Hellos boys and girls...thank you fur tunin'in today.
I wants to introduce ya'll to someone very much
important in my life...my new vet.
My old vet quit when he had to buy a new filing cabinet just fur my file
retired to spend time withs his family.
(Bon Voyage Dr. O)
I walked in da door one day to introduce myself to da new vet, Dr. G.
I just knews her was gonna want a pawtograph.
Her was so excited to finally meet me dat her run straight to da back and out da door.
Then I heard screams.
Like i said, her was super excited.
Sure, I'll wait right heres.
I waited bout 10 minutes...or an hour fur hers to regain her composure.
Then hers come out trembling and says her has heard lots bout me.
I is very well known down at da clinic.
Let me just takes ya'll back a moment to last year when I almost died
when I hads my torso almost amputated.
and here is your warning...
I has da most awesome scar now.
But Dr. G saved my life and sewed me back togedders.
I was much impressed with her skills and her bedside manners.
Her is a very luverly and nice lady. Her is like one of those furiends you
could go has a beer or 12 with.
Her is a very luverly and nice lady. Her is like one of those furiends you
could go has a beer or 12 with.
Her said i was adorables and her wants her very own Puddles.
Seriously would dis face lie to ya'll?
Shhhhhh...never mind.
Okay so her didn't say dat but hers wanted to.
Puddles...#1 patient (I pay their bills)