(if anybuddy doesn't have da badge please feel free to take it)
PIp's house has been on da market fur awhile and so we all thought we'd try and help him and family sell it. Ya'll knows how we likes to help when we can.
I brung out da map of Blogville so ya'll can see dat Pip's house is in a prime location.
It is in walking distance to da bar.
I has my Kool-aid stand up and running fur fur da open house.
I has a variety of flavors ya knows.
I'm gonna takes ya'll on a tour of Pip's house...just don't gets it confused withs MY house cuz my house ain't up fur sale.

Puddles Mansion
Okays, now fur da grand tour....
Dis here is da fo-YAY of Pip's house.
Very fun to run and slide on da marble floors and I won't mention sliding down da bannister.
(Big sq ft)
Da living room where Pip watches Oprah.
(Large sq ft)
Da kitchen with all brand new appliances and a well stocked Fridgidaire...very important
brand new stove has been added ...it cooks a real good squirrel stew.
(Gigantic sq ft)
Da most important room in da house is da bar and gameroom...comes completely stocked withs beer, tacos, cheeto's, and chipmunk sheeshkabobs.
It is stocked nows but I can't promise it'll be theres once sold.
(I has dat highlited in da contract)
It also has a brand new chandeleir cuz sumptin' happened to da other one but I can't recall
exactly WHAT happened.
(Ginormous sq ft)
It also has an indoor pool area fur those kerazies dat likes to swim...and a tiki bar (my favorite)
Purty umbrellas fur da drinks is included.
(Perfect sq ft)
Palm trees are fake so you won't even need to water them.
If purchased in da next 24 hours I will personally throw in my neighbor's totally free!
and 8 Shamwow towels.
But you must act now.
Our operators are standing by.
(contract subject to change without warning)
Peace Out,
You never cease to ah-maze us! You're a realtor too? We didn't know that Pip had such a posh, gorgeous abode!
First comment? We hope!!!
Elyse and Riley
Wow... what a house. It'd take a long time to learn your way around there. It's a beautiful home.
pawhugs, Max
Well, now you got us good! My mama has fallen off her chair and is out cold. Do you have any smelling salts?? Poor thing couldn't handle the SHOCK!!
You forgot one more important detail about those new appliances - I have christened them with my own little something special! And you know what, I think maybe the family is holding out on me because I had no idea our place was so BIG. GRRRRR!
But seriously, you are the BEST! THANKS for helping us out. I just know this is going to work. BOL!
Your best pal, Pip
Good news, I have taken some of the snapping turtle and opossum from Frankie's mom's refrigerator and that seems to have woken the old girl up. Of course, she is afraid of possums so she just ran screaming out of the room.
LOL> Puddles, you are something else!! This was a good way to start my day. It was the part about the Sham Wow's that sealed the deal for me... I'm Sold! Now, how much??
The buyer will need more then 10 sham wows just to clean that place! BOL! Mom likes the pool area though! Love Billy
You are one fine Relator Lady.
I have an idea...lets everyone in blogville buy it together then we'll have a REAL PARTY Central...it is a win win situation. Pip gets to move to the country and we get a city house in SHE-CAR-GO.
Well done,
Hugs Madi
PS How many gigantic sq feet did you say it had?
Oh and I love Puddles-ville picture too,
Hee hee hee! If my house wasn't already a castle, I'd try to buy it! Having visited Pip's neighborhood, I can say that it's a very nice place!
I am still howling with laughter over that picture of your house!
LOL! Puddles you went above and beyond on this one! Good job!
You are a master sales dog! I'll take the house but only if there is a dozen Sham Wow's thrown in!
BAWAWAWAWAAA!!!! Your mansion is the best!
Puds... your estate is totally AWESOME!! check out all the stairs... hehehehhehehe..
i wonder if Pip can find his way around his super dooper big mansion.. hehhehehee
its real nice of you to try and help Pip to sell his estate.
Well now ... if THIS post doesn't sell Pip's House.. NOTHING will.
I am on my way. I am bringing some mushrooms fur adding to the Squirrel you are taking. Can't wait!!! It'll be Tough finding a place to Park. I know the place will be PACKED.
