Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Check My Pressie Out

Happy Wednesday Ya'll!

So, da other day my mailman brought me a package...yep, he surely did!
And it was from my furiend Amber Da Weenie!!!!!!!

da Box

da Butt

What does we haves here?
Mmmmmmm, smells deeeeeelish!

Okays Foto Lady, stop snap snappin' and gets da stuffs out.
I ain't gots all day.

Okays so does ya'll remember when I was out in da snow and I was makin' fun of my too short sweater?

Okays, check dis out....

Amber Momma made me a sweater....
Hers hand knitted it just furs little ol' me...sigh.
They felt bad cuz I looked soooooo stoopid in my sweater so cold in da snow.

I lookin' goooooood!

And, it goes aaaaaaaaaall da ways down to my butt.

Sorry, I was hiddin' all da other stuffs they sent.
They sent 3 bags of treats (mine)...dats right 1,2,3 bags.
And they sent me an unstuffed toy (mine).
But, I suppose to shares withs brudder and sissy...hehehehehe...bwhahahahahaha!
Sorry, gots carried away laughing theres.

Thank you so very much Amber and mom!
I will cherish my sweater furevers cuz it was made 'specially furs me and I looks good in it!

Peace Out,

PS: da guy from monday's post, I brought him back from Hicbar.
Him is Bono.


Levi said...

I remember him! He was wierd- send him back :)
Love your sweater you sexy thing you!

booahboo said...

the box.. the butt.. hahahahahahhaha

booahboo said...

lovely sweater! lucky you Puds.. and and.. abt the Bono fella.. send him back... spoooooooookieeeeee!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hiya Puddles,

You know we getting close to the "P" in my snow post. That pic of you in the short sweather would be perfect for it. Can ya send us that pic to use or da you have one you like better.

Weenir says ya got a cute butt!!

{{{huggies}}}...Mona & Weenie too!!

HH and The Boys said...

Puddles... you look so beautiful in your new sweater. What a great box of pressies...


Brian's Home Blog said...

That was so very nice! Hey, it is a purrfect fit fur you Puddles!!!

Maggie Mae and Max said...


LUVS da sweater, you looks beootiful as ever in it too! Amber and her mom are most talented. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

The Daily Pip said...

Wow, that is a most beautiful sweater. That Amber da Weenie's mom is the BEST! How about sharing a couple of treats with your old friend, Pip.

Is the hostage still fighting you or has he accepted life in captivity?

Your pal, PIp

My Mind's Eye said...

OMD Puddles what a gorgeous hand knitted sweater just for you. The color is lovely with your furs too.
Thank goodness it is long enough to keep that Precious Puddles Tush warm...we would not want your lovely tush to get frost bite.

Well done Amber's Mom!!!
Hugs Madi

The Daily Pip said...

Hey Puddles, the school did abandon poor Lulu. We agree with your comment completely. She is also afraid of kids (we are working on this) - probably because the teacher of her former class didn't show the kids how to properly handle her. She is also afraid of me - can you imagine? No one has ever been afraid of me, ever!

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW you look so cute in your new sweater, that is so thoughtful of them.

Hmmmm maybe Fred would take better photos if I put him on the table like you get too...... we will try that and let you know how it goes!!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hope you is sharin' everyting like Mom always makes me share (even though I don't when she ain't lookin').

Bono is ...... scary. Can't believes you took him homes wit you.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Puddles, you look adorable, as usual. We love your new sweater. Mommy loves the picture of your cute butt! :)

Anonymous said...

WOWSERS Puddles yu looks like a sooper model in dat most gawjuss sweater. It looks stunnin on yu & your butt is most cute too

xx xx

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a wonderful pressie!!!!!!!!!!! You look totally gorgeous in it, darlin'.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I think that is the most beautiful sweater you could ever wear!!! The Color and Fit are Perfect fur you!!! Amber and Max have a very much tailented mom and they are sooooo very much generous.

I am glad that your butt will be all warm the next time you have snow... UP TO IT!!!

Dolce said...

