Monday, December 20, 2010

I gots mail

Happy Monday ya'll!
I can't believe it's almost Christmas 

Luckily,I we gots a pressie mail so we don't haves to worry havin' none under da tree.
we gots sumptin from Snoopy Minna K and hers posse.

Introducing da parcel....
Brudder it is addressed to We 3 Doxies c/o PUDDLES

Dad...can you put me on da table so I can open MY pressie?

Hmmmmmmm...what evers could dis be? Could it be beer?'s a Puddles ornament !
And I tried to eat it put it on da tree aaaaall by myselfs...sure did.

Here's da embarrassing best part...
we did not haves a single Puddles ornament on our tree!!!!!!
Nows our tree is complete.

I has another pressie to shares but I has to wait on da fotolady to download da piktures...
it's from Corbin....hehehe (no, I am NOT blushin')

Peace Out,


Dexter said...

Thank goodness you finally have a Puddles ornament. You know, kind of made me realize that there is no Mango ornament on our tree. Of course it might tip the poor thing over.

Happy Monday


The Daily Pip said...

Oh, it looks just like you, Puddles. Minna and Pickles are the BEST!

Your pal, Pip

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Puddles....
What a beautiful Doxie ornament!!
I can just picture you popping up out of my Christmas that would be fun.

Oh dear.. you recognized my HBO words...over the arrival of Mr. H. B. Ham. Mom is pretty stingy with the ham she says it I cannot have lots of it of I get pieces the size of the tip of your toenail....
that is the cause of the HBO words.
Hugs Madi

Unknown said...

I feel so honored that my pressie generated a foto session on da Table!! AND that it made it to your house in time, before da Christmas Day Tree Removal Ceremony.

Sue the Bichon Frise said...

Hey Puddles!

What a pawsome orniment!

Love, Sue

Unknown said...

OMD!!! And your Dad's feets are in da foto!!!!

I don't think I remember ever seeing him before!! Heeheee

Nice Feet!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Oh we r so very glad u now haz a Puddles ornament - no tree iz complete until we furkidz haz at least 1 ornament of ourz adornin'the Christmas tree. We woodn't stop buggin'our mom until she gotz our ornamentz so we cood dekorate the tree tu! That Minna Krebs an'Crew nu just what your Christmas Tree neede.
Shiloh'n Shasta

Pepsi Bum said...

The Puddles ornament is precious, looks just like you! If you popped out of my stocking, that'd be scary. Man, I don't even dare to imagine what you'd be doing! Hehehe.


Bobbie said...

What a nice ornament, Puddles. It looks just like you!!

houndstooth said...

That is a great ornament! I'm betting there's a little can of beer down in the toe of that stocking, too!


Backcountry Brodie said...

Wow, how nice to finally has a stunt dubbull ornamint wot looks just like you. Now you need to watch that the hoomans don't all confuzzled and furget who the REAL Puddles is.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is SOOOO very much one of the Most Beautifulest ornaments I ever did see! I'm oh-so-glad your tree is now complete!

Can you belives it? We don't have a single Mayzie ornament on the tree either. Mom says that ornaments that look like brindle dogs with Most Magnificent earts are hard to come by. I'm not sure I believes her.

Wiggles & Wags,

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww, what a special pressie, Puddles.....we are shocked that you hadn't had a Puddles ornament until now!!!!!!!

We're gonna start working on mama and the girlbeans for a Sammy and Andy ornament for our tree!!!!!

Love to all of you and we purray this is the best week ever for all of you.

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

We LOVES the Puddles ornament!!! Can't wait to see what your other pressies are!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

What a grrrrreat pressie package. that Minna Krebs and Crew are quite the shoppers.
Your tree will look so festive now.

Remington said...

I love your present and it looks so nice on your tree! So -- Corbin? Miss Puddles do I see a romance starting here? Corbin is a cool dude!

Zona said...

What a great ornament! How sweet of Minna and Pickles!! I have to wonder if inspiration was the post you did some time ago where you "fell" into the trash can!


jen said...

What a great ornament!

Casper Bear said...

What a greeeaaat ornament Puddles! Looks great on your tree!
Lotsa Licks
Casper Bear

Cocorue said...

your wonderful Puddles ornament looks just like you! mumster says that they do Not make Chi ornaments .....should i believe the hooman???????

coco and tiffy

Ms. ~K said...

Yes, now the tree in complete!!!
Ho Ho Ho,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Tucker said...

