Hellos ya'll! Ya'll remembers my Brudder Albert?
Okays well, while mum was being occupied yesterday, he graciously agreed to play withs me.
We played pretend beauty salon.
It was fun.
Dis Brudder Albert, he don't blog much cuz he not entertaining likes me.
(And fur your informationals...I write all my own material furs da blog)
Brudder gaves me a pretend baff.
Uh Brudder, your breaf stinks...BLAHHHH!!!
Then I hads an idea....
I wanted my hairs brushed.
At furst brudder wouldn't brush me cuz he said I don't haves no hairs to brush but I says "do too" then he said "do not" then I was all like "uh huh" and yadda yadda yadda.

I gives him evil eye fur talking bout my hairs.
But he brush me anyways cuz he loves me.
See dis me befores.....
And dis me afters....
Yea okays, I knows what ya'll be thinking...Hubba Hubba!
Uh dat's what ya'll was thinking wasn'it?
(And nuttin to doos withs da fact dat it be's da same foto...shhhhh!)
Then it was Albert's turn....
He got long hairs so he gots to be brushed everyday.
I's gonna save dis and knit me a sweater furs da winter.
I know, I know...
I suppose to stay away from sharp objects(knitting needles...duh)...geez, I wonder why?
Prolly da same reason I not allowed to play withs power tools.
PEES: I haves no real idea what da purpose of dis post was...must go take my meds now.
Peace Out,
Puddles you are a sweet girl to let your brother brush you and play beauty shop with you! Tell him next time he needs to paint your toes!!
Fred and Haylie
Oh, I agree, hot pink toe nails for you -maybe with a little glitter!!
Speaking of power tools, The Elgin Pugs seem to be locked out of their house ...
Your pal, Pip
p.s.: What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you and Albert use? Your fur is so shiny. I need new products!
Ooooohhh, Awhhhhhh,
Oooohhhhh, Awhhhhhhh
Da Albert is looking soooo good and handsome and stuff. And his furs be so long and luxurious! Thank fur posting dis bout him!
Oops, sorry, I forgots for a moment there whose bloggie I be on. Since this be all about da Puddles....so, uhm..you looks nice too. Especially after your brushing
Oh my gosh! Here's a REAL story for ya! My momma's brudder-in-law used to have an Old English Sheepdog that he adored. Well, he collected her furs (just like da Alberts in your piktur) and when he had collected enoughs........he had da furs made into throw pillows for da Sofa!!!
Now THERE'S an idea for your mom!!
Plus...my momma be a Knitter...so hers would be happy to help your mom to implement this plan
Hey there Ms Puddles - Well, u can du the pretend stuff all u want but it iz soooooo hard to impruve upon perfecshun. But I guess sumtimez one duz need(?) a bath altho fer the life of either me or Shasta, we haf no idea y?
Oh, the purpose of the post was to entertain, wasn't it? If so, it succeeded. It's always good to hear from you and you've always got something to say, whether it makes sense to everydoggy or not.
And hey, we've got short hair too, but you should see how we can fill up a vacuum. Of course, we're blowing our coats right now. Fun times for the humans.
lotsa licks, Lola
Oh PUddles..we knew you wrote all your own material...only those funny words could come from a Lady Doxie.
Looks like Albert gave you a spit shine..and quite frankly(pun intended) your coat is glowing!!!
I, Madi, get brushed every other day. Funny thing is Mom has been sending a zip lock bags full of my furs to her friend since Oct. 2009. It will be spun into yarn soon cause Mom wants to wear me around her neck.
I would likes to see some polish on dose nails too! :) Let's get all da girls together fur a spa day!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Wow - holy crap you looks so much sweeter after gettin' brushed. Maybe your Momma should brush you more often.
woof - Tucker
Puddles, the suffering that you endure- What an example you set for the rest of the blogosphere!
Puddles, you look absolutely amazing after your beauty treatments.
Took years off you......!
