Friday, March 9, 2012

What Be Wrong Withs Dis?

Welcomes to anudder edition of my life wheres I be constantly subjected to da unfairness in my home.
Orrrrrr, in dis case, OUT of da home cuz I wasn't AT home.

Today I wanna shows ya'll some fotos.
 Sees if you can figures out what be wrong withs them...udder than da totally crappy quality...AGAIN.
Mum be blamin' da lightin' such a dumb excuse.

Heres me...
Come heres Sissy, I wants to talk to you.

 Heres Blob, I mean Sissy Whitney
Her has TONS and TONS of hairs doncha think? And hers be purty darn out of focus.

Nows heres ME again...

Here be Sissy again...

Us togedder...kinda

Ya'll gots any guesses what be wrong with these here fotos?

Gives up?
Okays, I'll tells ya'll!

Wells you can't sees my dad's hand in da above fotos but he has my leash by a death grip...
and not a single friggin' person be holdin' on to Sissy's leash.

 Her be all free roamin!

She's a good girl, loves her mama
Loves kibble and treats too
She's a good girl, crazy 'bout rollin'
Loves squirrels and her blankie too

And she's free, she's free roamin'

(my singin' wasn't too pitchy was it? I knows, I has a tendency to gets distracted)

And you'll nevers believes what mum said bouts it.
OH MY DOG...her actually said hers DON'T trust me off leash.
Said I gets all tunneled visioned when it comes to huntin' and then I has no sense of what a recall is when I be in my huntin' mode.
And hers don't has to worry bouts Sissy cuz her nevers strays from mum cuz her be a suck up.

Don't gets me wrong though, I loves her...
  ...between 1 and 2 and then 5 to 6 Monday through Friday.
Saturdays and Sundays I have different hours.

Thank you once again furs tuning in to a No- Reason-Whatsoevers blog post

PS: Just incase ya'll is wonderin' I walks VERY good on da leash but we was not really walking...we was theres to watch My Girl ride her bike.


Agnes B. Bullock said...

We understand Puddles- we suffer from the same discrimination as you!

Maybe we should have an Occupy Your Leash

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohh dis is most discriminatory fur sure Miss Puddles

Wee is outraged on yor behalf


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD Whitney is just beautiful. She has gorgeous fur. It is all LONG and Floaty and.. OH Squirrel Snot... THAT is not what I was SUPPOSED to be tawkin bout.

Back on Task.. THAT is just HORRID treatment of a totally INNOCENT and WELL BEHAVED girrrl like yourself. It is discrimination to the Nth Degree! You should be allowed to run and race free just like you LOVELY LONG FURRED sister does.
Perhaps you need a FULL Body WIG.

Casper Bear said...

You are a star Puddles! I have the same but I'm a bit naughty if let off my leash.
Lotsa Licks
Casper Bear

What Remains Now said...

I know you won't believe this, but we lease you because we love you. If this helps, think of it this way...Greyhounds are never let off lead.

Lovable Lily said...

Ahhhh Puddles.... I'm so sorry to hear you are being treated SOOOOO unfairly. But the "death grip" on your lead was a little much, don't ya all think? I get the same tunnel vision as you. Get somethin' set in my mind and that's it! But that little Muffin, hers too is a suck up. Goodness ~ siblings!

Lily Belle

Bobbie said...

I love starting my day reading your post Puddles!! LOL! You do have a way with words. Every time you refer to the Blob I laugh all over again, like it's the first time I've ever heard it. I noticed that your ear was inside out in the one photo. Just an observation. I'm sure it was no mistake and that you were probably airing your ears out, right?
I used to sing that song to Gracie all the time!!! I like the words you put to it. Once again... you made me LOL! Have a good weekend Puddles. And stay out of trouble.

Unknown said...

You, being a Greyhound type Doxie and all......your mom and dad know that you can 'Run Like the Wind' when you is off leash. That is prolly the real reason they hang on to you.

Miss Bunny wears a leash on her that should make you feel better, right?

(I am sure it has nothings to do with how you is pulling the leash all crazy and stuffs)

Unknown said...

Make that Bunny on her HIKING.........stoopid spell correct, didn't know what I wanted to really say.....

houndstooth said...

We never get off our leashes, either, if it makes you feel better. It's a Greyhound rule, since we can run so fast and if we take off after something, we have a tendency to cover a lot of ground quickly and then not remember how we got there. Anyway, maybe they hold on to you because you're the star of the blog and they can't risk losing you. You're just too valuable for them to risk a dognapping or something!


Corbin said...

We should start a band with our singing and song writting abilities.

