We wants to thank Minna Krebs fur hosting da adoption stories! We has been reading all da stories and they has been so wonderful.
And you may needs a potty break and maybes a beer to go withs dis LOOOOOOONG story!
Hellos ya’ll, it’s me Puddles! Yep, today is Whitney’s story but I is gonna tell her story cuz her is shy and stuffs and don’t really likes to be in da limelight. So who could be betters to tell her story other than me? Dats right, ME! Okays, lets get on withs da show….
In August of 2009 mum was goofin’ off on da computer lookin’ at dachshunds from various breeders like her was really gonna get another dog or sumptin. Well hers spotted a little female long hair dat was being retired from theirs breeding program…and thought hers looked quite similar to brudder Albert so hers clicked on da pedigree and low and behold her and brudder had da same pawrents! Then hers rushed upstairs to gets Albert’s papers to make sures they really had da same pawrents and they did indeed match.
Okays, mum really wasn’t wanting another doggie BUT when hers knew Whitney and Albert was brudder and sissy things changed and her just hads to have her come live with us
Mum called da Mr. Breeder Man to makes sure Whitney was still availables and of course hers was...like duh! Mum and da little girl drove way out to pick sissy up
Oh boy, what did mum get herself into? Da girl was skeered of everything, hers never been on a leash, obviously had nevers been petted, hers didn’t know how to play withs me OR toys! Hers didn’t even know how to go up and down steps…oh da horror. Did I mention hers wasn’t fond of ME or Albert…or of dad or da little hooman girl? She went through quite a lot her furst week home with us cuz her had to go in fur a dental and lost 6 teefs…then da next week mum found a mammary tumor and then hers had to have dat removed too. Hers all okie dokie nows though.
Lemme just say dat afters a year of sissy being with us hers has made some great progesses if I do say so. Her has began to walk on a leash
*months later mum got out Whitney's paperwork and realized dat her did not haves da same birthdate as Albert...they still had da same parents but were not actually litter mates.
Okay, dats it fur sissy. Even though her has some issues we is very thankful her is with us and her is all safes and stuffs and we do love hers very much.
Me and sissy...her is da black blob beside me.
Okay, dats it fur sissy.
Even though her has some issues we is very thankful her is with us and her is all safes and stuffs and we do love hers very much.
Ummmmmmmm...and just in case ya'll missed MY story from yesterday you can go here to read it cuz you know you want to....hehehehe...I am os full of myself.
Even though her has some issues we is very thankful her is with us and her is all safes and stuffs and we do love hers very much.
Ummmmmmmm...and just in case ya'll missed MY story from yesterday you can go here to read it cuz you know you want to....hehehehe...I am os full of myself.
We wish everybuddy a wonderful Thanksgiving and we is so grateful to haves all of our bloggie furiends in our lives.
**Tomorrow I, Puddles will has my mum's Christmas list posted dat Frankie is hosting
I felt like Whitney was enuffs to read fur oneday.
Until next time....
Peace Out,
Puddles....and Whitney