OMG - I just realized there is no Tucker ornament on the tree! That is so no fair. Not fair at all, since I see cat ornaments!

woof - Tucker

A MilShelb Mom said...

Great ornament! Our Mom said she wants to have a Doxie tree one year. How cool would that be?
~Milly and Shelby

Barbara said...

Wow, finally, a Puddles ornament! Your mom should be spanked for not having one on the tree already!

Texas The Doxie said...

maybe you didn't have one cause your mom was hoppin to 'dopt you out to someone! ....just keepin it real!
Oh well. I guess she has ta keep you now dat you gots an ornament.

Maxmom said...

Whew, that sure is great excitement. I just love that ornament.
Sending lotsaluv to you guys and your humans...all our love this Christmas season too.

Scooter said...

Hey Puddles!
Wow, what a great pressie...your very own ornament! That's perfect. What's this blushing and Corbin got a thing goin' on???? Inquiring minds want to know.
Grr and a Festive Woof,
Sarge, COP

♥I am Holly♥ said...

What a beautiful ornament!! It completes the tree and is so beautiful!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

rottrover said...

Miss Puddles,
We love the picture of you and Brudder's doxie noses checkin' out the envelope! Beautiful ornament. Come to think of it, we don't have any rottie ornaments....hmmm.

Merry Christmas -- Bart, Gizmo and Ruby

Bruschi said...

No tree would be complete without a Puddles ornament!
So glad you got a pressie in the mail!!! So far, me and Ebby have gotten 3 pressies in the mail, and the humans have gotten zip! BOL!

Levi said...

What a pawsome ornament! If you weren't sweet on Corbin (and him my dog) then I would be in Doxie heaven! Good thing we can be furiends instead :)
Thanks for the well wishies- I hope to be better soon too. Darn cough! I am thinking beer would be better medicine!!

Anonymous said...

Nice ornament Duddles... although I like Sam & Pippen's squirrel better. Why are dogs sending you gifts? Pfffft.

George The Lad said...

I very mini Puddles, its a lovely gift to get
See Yea George xxx

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

What a cute ornament!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Can't believe you didn't have a Puddles ornament! We have a scottie one, but it's nearly as big as our little tree!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

'suppose you need Albert and a Whitney ones, too.

Oskar said...

What a special present! Your tree is perfect now!

Nubbin wiggles,

Corbin said...

What a cool pressie! I'm still hoping for a very pretty doxie under my tree! Hehehehehe

Two French Bulldogs said...

You have such a beautiful ornament to make your tree complete
Benny & Lily

Duke said...

What an adorable ornie, Puddles! Now your tree is truly perfect!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That is furry khute and furry nice!

PeeEssWoo: Mango SO has a point!

Unknown said...

Awesome ornament! I am wondering where my Yorkie ornament is???? Billy

Anonymous said...

love the ornament! glad to see your tree is finally complete! :D and can't wait to see what you got from Corbin!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hmmmm, we don't believe there are any OP Pack ornaments on our tree either - we will have to do something about that. Great pressie from Minna K - almost as cute as the real Puddles:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Asta said...

I can't even believe wif all those pawfect decowatins you didn't have a puddles on youw twee..thank dog that youw fwiends came to the wescoo.
It is totally pafect!!
smoochie kisses

Zona said...

Why wasn't Phoenix helpin? BOL!!! Oh, Puddles, thanks for the laugh. That little diva wouldn't lift a paw to help with unless it was helping mom open the treat jar!


Anonymous said...

Puddles that is a beautiful ornament! I'm so glad you finally ;) have one of your own in your tree!

Waggin at ya,

Brian's Home Blog said...

That ornament is beautiful, but it should be, it looks like you!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Puddles,

Wow that's a great ornatment. We's still having bloggie problems so I wanted to wish you a special Merry Christmas. At least we can still enjoy seeing all my friends having fun.


Amber DaWeenie said...

You has a real Puddles ornament thingy. Now dat is very special.


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Puddles, you are just so cute! What a great ornament!!! Aren't you glad you didn't eat it! MOL

Mack said...

That is adorable! What sweet friends !



How did yoo manage to pose furr dat ornamant? Dat is soo kyoot!


Anonymous said...

WOW me now seen a few Doxie crimbo deccies, Ma says she is gonna look fer doggy deccies fer our house fer 2011. She going to try n gets one ovs each ovs my furiends fer our tree she be most cool I fink.
Me must say yu is lookin lovely as eva Miss Puddles.
Have a Cool Yule !
Big Luvs
xx xx