You has GOTS to be kiddin ' me?
They didn't think I'd notice....
It's a FAKE Martingale collar!
(but you is still lookin' good self)
Yep folks, da kerazy tried to pass off da new collar as a Martingale.
Her keeps insisting dat I is not a Greyhound but what does her knows.
SHE is da one dat locked her keys in da trunk (more on dat later), wore 2 different shoes, fell down da stairs...I could go on and on and on.
Anybuddy ever notice how stoopid our blog titles are?
I knows it has nuttin' to do withs da post but I was just thinkin' bouts it.
Oh and we is workin' on our FLAKE posts...hehehehehe...dis is gonna be fun.
Puddles...da redheaded Greyhound
Oh and we is workin' on our FLAKE posts...hehehehehe...dis is gonna be fun.
Puddles...da redheaded Greyhound
(Nows, dis is a note to my new kool-aid drinkers followers...since I is a Greyhound...a deformed one but nonedaless... I should be wearin' a Martingale collar cuz dats what ALL Greyhounds wear)
hahahah!!! You're too much!
~Milly and Shelby
You sure are a short greyhound. But bet you could beat all of them in a race and you do deserve to have the correct necklace. Thanks for the chuckle. Take care.
I think you are darn quick, greyhound or not!!!
Now, I am supposed to stay calm and not get too excited, but your peeps did WHAT???? He he, better not let Bunny see this.
...well, at least it is pink. All the greyhound girls seem to be really into pink.
Your pal, Pip
So..... if you are a greyhound why does it state in your profile "I'm a dachshund, duh!" We haven't drunk that much kool-aid that you can pull that one over our eyes!
Sam and Pippen
You still look amazing, Miss Puddles!
HAHA! Looking good Puddles!! Happy New Year. I can't wait to hear about the keys...
Is that a NEW Wally Marte Original
POKE a DOT dress you are wearing in your header???
I certainly think you should have the kind of neck wear that you WANT.. butt girrrrrrl.. I gotta tell you this.. YOU are a Mighty Dachshund.. A HUNTER of Wild and Dangerous Creatures. Sorry to burst your Bubble.. Or Poke your Dot.. whichever.. butt greyhound.. you are NOT.
A Marte Gale might be too easy fur a Ground Hog to grab hold of. I'm just sayin.
PeeS... have you read about our dear furend PIP????
It be a knock off collah? Call the fahion pawlice. Call PETA. This be an outrage!
You're such a dork.
Well I think you still make the collar look gooood.
Oh, Puddles: Glacier here. My girl says you can tell her whatever you want her to believe, and well, she's gotta believe it. ;)
Oh Puddles, I'm rolling on the floor laughing! I can't wait to hear more about your "Flake." She is way too funny and gives us a lot of good laughs.
I have to say tho, your collar is very nice looking on you.
Lily Belle
From what I know of you missy , you are lucky to get anything for xmas :)
Freddie got NOTHING :)
hehehehe !!!
You gots SLOW squirrels there?? They must be in a PEE Can STUPOR.
That would make it EASY to catch em and.... well you know what we would do THEN.
I think you look beautiful in your fake martingale collar!! It's pink and beautiful!
You make it look smashing! You do look like a mini-greyhound!
I could use a cheeseburger ...but you may have to slip it to me in an unmarked brown bag so they don't realize what's up. Something about keeping me on a bland diet. Bawahahahaha!
We're confused... Are you a greyhound with short legs, or not?!? Heehee. Of course, you look mahvelous, fake collar or not! We'd do the Flake post, but since Mom is such a flake we might not get it posted in time! Seriously! Happy New Year, Ms. Puddles!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
You were totally robbed! I can't believe your mom thought she could sneak a fake past you. We Greyhounds have sophisticated tastes and we can spot a fake from a mile away! Do you want me to send your mom a list of REAL martingale collar makers? I'd do that for a fellow Greyhound!
BOL!! A deformed greyhound!!!!
Miss Puddles
If I squint really hard I can see the resemblance to a greyhound.
MOL Puddles you tell it like it is girlfriend. You deserve a diamond studded collar in my opinion...so just as soon as the man of the house comes home you march right up to him, put your paw down and BOL your requirements!!
