Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Here Birdie, birdie

(Sorry but I has no REAL fotos but I has some fur demonstrational purposes)

I is a girl and girls is allowed to change their minds....
and I has changed mine.
I previously stated dat I don't hunt birds meaning I don't chase 'em and then whatevers happens afters dat.
I retract dat statement!
I knows you asking "Why on earth would you want to chase a harmless bird sweet, dear, gorgeous Puddles?"

Well it all beganed when I was outside minding my own, REALLY I was!
Seeeee, mindin' my own business.

Then a bird...a gigantic bird...
just likes dis one....buuuuut, flyin' in da air....

dookied on me!

And I was screaming and carryin' on...
" Somebuuuuuuuuuddy heeeeeeeeelps Meeeeeeee!!!!!!"
(notice Brudder Albert ain't payin' me a bit of attention)

"Geeeets off of me doodie!!!!!!!! I don't wanna stinkin' baff!!!!!!!"

It was grody lemme just tells ya'll dat.
I just couldn't dares tell mum cuz I knew hers would slap me in dat bafftub so fast I wouldn't be ables to see straight...fur weeks.

But hers seened da dookie on me...cuz it was white and I is brown and it was obvious.
But since I has an ear infection from having to listen to hers all da time, I didn't has to get in da bafftub...I hads to get in da SINK...withs da sprayer...UGHHHHHH!
Then I hads no more poop on me.
So now I is all good and clean just likes da freak mum likes it.
But, between us...I really don't see da big deal in havin' stinky stuffs on me.

Peace Out, huntin' birdies


the teacher's pets said...

Wow! I wasn't prepared for the birdie chorus when I clicked on your blog post today but I say --- bravo --- for the chorus! And bravo for the silly post! One of the funniest parts? When you said you had an ear infection from having to listen to your mom all the time! Heehee!

Unknown said...

LOL, Sorry bout your ear, but it sure saved you this time! And hey, you smell pretty good right now! Billy

Dexter said...

Miss Puddles,
I understand that when birds first leave the nest they are very clumsy and dim and easy to catch for a tasty treat.


Bobbie said...

HAHAHA... Oh Puddles, I do love starting my day out with a fun post from you!!! That's one bad birdie to do that to you.
Some years back I was helping outside at Bible School and the kiddies were playing in the church lawn and all of a sudden - BAM - hit me like a ton of bricks. (the bird had to be a BIG BIRD if you know what I mean. So Puddles, I can relate to your frustration. I hope you find that nasty bird!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD... well at least it wasn't the terrible bafftub torture.

The Daily Pip said...

You know that is supposed to be good luck. At least, that's what someone told my mom when a bird did his business on her head (really happened).

I would say the birds have taken a stand and you have a right to strike back.

Oh, and when the birdie sound started playing, Rosie went flying around the room looking for the bird. I think I may play it a few more times to keep her busy and out of my fur.

Your pal, Pip

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Now...let me tink! What was it dey used to say bout how good "egg shampoop" is for you furs? I nose...not a egg...but...same difference.

Sorry bout da shower....guess your Mom don't like da egg shampoop look.

Anonymous said...

We have kamikaze birds here every spring. They hurl themselves against our windows... over and over and over again until my asst. is so frazzled she throws things at the window and yells HBO words at them. This year their favorite window was above the front door. After a few weeks of constant hurling, there was bird gunk all over the window, plus poo on the front steps, door, welcome mat. It was disgusting. Birds are STOOPID! Go get 'em Puddles!!!

Road Dog Tales said...

Puddles - In certain countries, having a bird poop on you is considered good luck. And you're not supposed to wash it off for like 87 days. Bwahahahahaha . . .

Sorry about your ears. And the bath. Maybe wear your rain coat when you're gonna be under birds :)

The Road Dogs

houndstooth said...

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha! Oh, when you told me the story before, I was howling with laughter, but seeing you rolling around trying to get it off has nearly done me in! Oh, Puddles! At least you didn't have to have a bath!


My Mind's Eye said...

Puddles you have made Mom LOL, her eyes are leaking and crazy sounds are coming out of her mouth and OMC coffee is coming out of her nose. I think I might need your sprayer to clean up this mess.

Mom told me Doxies are proned to ear infections due to the ear construction. I hope it doesn't heart too much,
MOL Madi

My Mind's Eye said...

PS Mom here:
The Diva was sitting beside me whtn I opened your blog you should have seen the look on her face when she heard the tweeting.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MOL....Darlin' Puddles, you are a total hoot!!!!!!!!!!! And our mama says to tell you it's a gal's right to change her mind!!!!!!!!!

Love to y'all.

Corbin said...

I caught a bird a few weeks ago... mom washed my mouth out and Dad covered the bird with a trash can so I couldn't eat it. How rude.