Holy Cows!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pip's house is amazing.......I can't beleeves that they actually want to sell it!!!!
I guess they are looking to upgrade to a nicer place....like YOURS!!!
BOL!!!! It looks like you have made some additions to your mansion lately BOL!!!
And my momma just LOVES da map of Blogville!!!!!!! We sees da train tracks...but can't quite locate your mansion....
WOW, I've been by there several times and I did not know that was the Puddles Estate!!!
Riiiiiing Ringggggggg Riiiiinnnng
Puddles... PUDDLES Bark UP... I can't HEar you...
I have been driving around an 87 block area.. there is NO PLACE to park... I have called SARGE to come Direct TRAFFIC... THIS is a HOOOOOGE Traffic SquirrelMare.
I just KNOW that all the ScamWow Towels and the Avon Gift Certificates will be GONE by the time I find a place to PARK.
BANG... Oh NO... somebuddy just TAIL ENDED me.. Oh thank goodness it is Minna Krebs and Rooney. At least I won't get beaten up now.
HUMMMM I wonder if we can just leave our cars HERE since it is now an accident scene.
Rooooooney help me get the orange cones out of the trunk.. They are the ones we used during the Grrrreat Race. We can just put them around our cars and... leave them here. Sarge can deal with the Chi Cops when he gets here.
Come on... lets RUN to Pip's house.. all the ScamWow Towels and Avon Certificats are gonna be gone... and these mushrooms are gonna be cold before we can slap em on some of Puddles' Squirrel.
I is takin' da foto of Pip's estate and I is goin' to da biggest corner in da City where I will stand and do's my teenie weenie shuffle while holdin' da sign in da air. Dat will get lots of attention and will surely sell da house.....specially wit da 8 shammy tings thrown in.
Wow! Pip's estate is enormous! We like the palm trees best... you say the don't need watering but do you think we could 'water' them anyway?
Sam and Pippen
I will be sending an offer for THAT house! I hope I have enough money in the coffee can I have buried in the backyard....
We heard from Asta and Sam is very busy trying to come up with the down payment so he will finally have enough room to stretch out.
I'll be right over to relax by the pool with Pip.... Maybe someone will buy it thinking the striking two lads by the pool (me and Pip) come with the house! BOL!
Oh my gosh, can we REALLY have the irresponsible neighbors of yours, can we REALLY? And can we have the gazillion puppies that are soon to be born too? You are way too generous! Heehee!
I had no idea Pip was living in the laps of luxury (and here I was trying to sell the house on the location instead)! Silly me!
I LOVE the blogville map! How fun!
By the way, I directed traffic to you so peeps could get the badge from ya!
Your double-wide has morphed into the P Doggy compound... reminds me of the Kennedy digs in Hyannis Port. Well, not really.
I'd like to make an offer of 14 dried worms for Pip's house and the Shamwow towels. You can keep your stoopid neighbors.
I think Kate and William aka the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge should check this place out...it would be perfect for them.
Mr Pip's place is Royal!
Woofs and Licks
Hector, Bonny and Lucy tooxx
Holy crap, we'll buy the house, BOL
Benny & Lily
Wow, that house sounds perfect to us!
Nubbin wiggles,
My goodness! While I knew you lived in a mansion, I had no idea Pip lived in a SUPER mansion! I have 87 people here just dying to get inside! What's the phone number? We want to buy!
I think Pip's little legs would get awfully tired in that big house!
BTW Puddles, you won a book in my contest today. Check it out and be sure to send me your mailing address peggyfrezon(at) gmail (dot) com. Congrats!
Puddles, you have so many talents - awesome presentation of Pip's beautiful home. We all have our paws crossed for good things to happen soon for Pip and his family.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Wow Pip I had no idea you were a Realtor. I thinks this would make a great Mother's Day present for my Mom. And if we had a house this big maybe she would even let my have a live in girlfriend. How many bones and sticks do I need to buy it. ~Fenris
Now that Pip's mansion is in your capable paws, we have no doubt it will be snapped up quickly, along with the bonus shamwows - who could resist?! So nice of you to put your considerable talents to work in this way. He will be so appreciative. Your house is quite nice, too,
The Road Dogs
That house is amazing. It should sell itself.
