locked the keys in it... at the end she said, "and please hurry... the windows are down and it's starting to rain!"

JacksDad said...

Corn or bran? :)

The Daily Pip said...

OK, at first I was super scared that you were going to say she locked YOU in the trunk! We have one of those honda cars, too. Of course, ours in old and dirty, too and has lots of dents from years in the city. It's not pretty, trust me! In fact, I don't even like to be seen in it ...

Your pal, Pip

The Daily Pip said...

Oh and I am worried because there's lot of rumors around here about "lifestyle changes" and "heart healthy food" and I think that might mean more burgers ...gasp ...and no more frenchy fries ...and NO MORE BEER! Help!

Anonymous said...

I is still barkin out loud! Oh yea, this is so fury funny!

Now I knows why you gots such a great humor!

woos, Tessa

A MilShelb Mom said...

Too funny!!! Speaking of trunks... you'll have to read our flake post!
~Milly and Shelby


Squealing with purry laffter!!!


The Daily Pip said...

chomp, chomp, burp these "turkey burgers" chomp, slurp, I don't know why my "water" is foamy and yellow and comes in a can.

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Always pays to have a Plan B - even if it takes a little time to figure it out. How did your mom get into your house, which we assume was locked, with her keys locked in the car? For your next gift for your mom, get her one of those stretch thingies the peeps wear on their wrists when they exercise, for their valuables, and stick a spare set of keys inside. Mama always has at least 3 sets of keys to the car and the house on her person when she leaves the house, with one set in her pockets [mama is a huge believer in pockets].

Jed & Abby

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Puddles, we are all laughing our tails off at this one - great story. Of course, we were really sweating what was going to happen to your Girl - so glad for your Dad. Now we must add that your vet sounds pretty flakey too - duh, he even looked inside the car!

Have you got more flakey tales for us? Bring them on.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

pibble said...

OMG, OMG, OMG, I am falling to the floor laughing. Please, please help me up - I can't get up! I can't catch my breath... OMG, this is so funny, I just can't stop laughing! Puddles... Oh, my, oh, my!!!!

Maggie Mae and Max said...


I just luvs your mom to bits, her is flaky fur sure!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS Max says hi ;)

KB said...

OMD, I am laughing SO hard!!!!!! I needed that Puddles. Thanks!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Love it!!! Your Mom;s as flakey as our Mom.

Sniff ya later....Weenie

Anonymous said...

I'm super glad she re-discovered the open trunk lever!!! what a great story though, Puddles!!
<3 Jbenz

Mollie said...

thank u for not mentioning your kitteh friend who got in your car while you were at your house and tried to find the release to pull your back seat down! We are just two peas (or is that pecans?) in a pod!

Scooter said...

Oh that was so funny Puddles, it had my mom laughing!! What a great story!! I hope she learns fur next time!!

Jazzi and Addy

Anonymous said...

BOL! Oh dear can't stop laugh la laughin BOL! K, you know what scares me though? You only told one story. I don't even want to think about what else you could have said about her :O Hardy Har Har Har! Thinkin it's a good thing that now at least YOU know how to get things out of the trunk ;)

Waggin at ya,

Duke said...

Hey, that's our car, Puddles! Ours is grey just like that one only we've got the grey valour seats instead of leather. We'll make sure mom sees this post - just in case!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MOL!!!!!!!!!! One of the many reasons we all gotta love our moms!!!!!!!!
