Made by Miss Luna
Happy Monday everbuddy!
Well as ya'll all know I was away most of last week BUT when I gots home I had a box waiting just furs little ol me cuz I specials.
My box was from my pal Remington, he bes my furiend and he likes me(he don't lie) and he watches out fur me so I don't gets in trubles (he tries anyway)...lawd knows somebuddy has to keep tabs on me...hehehe!!
Okays, so heres my package.... it not from da ABC store (unfortunately).
(check out da Spongebob sticker)
And look at dis, just to show ya'll how sweet Remington is...
he even sent sumptin fur my Brudder and Sissy.
He put their names on their toys prolly so's I wouldn't claim them as mine...hehehehe!
Oh he knows da Puddles too well.
And a whole bag of treats fur ME. They be NO name on 'em so they bes MINE...hehehe..oh wait...
(What Mum?)
Ummmm...mum says I HAVES to shares with da old foggies Brudder and Sissy...BLAH!
( I just testing da toys out...gots to make sures they be safe)
And gosh,would you believes he even sent my mum a little sticky pad withs Dachshunds hesds too...da pikture didn't come out so you'll haves to use your imagination.
Ummmm...I can'ts be showing you dat, I shows you dat on my birfday day...dat bes Wednesday in case ya'll furgots. Ya'll didn't furget did ya?
Check out da card he sent...
It's a Dachshund...I loves it!
Here's da inside
He wrote his name...hehehe!
Oh ya'll don't goes nowheres yet, I gots to show my card from Frankie.

Oh dat so be Frankie!
Aaaaaand apparentlies Blogger REALLY wanted to show ya'll da box again cuz it posted itself AGAIN.. So, tells
Mr. Box hellos one more time.
Thank You...says Mr. Box
THANK YOU Remington fur my fabulous pressies and fur making my birfday so special. BUT, most importantly...thank you fur being my furiend.
And THANK YOU to Frankie fur my birfday card.
Everyday I am just amazed dat dis blog has brought me some of da bes furiendships ever!
Peace Out,
prolly be late to bloggies today cuz My Girl has to goes to da bone cancer DR. todays fur her checkup.
eeeeh, i'm the first bol!!!
happy birthday.....this wed?????
loooove your pressies from such goood furiends
Happy Birthday!
Good luck to your girl today and Happy Birthday to your wee self. Looks like you are really pulling in the loot.
Wowser, what a haul you made fur your birthday! All of that AND da Toenail clippers too!
I can hardly waits fur your Puddle Roastday..I mean birthday. My mom and I finished your roast and nows I got ants in my pants waiting fur yous to see it too! Don't worries too much~ I was kind.
Gives your girl an extra wet smooch from ME todays!
Hiya Puddles,
Hey, Blogger does that to us too - favours certain pictures and keeps putting them in again - weird eh!? He he he - we did laugh saying hello to Mr Box again!
Hey, what great pressies - how kind you are to test everything for safety, really, you do put yourself out there for others don't you?!
And those cards are wonderful, cute and funny! You're a lucky girl miss Puddles, but we have a sneaking suspicion you know that, but just don't like to admit it, he he he!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Wow, Miss Puddles! You sure did score big with those pressies! I like your idea of having a birthday month sooo next July will be all fur me! Wooweee! You are so smart to have a whole month to yourself! Did you register anywhere? Like Petco? Or Wally Mart? Thought I'd ask beclaws you think of everything! Can't wait to mail your gift so keep watching for the mailman!
Very nice pressies and cards. :)
I did not furgets your birthday is this Wednesday, don't worries I am going to be kind....
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hey Puddles Duddles Rainwater...
What a wonderful post full of lots of fun and love!!! Madi and I saw you putting the bitey on that better back off before Whitney or Albert put the bitey face on you.
We hope your Girl's dr. appt. went well. We didn't know she had been sick....big hug to her
Madi and Mom
Oh, what nice pressies you got there, Puddles. I guess a lot of people really love you, no matter what you've heard.
I hope your girl's check up is perfect. We'll be thinking of her, too.
lotsa licks, Lola
Very nice, Puddles. Remington has great taste - in addition to being the coolest doggie dude in blogland. I want to be like him when I grow up ...oh, I guess I already am grown up!!
I didn't know your girl had been sick. I am so sorry. Now I have someone else to worry about ...think I better go eat something, I am feeling very stressed!
Your pal, Pip
Woof! Woof! Happy Happy Birthday. What a pawsome presents n cards from bloggie friends. Enjoy n hope you are sharing. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hi Puddles
We hope your girl had a A+ checkup today. Give her some kisses from us.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - we love your siblings pressies, cant wait to see yours.
Frankie sent such a cute card.
Paws crossed for your girl to get a great checkup!
We can hardly wait for the big day to arrive! What are people going to be saying??? Hope they are all embarrassing!