Do you hire Brudder Albert out at all?
We only ask cos we could use a wash and brush up outselves.
We would be much nicer to Brudder Albert over here in Scotland so tell him to look out his Pawsport!
Martha and Bailey xxx
ps we are sorry we are encountering video problems today!
Oh my Puddles, Hubba, Hubba for sure! I'm thinkin, Billy just might like your brudder and give me a break from all that!
Wow, you look so much better and beautimous after getting your hair brushed, Puddles... now where's my meds.
Licks, hero
Okay... NOW I know what is happening to my blog... YOU are stealing my stuffs and using it on YOUR blog... Mine is 1/2 off again today.. and the words are tiny for Some of my followers.. and a bunch of my comments just disappeared... l
YOUR blog is getting BIGGER and BIGGER and you have TONS of comments..
Quit stealing my stuffs and sticking it all in YOUR blog.. OK?
Now fur this post. I like the pretend baff thingy. I wish I had someone to do that for ME.. then mom wouldn't be sticking me in the waters. You are really lucky.
I do think you look MUCH better in the "SECOND" picture... with your furs all (hehehe) Brushed and spiffy and stuff. BaWaaaaah
NOW... give me back my blog..
Hey Puddles...it's me Tank. I'm trying to keep a low profile so don't tell anybody I was here. Do you think Madi's mom really wants to wear a cat around her neck??? Ack, another disturbing image to file away.
Khyra asked me if I was going to the same rehab place that you went to... I don't think I said ANYthing about going to rehab. Do you have any idea who could have started a rumor like that???????
pees... my asst. said I had to take responsibility for the goat/donkey mix-up. she called me an ASS for trying to pass the BUCK and threatened me with no dinner... as you can see, I had no choice.
Hey Puddles...
You sound as confused as I am today...LOL!... but at least you got a pedicure. It was nice to see your gorgeous pictures - even the double ones! (At first I thought I was seeing double and then I realised I was seeing double...) Okay, I'll forgive you because I also do repeats! :)
Sending lotsaluv
we gave yall an award on our blog - stop by if your into that thing :)
Your before and after pics are amazing! I think brother should open his own salon!
Thanks for giving me a photo to drool over while I'm home alone!
Umm nope I was just gonna say dat didn't even look any different than the first pikture. <-See how nice i was dare?
Oh...*deep breath* about da whole.."stinkin together thing....*gulps* I thinks we can work sometin out....
Puddles!!!!! STEP AWAYS FROM DA BOTTLE!! Don't be going all Lindsay Lohan on us, afters your time in rehab!
Never fears...I only be irregular with my blogging and commenting during my momma's taxtime. I will still be keepings an eyeball on you!
And considering her stressed-out and discombobulated minds during this time.....there be not telling WHAT her, I mean me, might say....
Oooo...that looks like fun! Can I come play, too! And you oughta sends your before and after pictures to "America's Most Amazing Doggie Makeovers." The same thing happens to me when I gets brushed. It's like I'm not even the same dog!
Wiggles & Wags,
Yous got a brudder named Albert??
Hold ons.. I be back...
Pfft...that's not enuf hairs to bother wif. When mom brushes me, you get a whole other dog. My sister is getting her big girl hairs and it's all crazy wavy.
Trixie (and Minnie)
You look great! Your brother did a good job with your hair. AND I talked to Beth, cause she spins my hair to make stuff, and she said that you will need a little more to make a sweater....
The purpose of this post was to entertain us! That and give us a chance to gaze adoringly at your picture! ;)
Sometimes we starts THIS early in the day...
PeeEssWoo; Do woo need me to save my brushingskhombingsplukhkings fur woo?
I think you two might have just discovered a brilliant business idea...you're own styling salon!