Love and licks Winnie xx
Why is he sellin'? Think of the parties we could have there!!!!
Puddles, you crack us up. Don't all those stairs bother you on YOUR mansion?
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra &Bella
Yoo is one amazin doxie!
>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie
Gosh, why the heck does Pip want to move? His house is just magnificent!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Puddles!
Wow, this was such a pawesome idea to help Pip out. Love the pix of his place. I can sure see why he'd want out of that dump...he really needs to get into a house that's big and luxurious. This one is sub-parr fur sure!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
This is off topic, but Mom is super MAD at Shelby and it is all YOUR fault! (lol) Shelby got a squirrel today. She killt it! Mom is MAD. She won't even do a post about it. (Shelby, on the other hand, swears she was supposed to do it.)
Car crashes, Kool-aid, Avon certificates, cops - DANG, I never knew my house was so exciting!
Your pal, Pip
I love your mansion, Puddles! But, Pip's is way classier. It looks like the perfect place for a blogville party!!!! Wow.
wish i could buy pip's house! it makes my house look like a wigwam haha. but your house is pretty impressive too :D
great sales pitch, Puddles hehe
Wow, we had no idea that Mr. Pip was living so large for such a small dog!!
I'll take a tour for a couple of those Sham-Wow towel thingys!!
YOWzers! Mom says she'll take that house...if it can be remodeled too not look trailers...!!
Chipmunk slayer, chef, realtor, master of the silent treatment...what can't you do!
If I order now can I get an extra one if I just pay separate shipping and handling?
Why would anyone ever want to leave a house like that, I wonder? Maybe because Pip, being somewhat diminutive, could get lost in one that big.
I like the photo of your mansion, too, Puddles. It looks like a most interesting and exciting place.
great post PUddles,
Who wouldnt want to but that house?? It has to sale now with you helping out!!
Puddles you are amazing..... look at all your talent,
you have us all cracking up at my house..
hahahahahaahha i have definitely fo sho missed you and your blog Puddles!!! love this tour of your friend's house... :) The Tiki Bar, that's what I need. and that pool table. let's talk. ;)
I heard about PIP'S house~~~~~positive vibes are being sent out....NOW~~~!
miss puddles,
where do i sign?? i totally didn't realize that mr. pip's house was like right next to the bar. it's uber stocked with all my most fave foodables, too. and i didn't know that he has a swimmin' pool?! somebuddy pinch me cuz i must be dreamin'!!
the booker man
Puddles you did a Grrreat job and are one Pawsome realtor!
Oh by the way you are one crazzzy doxie!
I LIKE you!
woo woos, Tessa
Well, if you can't close this sale, Gov. Puddles, it can't be done! What a sales pitch! If we had any green papers, we'd snap it up. And the Gov. Puddles Mansion is certainly an architectural sui generis.
Jed & Abby
You know hows pups get excited to be your FIRST post? I decided that I will just relax and be your last post, since that seems to be the trend lately. You know how my mom is - always keeping me from my blogs these days with things like washing tiny clothes in preparation for a tiny seemingly invisible two-legger.
Anywhoo.... your house - OMD - that picture is priceless! You could have one trailer just for Cheetos!
Pip is going to have a bidding war after your post!
Just came back from Pip's blog... ummm... your mom thinks possums are CUTE? Have you been slipping her some kool-aid? BOL!
Well, if you are throwing in 8 Shamwow towels. then I might have to reconsider. I'm just not sure the house is spacious enough for me. Perhaps if I could enlarge the bar area.
Puddles, tell your Mum that Riley and I say happy mother's day to her! We hope you and the blobs and your girl treated her really nice today!
Elyse and Riley
Wow Puddles!! We didn' realiza that Blogville is that big. Now we know just where all the hpt spots are.
Mr Pip's house is huge!!! We your mansion Puddles but aren't your legs kinda short to climb all them steps?
Happy Mother's Day to your Mommy!!
xxooxx & {{huggies}}...Mona
Opps....Weenie send {{{huggies}} too!!
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