Friday, March 25, 2011


My Mind's Eye said...

WE'll be here looking for you very very early so you best get up with the roosters...
Hugs Madi

Remington said...

See you then!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH... PUDDLES... I am so very much glad to hear from you. I have been worried that Squirrels might have... well, I can't even THINK what I thought they might have done to you.

See you MONDAY!!!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

So glad your ok we have been worried about you little Miss.
See you on Monday sweetheart

Momma Tea
xxx x xxx

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

So glad your ok we have been worried about you little Miss.
See you on Monday sweetheart

Momma Tea
xxx x xxx

The Daily Pip said...

See you soon!

Your pal, PIp

Bobbie said...

Oh Puddles!! Have you been kidnapped? Did you win the lottery and you're out buying mansions and restored Pinto's? Are you traveling across country sight-seeing?


Whatever it is... we're looking forward to your return on Monday :) Take care.

Pippen said...

Are you in jail? Do you need someone to bail you out? Have a massive hangover?

We'll need to know EVERYTHING on Monday!

Sam and Pippen

Corbin said...

Hm.... what to do until then...

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Have a "barking" weekend, sweetie!!!!!!!!

Love to all at your house.

Peggy Frezon said...

We'll be here waiting! hugs!

Amber-Mae said...

OKAY! We will be here waiting.

Zona said...

Oh I am so glad for the update! We've missed you! I've been worrying crazy things about kool aid accidents and Cheeto shortages!! Have a good weekend. Can't wait for Monday's post!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have missed you, and hope you didn't have to go to jail. We will be watching for your return. Hope everyone had some fun:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have missed you, and hope you didn't have to go to jail. We will be watching for your return. Hope everyone had some fun:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

rottrover said...

TRY to stay out of trouble, Miss P.

Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

Oh my, I was just about to put up a "LOST" sign for you! Have you been driving around the city now that your Pinto has been found? Heheh

See you Monday!


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Even though you should have kept Riley's picture up another week...I kid, I kid!! :)

Elyse and Riley

Brian's Home Blog said...

Okay, but we've sure been missing you!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Can't wait.....we've been looking for you.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Unknown said...

Oh WHEW!!! Glad to hear from you! See you Monday then, Billy

K9 Katastrophie said...

We'll miss you!

Duke said...

Have a wonderful weekend, Puddles!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Oskar said...

I'll see you then!

Nubbin wiggles,


Have a good weekends Puddles!


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Well, it's about time!!!

Scooter said...

Hey puddles!
Wow, good to hear from you.
BTW: Post up Saturday about the next phase in our crime caper!
Enjoy your weekend and we'll catch up on Monday!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy weekend, Puddles and sibs.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We's been goin' frantic over here's. Mom was gettin' ready to email you and see's if you took off wit Alien or sometin'. Den I thought someone stole you like da Pinto. Very glad to hears dat you is OK!

the booker man said...

miss puddles!

yay! i'm glad you're a-okay! see you on monday for sures!! :)

the booker man

Lorenza said...

I hope you all are doing well!
Have a nice weekend!
Kisses and hugs

houndstooth said...

Well, that's sure a relief!


booahboo said...

where's youssssssssssssssssss Puddles.. where's youssssssss.. you've been missing foreverrrr... forever...

Anonymous said...

"Be Back Monday" gets you 33 freakin' comments!????
And half of them are in a panic that you've suffered some catastrophic accident... or worse? What kind of Satanic hold do you have on them??? Spill your guts wiener dog cause I'm gonna find out one way or another.

Asta said...

I'm having wifdwawel'd bettew huwwy back
smoochie kisses

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Uzually our mom hardly EVER lookz forward tu Monday - your post changed that an'she iz really lookin'forward to it.
We r all so very happy that every thing iz ok - at least we shur hope it iz.
~Shiloh'n Shasta~

A MilShelb Mom said...

We were getting worried and going through Puddles withdrawals!
~Milly and Shelby

booahboo said...

This is the MONDAYS already.. come back quicks.. we are having a withdrawal from a lack of a Puddles Syndrome.

Just Jess for now said...

We missed you too. Glad you are back. :)