Sam and Pippen
You got pressies? Wow, I thoughts you had to be good to get pressies, are you sure they were for you? BOL, just kiddin'. I can't wait for the hot dog roast. I's got my ketchup ready......
woof - Tucker
Wowza! That was awful nice of Remington. Um, he's kinda betters about getting his stuff to the mailman than I am so the pressie I'm sending you (YES - I'm sending you a pressie!! Woowoo!) is gonna be a little late cuz SOMEBUDDY in this house (not naming names but it starts with an M and ends with an M and has an O in the middle) isn't very good abouts driving me to post office no matter HOW many times I asks her to. Sigh.
Anywho - I luved those pressies and I promise that you'll prolly like my roastie.
Oh, and I didn't know your girl had been sickies either. My paws are double, triple and quadruple crossed for a good doctor visit. Please gives her extra smoochies from me!
Wiggles & Wags,
Thank you Puddles for being such a super friend to my girly, I don't even mind you leading her astray ( not that she would need much , Thank you for your support while she is poorly. I really hope your Moms appointment goes well having the nasty cancer is no fun at all and Me, Mollys Pop and Molly hope she is better soon.
Mollys Momma
What great presents!
Sending good thoughts and birthday wishes your way.
Paws crossed here as well for your Girl. There are 3 of us so that's 12 PAWS!! (oh and a couple of mom's fingers, too.)
Gizmo, Bart and Ruby von Weiller
Great pressies you got there, Puddles... such great furiends and here's wishing you an advance Happy Barkday! Good luck to your girl at the VET.
Licks, hero
Me Again,
Puppy prayers for your girl today from me and mom, we hopes her check-up is a good one!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Great pressie from Remington. He seems like a very nice guy. We like to read and comment on his post all the time. Mom says she would love to snuggle with him.
We didn't know your Girl had sickies - paws crossed she has a good report.
You are having a birthday???? when???? what a surprise??? ;-)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Them are great pressies, and lovely cards.
See Yea George xxx
What a wonderful box of goodies Remington sent you!
Ummmm.....would you be so kind as to send your address to us? juniorbabeeAThotmailDOTcom. Thanks!
Pawsome pressies! Remington is quite the shopper!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
& Lolly Pop
Remington is so cool and his handwriting, er....pawwrighting is fantastic! :)
Love yous Birfday prezzies and we's so glad to share in's yous special days!! or should we say entire month!! hee hee!!
Glad to be yous furfiends and love these great bloggy furfriends!!!
We are tinkings of yous girl today Puddles and saying our pawrayers~
much love,
Izzy, Josie and Anakin Man
Hi Miss Puddles and family. First I would like to say that our thoughts and prayers are with your mommy as she goes in for a check up. We hope all is GREAT! And that she will be smiling when she gets home! Second I am very happy all of you liked the presents I sent. And I am really happy you liked the box. That was the hardest part. I can't wait until Wed. to see your birthday post. I just want to thank you Miss Puddles for all the smiles you give me each day. Be good and take good care of your mommy.
Hey Puddles!! Those sure are some great birthday pressies, and pawsome card from Frankie!!
We appreciate the compliment, but Molly's banner was made by Luna.
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Woos Puddles! Woo got some yummy treats, so sad about the sharing part... bummer... I hope woo had fun with your new stuff, I think we missed the roast, when was it anyway??? We are happy woo all are well, see ya soon!
Have a Magical Day
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
OMD--how pawsome puddie poos--i wanna see you in your pretty clothes~!!!! :D
we really loved the cards~!!!! :)
PS. hey puddies, just biggie, just fyi, my mummy actually made molly's get well badge. my bloggy address is on it too--heehee. :P
I hope all went well at the Dr..
Who Knew!!!! GEEE!
BOL BOL Just yankin your walkin' string.
GRRRRREAT pressie box from the BIG GUY!!!
Happy, happy Birthday, Pi oops, meant Puddles! Great presents...even if you have to share some of them. That Remington is quite a guy.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Please let us know all is well with your girl. I'm sending up extra special prayers - the paw is a powerful thing you knows?
Oh my dogness, I had no idea it was your birthday THIS Wednesday!!?! I have to go.
Hurried wags,
Puddles, we think your pressies from Remington are great!! He's a wonderful guy!! That is a very great card from Frankie too!! We sure hope that the doctor appointment went well. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
What super nice pressies from Remington!
Our paws are crossed for your girl, Puddles!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Best of luck to your girl today!
I think you got a great haul of presents! That card is SO Frankie! I'm not a bit surprised that he sent that!
Pawesome presents!
And the cards are great too!
I hope everything went well with your girl's appointment!
Kisses and hugs
Hi puddles!!! Its so nice recieving pressies from friends! I totally DIG the spongebob stickers! hahaha
If its me, i will assume those pressies with no other name labelled on will all me mine too :p
miss puddles,
grrreat birthday pressie and cards from remington and mr. frankie!!
i hope you're gettin' all nice 'n ready for your roast fest. teehee.
please give your girl a big cuddle for me! i hope her doctor's appointment went well!
the booker man
That is some pawsome box of pwezzies and you suwe have some loving fwiends(me among them)
I want to send special cwossed paws fow youw Mom..I'm cwosssing evewy pawt of me to make suwe the pawsitive vibes get to hew and the dogtow says she's pawfect
smoochie kisses
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