Pippen said...

Don't you just hate it when the parentals know us too well? Our mom doesn't trust us off leash either.

Sam and Pippen

PeeS. We would like to know why Bunny uses a leash on her Vikings... AND why Minna Krebs knows about it!

rottrover said...

SO unfair!! Totally discrimination against HAWT red heads. (Dude, that top picture - buns of steal - just sayin'.)

-Bart - who hasn't had a walk since Tuesday, thank you very much...

Matilda the Boxer said...

How horrible! I think you're extremely trustworthy, Puddles.

Unknown said...

Puddles, I am sure you would be find to just let go of! Dang humans!!!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

The Heartbeats said...


I have learned from my criminal ways that it is much better to stay on your walking string. You do not want the POPO following you and then macing you. TRUST ME!! I've been rehabbed...


The Websters said...


When I go to my grandma and grandpas, ALL of the other dogs get to play outside and run as they wish. I get tied to the post. TIED TO THE POST!

Anyway, I'm ready to riot when you are. Just say the word.



The Websters said...

Oh, I forgot to say that at least your leash and collar look really nice. Doesn't look like Whitney's is as pretty as yours. I guess it "might be the lighting."



Millie and Walter said...

Puddles, you parents keep you on leash because they love you so much and want to keep you close. My guess is that Whitney is too slow to really get away from them so that's why she just gets to drag the leash along.


The Daily Pip said...

Well,uh, I have a confession ...I don't always wear a leash either. In fact, I don't even have to walk if I don't feel like it. They carry me around and sometimes I ride along in my sissy's old stroller. Is that wrong? It's not that I am lazy, I am just conserving my energy for more important things like sleeping on the couch and eating burgers.

Your pal, Pip

Brian's Home Blog said...

Maybe yo have to stay on that thing so you won't go running off after the beer mobile!

Remington said...

First off -- I can't believe you went all Tom Petty on me.... So you are a runner -- I don't know why that doesn't surprise me -- you are such a free spirit! Comes with the territory -- don't ever change, my friend and when you do get free -- RUN, Puddles, RUN....oh no, I just went all Forrest Gump....sorry....

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hmmmmm..seems me gets da same treatments as you. Mee is not trusted e-der! Peeps..what do dey nose anyway?

My Mind's Eye said...

OMC Puddles I don't know why in the world a Doxie of you intelligence would ever put up with such unfair treatment.

Just because you've been known to run amuck like a cracker dog who's breath smells of beer and cheetos in the past. That is no reason to assume you will do it again. After all you were there to watch your girl. What if she had fallen and could not get would not have been able to rush to her side!!
I saw demerits are in order!!
Hugs from your BFFF

My Mind's Eye said...

Me again...I saw your comment on Rem's I came back to hear Tom Petty 'cause I didn't have my volume on BUTT my volume is on and I still can't hear Tom Petty...
Either you and Rem have beans in your ears or here at age 10 I've lost my hearing!!
Hugs Madi

Bassetmomma said...

What the frig!! Don't worry puddles I'm don't trust Fred either, so Gloria does a lot more free roaming than Fred. Well, actually Fred never does! LOL! I know it still sucks though!

GOOSE said...

Totally not fair. Hey Puddles why don't you come over my way and we'll let you off leash with me and Bert. I'll keep track of ya as you get into your huntin' mode. And if you get lost, well you know Bert is SAR dog extraordinaire.

Anonymous said...

How nice of you to thank us for reading another "No Reason Whatsoevers" blog post... I've been meaning to point out how useless your posts are, but then I looked back at a few of mine. Do you think when cyberspace was invented, they had any idea that dogs would poop all over it?

PeeS - you're welcome.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We have the same problem - the death grip on the leash. Okay, so we get excited when we see something move. Is that any reason to mistrust us?

So we empathize, Puddles.

Unknown said...

I came back to leave another comment (surprise!) butt when I saw what Sam&Pippen said.....I totally forgots what I was gonna say.....

PeeS...Isn't Reuben a hoot?!?!! He kinda reminds me of da male version of "some other" Carolina doxie I knows.

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Mom doesn't let us off leash when we are walking, either. I'm okay off leash, but Rat Butt, erm, Abby, suffers from that same intense focus that you have, and doesn't always heed Mom (or anyone) when she is in hot pursuit of other doggies, varmints, small children, etc. We're guessing Blob 2 doesn't have to be on a leash because, really, how fast can a blob move with all that hair? Me? I'm a suckup. I'll admit it (hey, it gets me lots of good treats) - but Mom still won't let me go off leash unless we're at the park and tennis balls or frisbees are involved (or if Abby has been temporarily transported to another planet...).