Puds, that sweater looks woofy great on you... Mommy puts some short ones on me too!!! Daddy laughs and refuse to go outside ... now they fit ..woof..woof... Paws & Licks, Dolce

Unknown said...

Oh Puddles you is so pretty in that new sweater! I was worried about you freezin your butt off. Now I know you will be safe when you are outside. Licky Kisses, Billy

jen said...

WHat a beautiful sweater Puddles, you sure are one lucky dog to get all that stuff! What's your secret??
I can't believe you stole Bono:)

rottrover said...

We love that sweater! And we love the red color with your furs. Now ou just have to go to "jewelry duty" to get the right accesories!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Tucker said...

Hey my Grammy made me a sweater. I'll have to get a picture posted some time.

woof - Tucker

Corbin said...

Hm... I liked the sweater that showed off your butt ;-) hehe, but that sure is a nice new sweater... and made just for you? You're such a lucky gal.

Just Jess for now said...

Oh Puddles, every time I read your blog you have me laughing out loud.
Aria is looking over my shoulder at the screen and she tells me the sweater si beautiful. Amber and her Mom are very sweet. :)

the teacher's pets said...

Heeeheeeeeheeeee! I am rolling on the floor right by my mom because we remember laughing at your frickin' short sweater awhile ago and we are sooo happy your butt is covered up now! Amber's mom has saved your butt...haha!
xoxo...Daisy and Mom

the teacher's pets said...

Oh! I furgot to tell you that I got in a bit of a jam and by JAM I mean that my lower jaw got jammed in a marrow bone! Very scary thing beclaws I couldn't get it off by myself! Just wanted you to be in the loop, my furend!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So are you keeping that dude at your place?

You do look good in that sweater. Amber and her Mom were so sweet to do that for you. And ummm, we like the butt shot better than the box shot.

One more thing, how do you keep your furs so sleek and shiny?

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Mack said...

That is so beautimous!
Lilly likes sweaters that go all the way down to her bootay too.

Roxy Ann LaRue said...

Lucky you to get a package in the mail how much fun fun fun!
You look GREAT in that new sweater, love the colors and best part is it does cover the bum.
Stay warm and THINK SPRING!

Barbara said...

Wow Puddles...handmade clothing! I know it's hard for stylish doxies to find stuff to go all the way to their butts! That is an awesome sweater!! You is bootifuls!

Road Dog Tales said...

NOW you're stylin', Puddles! That sweater looks very warm and cozy. It was unbelievably sweet of Amber's Mom to make that just for little ole you! PLUS treats and stuffies! WOW!

The Road Dogs

Mayzie said...

Wow! You has your clothes custom made now? are movin' up in the world! You looks Most Smashing in your new co-tour sweater. That was so sweet of Amber and her momma to do that for you.

Wiggles & Wags,

♥I am Holly♥ said...

What a beautiful sweater you received Puddles! That looks like it will keep you really warm!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Anonymous said...

The sweater looks great on you, Puddles!! Well, actually, even a sweater made out of toilet paper would look good on you! Good butt shot.

Thanks for the well-wishes for Riley the other day!

Elyse and Riley

kalyxcorn said...

wooty!!! so cool. :) b

Ruby and Penny said...

What a beautiful sweater. Much more appropriate for the cold weather.
Amber's mom did a great job.
Love Ruby & Penny

Dexter said...

Big improvement. Don't want your firm buttocks getting a chill.


Peggy Frezon said...

That was such a sweet thing for the lady to do. You look awesome in your sweater and now your butt will be warm too. yay!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

What a gret present! And you do look quite smashing in that sweater!!!

Scooter said...

LOL Oh that is such a Snazzi sweater there Puddles. You will keep warm in that and Ambers mom is very talented!!


Backcountry Brodie said...

OMD, you so do be stylin' in that beeootious sweater! That Amber Da Weenie's mom duss has such talents.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Miss Puddles,

Yes that quilt was made by a co-worker of our Meowms. It has Pink Panther material on the other side. Meowm uses it to keep her feets warm when she is dinking around on the computer at night. It is actually a quilt for a crib. It's measurements are approx. 53" long by 45" wide and it is nice and thick. And it was only $40. Meowm loves it! We want one for ourselves!!!