Puddles, you are so sweet and funny!! If you need more fur for your sweater, Holly has plenty of it to spare. Lets me know and I'll be shipping it to you! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Puddles, Mom says she needs to start and end her day here because you are great medicine for making her smile. Bet Brudder Albert doesn't like to be brushed - we don't like it at all but we just have to endure it. We would be happy to send you our furs - you could make lots of sweaters:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi Puddles,
I would love to have a Puddles come and live with me OK? My Bambi is going to be 13 years old the first of Oct and she needs someone to get her going!!! She doesn't want to move somedays. I have to make her get up and get going!! lol
XXOO,Bambi & Fern
Puddles you are the master....um mistress of the evil eye. Albert should set up a real salon, he did a great job. Of course, he had a great subject to begin with!
We think you might get a tail tip warmer out of Albert's hair. We usually have enough fur after brushing to knit another scottie.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Purpose? There has to be a purpose to blogging? Uh-oh.
Nice of your bro to play beauty salon with you.
PeeS - about the strange award. We know you already got it, so don't feel you have to go thru the "duties" 'cause you've already done your part. We just couldn't talk about an award for "strangeness" without mentioning your name, ya know :)
The Road Dogs
Al bet yous got Albert to brush yous!
BA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.... Oh wait hold on......
hee hee.. ha ha ha ha ha.. hu hu's..
snorts... pffts.....
ooh.. ooh... hee haw hee haw
abba abba
yabba yabba
I want to reach out and brush ya
Every time you call my name {Puddles Duddles Barrels Butts}
I heat up like a burnin' flame
Burnin' flame full of desire
Brush me baby, let the fire get higher!!!!
Oh's we's dying here in Elgin
hahahah! We thought nothing about it being the same photo ;). You're so funny!!
~Milly and Shelby
You needed to get your toenails painted pink on your day of beauty!
*falls off the couch, gets up, and almost falls off again from laughing so hard*
Poodles, do you have floof envy? I can send you some of Morgan's hairs if you want. She makes a much bigger pile than Albert!
I have some Poodle Pink and Fire Hydrant Red OPI Pawlish if you want to come over and have your nails done!
The before and after was remarkable. Who knew that a little brushing could make such a huge difference?
Your guest stylist is fantastic. Maybe he should have his own post day.
That was a furry informative post! You gave furry good instructions FUR grooming a good-lookin' doxie such as yourself☺
Oh my dogness, your makeover is amazing!!! I hardly recognize you. But your furs are always so shiny, why did you need to go to Albert's Salon??
miss puddles,
you and albert are lookin' good after your brushin'! pedi next time for sures, girlfriend. you need some color on your toesies!
the booker man
Thanks for the shampoo advice. My mom loves trying new products - for herself and me. I have a feeling she will be running out to look for this stuff this weekend!
Your pal, Pip
Puddles we luvs the post!!! Can't waits to see your new sweater hee hee.
Sequoia and Tuni
Purpose? There is supposed to be a purpose to a bloggie post? You definitely need to take some meds if you think that is true!!! To follow on the nail polish theme, my beloved Elder Sister (who is no longer with us) TaiChi used to get her nails painted every time she went to the groomer, and she was Quite Pleased with her nails. Sometimes she and Mom would even match... I'm just saying. Oh, and with your short hairs, you might just need a sweater for winter!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Alien Pod Puppy
I'm with Tank. I am very disturbed about this Cat Scarf thing.
Puddles :) LOL I could see a bit more shine after your brushing.
That was quite the hairball Albert hacked up! Good thing he gave you a bath before he got brushed! ;)
Waggin at ya,
Oh that before and after was just.....ummm......AMAZING?! BOL!
I do think it was nice that you let your brother give you a bath though....stinky breath and all!
Hugs and Licks, Bruschi
Hello Cutie Pie ♥
You are sooo hilarious...
My Sis says your Bro is Haaaaandsome! What a stud muffin.
You are really lucky being a "wash and wear" Diva.
I go to the Spa every six weeks but LOVE it!
Do you have sunglasses? I thing you would look sooo cool :o)
Neeko ♥
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