Dolce said...

lol.. human mommies are all about the "clean" factor ... daddy says a little dirt on my paws won't kill me ... and Stella (my Yellow lab sister)loves to roll in the dirt .. that drives momy crazy... those birds have no manners... paws&licks , Dolce

Remington said...

I think the birdie was a friend of you know....that you did you know what to....Careful out there....they all kind of watch out for each other....THAT is why I try to be friends with everyone....get it now?

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Wow.....that was a very big birdie, so we are assuming that the poopie on you was a lot! Mommy thinks that you are so very adorable, poopie or not!!!

Great pictures and the sound effects were fantastic!

Adien Crafts said...

Well, our human always says it's good luck when that happens, although we can't quite work that one out? Only the worst luck would mean a bath!! :-) Dex & Lou x

Monaco said...

I did get a newborn birdie once and Id carried it around and my mum wahted to catch me and was screaming things to me, but I didnt listen. In the end I didnt know what to do with it and my mum catched me and brought the newborn somwhere else. I hope it survived as I was very careful...

Just Jess for now said...

Oh Puddles: your poor beautiful fur. You have every wright to hunt birdies now. Go get 'em! :)
P.S. I hope your ear feels better soon.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, those birds at your place are really loud!!! And the nerve of that one to drop his doodie on you - we keep trying to chase all the birds out of yard, but they keep coming trying to eat up our lawn.

We hope your ear infection gets better soon - hey, that's a good excuse to avoid a bath, but not really much fun.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

jen said...

Ok..your birdie music freaked me out for a minute but now I am ok!
I am so sorry that you got pooped on by a bird Puddles. LOL! I feel your pain because one time when I was little big bird pooped on my arm when I was outside riding my bike!

***I spoke to the head person at the show this weekend and they said the would allow you to enter the next show but you have to be escorted by Leroy:)

What Remains Now said...

I have the same comment Barbara had on your last owe me a new keyboard. In fact, you owe me several. I never used to spit out my coffee before met you, Puddles. I don't know if that's good or bad, but I'm glad that Barbara pointed your culpability!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey, it could have been worse, I'm not sure how, but it could have been!

Barbara said... got poopied on? Oh man, I can imagine you screaming really loud. Sorry you had to have a sink baff, but you don't want to catch no bird diseases and end up looking like that yellow bird in your picture.

PS: Minnie caughted her firs squirrels this morning. She thought it was playing with her. It isn't any more.

Amber-Mae said...

I can't believe that birdie doo doo-ed on you!

booahboo said...

A birdie did a WHAT???

booahboo said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dot... but but.. in my culture.. IF a bird do a doo doo dits on you... its Good Luckies you know.. and and you don't wash it off.. you just roll on them grass and let it all sink in...

urmms.. it must have been a bigggggggggg doo doo ditties.. cos you just crashed.. hehhehee.. love the picture of you on them grounds.. *LOL*

pam said...

Oh Puddles you does make Mommy laughs so hard. Hers kept saying "dookie hahahah dookie!"

Bobo and Meja

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my! Hysterical. What's up with that bird
Benny & Lily

Mack said...

That bird has some nerve poopin on you!!!

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Apparently a bird pooping on you is good luck. I'm not sure if it is good luck for you or the bird.... Heehee. I like your 'demonstration bird'. Heh. And your bother, uh, brother seems a wee bit on the useless side. Just saying....

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

PeeEss: Mom has yet another excuse for not working on the yard today - it's snowing, and apparently she thinks that's an excuse to not rake up all the dead stuff that has been accumulating there since the beginning of time....

Anonymous said...

Love the music...hahaha!

So, let us get this got bombed with a birdie turdie?? Hehe. That sucks, majorly.

Riley hasn't gotten pooped on--yet--so that's good. Since I am a "cool" dog mom, I would soooo let Riley run around with the dookie on her. Why wash it off? :-)

Too bad Mum's such a stick in the mud (or stick in the bird poop) and washed it off. Bummer. She NEVER lets you have any fun.

Oh, and we love how the Blob, Albert, was so quick to rush to your aid...

Elyse and Riley

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Lots of Golden TWEET TWEET to you. Golden Woofs, Sugar

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Ewwwwwww! Well, that birdie dookie can be purrty nasty. We wouldn't want it on us! We hope no more lands on you!

Linda said...

Hi We 3 Doxies.
Thank you for visiting me today on my dog blog.
Big licks and wags from Seattle WA
♥ Cinnamon

Anonymous said...

What IS it abouts humans wanting to wash stinky stuff off of us? They just don't know how to appreciates the finer things in life.

And I was just you think that maybe that was a paid hit? You know, by the relatives of the chipmunk and/or squirrel you took out? I think I'd be keepin' my eye on the sky, if I was you. Just sayin'.