Meowm is going ot have one made to donate to the blogosphere auctions. The auctions are to raise money for kitties who have had to be at the v-e-t alot and have big bills to pay because of it. One of the auctions is here:

and the other is here:

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You look so good in that new sweater....all you need is more snow.

Bet with THREE packets of treats you have to share those, too.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Oskar said...

That is one beautiful sweater! Much nicer than your other one.

Nubbin wiggles,

Remington said...

That sweater is beautiful and on you it is even MORE beautiful, Miss Puddles. Amber's mommy certainly is a talented person!

Bobbie said...

Puddles, you look so good in your new sweater. Of course you know that already. I like how you have (mine) by your presents list. LOL> BTW- that hostage thing is hilarious. You make me laugh.

KB said...

Love the sweater. You look beoootiful, Puddles! And, you'll be warm all the way down to your butt in the snow.

Please share those treats with all of us!

Kitty+Coco said...

Whooooweeeee! Puddles you are rocking the tunic sweater. I agree, the crop top wasn't working fur you. Did you do a hot oil treatment? Your fur is looking extra shiny.

Kitty and Coco

Duke said...

You look awesome in your new sweater, Puddles! Amber's momma did a beautiful job!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Kristina Zambrano said...

what a lovely sweater you got there Mss puddle hey i have to share this cute video with you and your brother and your sissy and your momma and dad

hope you have a wonderful day


Yoo is gorjuss in yur noo sweeter!
Yes yoo is!


houndstooth said...

I notice that the sweater stops just at the top of your tail so you can still show off your tush for photo ops! You are a lucky girl to get such fancy couture in the mail -- and it's not even off the rack like at Wal E Mart! You've got an original one of a kind there!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Puddles!
Your new sweater is pawesome!
Amber's mom is very talented!
Enjoy your treats... and share them!
Kisses and hugs

Two French Bulldogs said...

awesome gifts!!
Benny & Lily

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, that was so sweet of Amber's mom. With her own little hands ...

M.A said...

Hello ms puddles! Thank you for visiting my blog! And please tell your mum thank you so much for the kind words... it really means a lot... also tell her that everyday it gets just a tad bit easier.

BTW, I think you look very lovely in your new sweater!

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Your mom lets you walk ON THE TABLE! Sheesh! We get yelled at if we just put paws up on the table.

That is one styling sweater! And in an appropriate Doxie length. Looks like you had a really terrific Valentine's Day, Puddles. You're gonna share with Albert & Whitney, right?

Jed & Abby

Anonymous said...

Your sweater is smashin my dear! :D

Congrats on bein awarded the yakkiest ma on and off the planet Buwahahahahahhah heh ;P

Waggin at ya cute butt,

Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

I love how the new sweater looks on you, Puddles. Very stylish~ & yeah I sure believe everything belongs to you, BOL.


Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

Puddles! I furgot to leave the link to the video in my last comment!

Bruschi said...

BOL BOL! You've got us all cracking up over here Puddles! I love the new oversized sweater! It's the in look Mommy says! It looks so perfect on your long physique! BOL!

K9 Katastrophie said...

You look so cute, Puddles!

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

What a furry wonderful sweater you have, and those treats look very tasty :)

Asta said...

You look so beeeeooootiful in youw new sweatew

That is a most genewous and pawfect gift!
You look so gowgeous!!!
smoochie kisses
pee ess come check out my blog..thewe's a pawty stawting tommowwow

Neeko said...

OMDogness Cutie Pie!

You look absolutely smashing with your new sweater. LOVE the colors; they are sooo you!
You sure know how to pose for the camera :o))) such a natural!
I’ll revisit this post just to see these pawsome pictures again.
It was so nice of Amber’s Mommy to do that for you :o)

Neeko ♥

A MilShelb Mom said...

Nice sweater!! AND, we agree... the treats are YOURS! Don't share. We never share. lol
~Milly and Shelby