You are most certainly a (vertically challenged) Greyhound!!
So do tell did Mum fall down and locking her keys in the car at the same time and was it the day she had on mismatched sneakers?
MOL and Hugs from your BFFF,
Maybe She thinks your a fake greyhound, so a fake martingale is in order.....just sayin'.
Of course we know you're a leg-challenged greyhound, so you should have the REAL thing.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
You do looks good in it.
It is still a great collar
Stop on by for a visit
We are speechless. You look gorgeous!! Not sure why a scent-driven BADGER HOUND would want to be a sight hound... Girl, you are a lean, mean huntin' machine. And Frankie's right, you don't want one of those badgers grabbin' that fancy schmancy collar and pulling you into it's borough or wherever they live. Just sayin'.
-Bart and Ruby (who are couch-hounds)
Puddles, be careful about your choice of words - deformed greyhound??? Are you sure you want to have that in writing? BOL!!!
It may be a fake Martingale, but you wear fake well:)
Woos _ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Somehow I think you got more than that for Christmas! Spill the beans! :)
Jus' kinda hide da label and tell everyone dat it be da original. No buddy will nose! Mee won't tell...pawmise!
Puddles, you are soooo purdy to look at i didnt even notice the knock off collar.
You look quite pretty with the purple, Mz Puddles!!! ;)
<3 JBenz
I never heard of that kind of collor befor. Guess I got a lot to learn yet huh? I got a secret though.........Mom's got some Cheetos hidden in her purse!!!
Ummm I didn't know u were a greyhound bol! The collar is pretty though! Jack wants to marry ebby which is y he needs to know what shes made of bol
Ummm I didn't know u were a greyhound bol! The collar is pretty though! Jack wants to marry ebby which is y he needs to know what shes made of bol
Shasta Beaglebratz here-
If'n u say u iza Greyhound then who am I tu argue with the Honorable Guv'ner Puddles? BUTT u du look like one HOT mama in that there nu collar - martigale or not.
NOOOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAY do I want you to sing to me... I've HEARD you.. You sing WAAAY OFF PEE!!!
NOPE.. not even if you wear your Poke A Dot Wally Marte Original and you Frilly Foo Foo Pretty Pink neck wear..
My Dear Puddles,
Fake collar or not, in my eyes you always look beautiful!
First of all, we must say that we're loving the new header fo-toes! The one of you in that red tank top brings to mind the words of the inimitable Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy for My Shirt! BOL!
As for the fake Martingale collar, well that's just wrong! Parents have been trying to pull fast ones like this for YEARS and we say it's time to put our PAWS down. Where do we sign the petition to get you a REAL martingale collar, huh? Let us know!
The Road Dogs
You look beautiful! Love your new header!
Dachshund Nola
You look beautiful in your new collar, Puddles. It's okay that it's not a martingale! It's still pretty!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Um, what's the matter with your blog titles?
You do look pretty, Miss Puddles Greyhound.
BOL a martingale collar.....sheesh those parents these days. Hope you find a real one soon!
they can't fool a fooler
Happee New Year!
Benny & Lily
Love the wink, Puddles! A *fake* martingale collar... Maybe your mom plans to have *you* race Bunny this year...
It's pretty colors though! You will have to take your mom shopping sometime and show her what you like.
Even if it's fake...it still looks pretty!!!!
You mean all this time we thought you be a dachshund? Whatevr!! You still look pretty in pomk.
Ah, my dearest Puddles. I gots to agree with Frankie. This here is why you wants to be the grrreat doxie that you is. Furst off your breed is a GREAT Badger catcher, girl! I mean Badgers is fury nasty and tough critters.
Then there is Greyhounds, they chase bunny girl. That's it Puddles, they chase bunnies! Lets see, badgers or bunnies, which do you think are the toughest????
So embrace your inner Doxie!
hugs and woos, Tessa
It's still a pretty collar and we're sure no one would be so ill-bred as to closely examine or comment on its construction. Looks like a beautiful Christmas gift to us. How is Whitney?
Jed & Abby
How did I miss this post? Oh yeah, cuz my momma is a Flake! (i am working on my flake post......butt I have soooo much material to work with, its taking me furever)
At least you didn't get a Toilet Seat, like we did last Christmas! BOL
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