Wiggles & Wags,

JacksDad said...

I don't think Big Bird goes to the bathroom. Maybe it was some other type of bird! :)

Asta said...

Dawling ,gowgeous Puddles,

You know some of ouw fwiends go out of theiw way to find that stinky stuff to woll in, but Mommi is all pawsnickedy and would toss me in the baf too, and you know how I feel about that.
Guess what? I had to go to the dogtow today cause of an eaw infections
I keep tilting and shaking my head and fweeking mommi out, so I had to go..I suwe hope it goes away cause it's vewy annoying. good luck wif the hint
smoochie kisses

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Birds poopin' on you is supposed to be good luck.....or is that just in the southern hemisphere. Anyway, it worked. You only had to have haff-a-baff.

XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella

Too bad Kendra wasn't there, she eats bird poop. she'd have helped you out.

K9 Katastrophie said...


Anonymous said...

That is one BIG birdie! Good thing that you were not killed when that birdie pooed on you! Oh my!

woo woos, Tessa

Duke said...

We can't believe the nerve of that birdie to drop doodoo on you, Puddles! That's just plain RUDE!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peggy Frezon said...

hahaha. So Big Bird flew by and left a calling card huh? That is unfair!

Oskar said...

I always wondered how we got ear infections. Thanks for the info, BOL!

Nubbin wiggles,

Scooter said...

Hey Puddles!
Wow, that must have been one seriously rude (and brave) birdie. I bet it was a pteradactyl!! I really think you're lucky to have gotten that washed off...who knows where that dirty-birdie had been!! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

A MilShelb Mom said...

Oh goodness! If we end up catching a bird, I'm blaming it on YOU!
~Milly and Shelby


Oh dear sweet Puddles
We is sorree dat dat birdie did da dookie on yoo.


rottrover said...

Years ago, my friend was throwing a big party for her husband's business associates. She went and got her hair colored - a very bright red - despite her husband's request not to do so. As she was chatting with a neighbor about the brightness of her hair-color, a huge bird flew over her and POOPED on her new do!! My friend's new hair had to have a baff...

Cole said...

Didn't you know that bird poopie is good luck?!?! The bird was just declaring you the luckiest doggie in the land!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

I got pooped on at the weekend by a mahoosive seagull so you are not alone sweet Puddles

Momma Tea
xxx x xxx

Lorenza said...

Looking at tha gigantic bird... I can understand the bath!
Kisses and hugs

1000 Goldens said...

You are soooooo funny! Sorry about the poo -- it's just not right :)

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Oh Puddles so sorry you got pooped on!! Shame on that bird!! They better look out, you are a killer!!
Yes, that is a weimareiner.
They are beautiful dogs!!! My G-daughter said they got alone very well. All enjoyed the one night and two days camping!! It was the first time for both dogs camping, they loved it!!
xx, Bambi & Fern

The Daily Pip said...

Just had to stop by again and play those birdie songs for Rosie (insert evil doggie laughter) they drive her a little nutty ...bawhahahahaha

Your pal, Pip

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee hee hee, a bird dookied on u! duk duk is laughin his feathers off!! :) b

Wyatt said...

Puddles, what is that you just rolled in? You smell divine!


KB said...

Big Bird pooped on you. Totally cool, Puddles. I'm so sorry that your clean-freak mom washed it off...

Tucker said...

I don't know what is funnier - that a bird pooped on you or that your bath is in the sink,

woof - Tucker

fromsophiesview said...

Pooper Scoopers time run and hide...better yet...calls me and I'll launch a licking parade on Mom and she'll forget what she's supposed to do...wink wink!

Scooter said...

Both os us girls completely understood here and we are in agreement with ya!! Birds get outta here and yes,a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!!

Jazzi and Addy

Nubbin' Tails said...

Oh my dogness....the drama! So sorry you had to go thru that!


Mr. Nubbin'

the booker man said...

miss puddles,

me 'n asa caught two birdies this week. let's just woof that we got them in retaliation for that bird poopin' on you!! i'm sorry about your ear infection, too. boy howdy, do i know how icky those feel. :(

the booker man

♥ Sallie said...

Nobody poops on Puddles! Did you see where that giant yellow bird went?

Seseme Street?

Never heard of it. Maybe Alien can use his GPS and find it for us. We will get that bird!


Kitty+Coco said...

I know that bird didn't!!! For the official record, we say that no birdy poops on Puddles and gets away with it. Nope! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!

Zona said...

Well.... did you catch one yet???


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

How rude of that huge birdie to poop on you. Too many baths going on around our house lately. There must be something wrong with us, we didn't hear any birdies singing on your blog. It's just not fait I say!!

{{{huggies}}}...Mona & Weenie