Saturday, September 11, 2010

Celebrating Pip

Today, as we remember September 11, 2001, I am also remembering sumptin wonderful dat took place on dat day....Pip was brought together with his furever family
Today is Pip's Gotcha Day so I haves a message fur him in his honor.
June 9, 2010, I envaded made my furst comment on your bloggie
and we has been furiends ever since.
from da furst post I commented on

Though we is many miles apart, yu is in my heart on dis special day. Today, I celebrate your Gotcha Day and remembers da times in we has had in Blogville togthers.

You made my birfday special.

You needed help busting outta jail withs Frankie
(though I was more interested in how much beer was left)
I would nevers leave you locked up.

You went on a crazy health food kick but, as any furiend would do...
I made sures you had proper food.

at Luna's Slumber Pawty

You always have beers when we hang out.

We haves laughed togethers

And we has cried togethers.
thank you furs introducing me to Molly..a furiend furevers!

Thank you furs making Blogville so much more fun!
Yous a good furiend PIP down to all your bones. Furs da life of me I don't know hows you put up withs me but I glad you do. And I hope you knows I always got your back...even when you want to saves da kittehs. Oooooh, did I just say dat outloud?
Anyways, thank you fur being my furiend.



Unknown said...

Pip, Pip PooRay !!

Ummm make that Hooray!!

We loves you Pip!!


And may God Bless America. We will never forget

Bella and Ollie said...

What a special birthday post! How sweet of you :)
We hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Love, Bella & Ollie.

Bella and Ollie said...

What a special birthday post! How sweet of you :)
We hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Love, Bella & Ollie.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

What a very nice post. And you sent Frankie pawsome pressies, too. Everything OK with you, Puddles?

lotsa licks, Lola

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Dis wuz so nice of youz to honor Pip in such a special way on his special day. He is such a good furiend, isn't he? I LUVS what MinnaK says...
Pip Pip PooRay...hehhe!!!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning to Puddles our BFF Doxie!!!
We said howdy to Mr. Pip today. What a lucky day this is for him and all the fun you two have had in such a short time...often we know from the very 1st second we meet someone they are special....

Beautiful tribute for the day,
Madi and Mom

Unknown said...

A special tribute to a special friend! You are tops in my book Puddles!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Puddles... *Tsk*.. I just saw the picture that you sent to Frankie... Really! But you must be soooo talented to be able to kill and stuff a critter!!!

Doxie licks,

The Daily Pip said...

OK, now I a need a minute ...left me pull myself together ...sniff, sniff ...that was about the sweetest thing ever! See Puddles, I know the real you and you a sweetheart, but don't worry, I won't tell anyone (they wouldn't believe me anyway).

You make all my days brighter! Thanks so much for these beautiful birthday wishes!

Love, Pip

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was a very nice tribute to your pal Pip and to those that lost their lives on 9/11.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Puddles... you are just a treasure!
What a nice way to put this together to celebrate Pip's Gotcha Day.
OH.. BTW... he LOVES the Pooping Puddles picture that I sent to him for his Big day.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Puddles, how sweet of you! Pip is a great friend to have and we are so happy that he found his furever home. Thanks for a beautiful tribute to him and to the USA. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Taffy said...

Pip is one lucky guy to have Puddles behind him! And what a special day to be his gotcha day. I know it has bad memories but there are lots of good memories to go along with the horror of that day.

Anonymous said...

Who are you and what have you done with Puddles?

j/k... nice post for Pip

George The Lad said...

That a nice post you did for Pip, I've been over to wish him a Happy Gotcha Day, and you know mom remembers today to.
See Yea George xxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Puddles - you made such a nice post for Pip - Happy Gotcha Day, Pip!!! With all the sadness and horror of 9/11, it is nice to find something to be happy about.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Anonymous said...

That be most well said Miss Puddles, Angel Sister Molly would hav been most approvin indeed. I know how much Molly thought of you and so I will be takin yu under my protection and I be hopin you will teach me how to pawty hearty in tru Puddles style

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh Puddles~

'da Josie tinks 'dis be such a nice birfday tributes for a great pal Pip!!
'da Josie expects 'da same treatments for my upcoming gotcha day toos!!
I will send yous a list to make sures notings gets left outs!!!

And, 'da Josie also will give yous some gift ideas and maybe's yous can include some Avons coupons!!!

Mommy and Daddy are takin' off and shuttin' down my 'puter for a few, yous may or may not get some calls from Anakin Man..

Scooter said...

Hey Puddles!
Very nice post...I'm suer Pip is pleased. Loved all the pix! Thanks for sharing.
Grr and Woof,

Remington said...

Miss Puddles, you are such a good friend to all. I sure hope Pip has the best day ever! Great 9/11 tribute, my friend....

houndstooth said...

We are thrilled that Pip got a forever home out of the tragedy that was 9/11! He's one of the sweetest dogs in Blogville and we're thrilled to call him our friend!

Lilac's birthday is Sept. 20!


Duke said...

Happy gotcha day to Pip!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

A MilShelb Mom said...

Awww yay for Pip!!!

And thanks for the 9/11 post. We will truly never forget... well, we weren't alive then but our Mom told us all about it and I know she will never forget!
~Milly and Shelby

Chihuahua Girl said...

Hi Puddles! It's your furiends at Park Avenue Chihuahua. We are now following you! :-)

So sweet of you to blog about your fur baby friend, Pip! Great story!

~ Tina

Anonymous said...

I feel provoked by your comment about my mom loving doxies etc. I would like to formally ask you and your siblings to move in with me. I'll make personally certain you get tons of treats (I have my ways) and mom will make sure you have tons of tlc. I need to outnumber the cats asap.
You have my address

Neeko said...

Hello cutie pie ♥

Pawsome celebration for our friend Mr. Pip.
Wish you would live closer to us too...
You always make us laugh with your funny posts. Keep them coming!

Neeko ♥♥♥
P.S. very nice 9-11 Remembrance...

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

It's so much nicer to celebrate Pip
's gotcha day then what happen on 9/11.

Mommy has been upset all day just remembering 09/11 but youm just made her smile.


Lorenza said...

Happy Gotcha Day to Pip!
He is a very special friend, right?
Kisses and hugs

Martha said...

What a very nice tribute to your friend Puddles.
Happy Gotcha Day Pip. You guys have shared so much.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx

Mack said...

Happy birfday to Pip!
Did he get that yummy burger for his b-day? Does he need any help with it?

Unknown said...

Puddles WAKE UP!!!

I just learned da Goat you sent to Tank didn't have no air holes in da box. Apparently da Goat expired in transit! Rut-roh.

Next time,check with Lucy furst. Her will hook you up with her Handsome UPS man...he delivers with da quickness


booahboo said...

Happy Gotcha Day Pipster!!!

That's such a sweeeet post you did Puds... but Pipster deserves it. He's such a jolly ole fellow. Hopes he is having a great celebration with lotta beeeeeeerrr :D

We remember. God Bless America.

Zona said...

This is a fantastical post Puddles!!


Neeko said...

Ha haaa... "Next time you sees him can you gets me a lock of his hairs? I tried to gets da Elgin's to get one furs me but they wimped out on me."

You are waaaay to funnnnnny :o)))

Neeko ♥

Alien said...

Gotta love the Pipster.