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Puddles, heehee the blob is very cute!!

Scooter said...

Hey Puddles!
Wow, I totally agree that leashes are wrong, wrong, wrong! When my peeps walk with me, I pull really hard then go "GHACK, HUCKA, CHOCKK, KAHICK". Sometimes they get the hint. Might be worth a try. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Bicontinental Dachshund said...

Well...we're hounds, our nose can drive us nuts...and we really don't have a sense for cars and other road hazards.

Erin said...

Me and BUbbles don't wear leashes at our home places. (we gots like a bazzillion acres) But we have to wear them when we leave the home place cause..well we come back, buuutt it might take us a minute or two or three or ninety-seven. So.. i don't even see the problem here!

- Texas

Dachshund Nola said...

Ugh my sister gets to go off leash too! Little *****!
Dachshund Nola
PS. My "Sweetie" is my grandma
peeepeeeS I love your collar!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I loved your post Puddles!!! I love your look too!!! I think you are so good looking!!
I love Zoie so much but I wish I could have a little dog just like you!!! Your color and coat!!! your size too!!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is so not cool Puddles!!!!! If she doesn't trust you off thel eash, well, she should just get you a stroller and wheel you around in the comfort you have become accustomed to!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles, there is nothing wrong with being part of the leash only club(LOC). I am a premier member and wear it proudly. Oh who am I kidding I can't be trusted. It is my job to protect my peeps and those kids on those wheely things and those big wheely motorized things are a threat and I must chase them away. End of story!

Loveys Sasha

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

TOTALLY UNFAIR! Maybe Whitney can't get away quick enough because of all that fur...just sayin'.

And we noticed that your dad let the leash slip under your leg....what's he doin'?

We completely understand 'hunting mode'.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Also, we noticed that UNFAIR situation right off!

Anonymous said...

No worries, Puddles. The only dog in our entire extended family that can be trusted off leash is Cousin Daisy. She's the only one that doesn't go all psycho when she sees a squirrel and take off! Well, Cousin Highway doesn't either, but he's deaf, so he won't come back when he's called because he doesn't hear his name being called!

But that is totally unfair that Sissy Whitney gets to roam around off leash and you don't!!!!! And where was Brudder Albert? Busy sucking up at home? Or was Mom carrying him around! Such a goody two-shoes! :)

Elyse and Riley

A MilShelb Mom said...

The unfairness is in my house, too! Mom says I run like the wind and she can't catch me so they always watch me like a hawk when a door opens, but not Milly. Milly can walk out the door because she comes back in. What a dumb dumb. Doesn't she know she's supposed to run and make them catch her? That's what I do!

Dandy Duke said...

What a bummer that you can't be off-leash too, Puddles. If it makes you feel any better, I don't go loose either because mom figures she might never seen me again!

Love ya lots,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We all understand, Puddles. And here there is no discrimination at all - we ALL get treated the same, NEVER, NEVER,NOT EVER, NO WAY are we allowed off leash. It's a true crime, isn't it?

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

KB said...

Poor poor Puddles... Outrageous.

What are your hours on the weekend? Just curious.

Those are actually great photos, and the story line was very, well, Puddles-funny!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Its not fair Puddles, but the same thing happens to me. My moms don't trust me at all. I have no idea why.
Soo, I feel for you!

Two French Bulldogs said...

You better start protesting
Benny & Lily

Declan said...

Life is indeed unfair Puddles, mate. I never get let off my lead unless I go to the tennis courts. Our garden is tiny and not very secure. Ganny's is best cos I can use her garden like a racetrack Hehe! No one makes that bl**dy cat go on a lead though and she doesn't even like to go out. sheesh! Deccy x

pibble said...

Uh, do ya think it has anything to do with all the dead things you bring home, or all the things to try to Make Dead? Hmmm...? just askin'.

Oskar said...

Well the level of unfairness here is just outrageous. I say you keep them from enjoying your company for awhile.

I'd like to personally invite you (and the other 2) to be featured on my blog at It's a great way to meet new blogging friends. If you're interested you can drop me a line at PBU at comcast dot net.

Nubbin wiggles,

Anonymous said...

I gots the tunnel vision too. I'm only free at the dog park. So uncool...

Doxie Rod said...

don't feel bad, puddles. i am kept on a strict leash policy, also! sometimes if i'm in the front yard i get to roam free :)

Unknown said...

very informative blog

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komaldarr said...

So cute dogs. I would like to have one in my limousine also. A dog and a limo, what an attitude.

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