Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cooking With Puddles

Hellos Ya'll.
Dis heres is called da cookin' segmant of da Puddles Show.

 We is gonna cook...duh...cuz I is a good cooker and I has lots of tastey recipes.
Today I has a very simple recipe to shares cuz food shouldn't be all complicated and stuffs.

It's called "Easy Bake Squirrel".
It's so easy even da kerazy lady couldn't screw it up could makes it.

All you needs is a squirrel...stuffin optional...and salt to taste...
then you shoves it in da oven like so....

You don't even needs a pan or a bakin''s dat easy.

 Mmmmmmm...can't ya'll smell da aroma?
You may hears some poppin' sounds but don't be alarmed, it's okays.

Sees wasn't dat EASY?
Just wait till you tastes it.

Puddles... caterin' services available upon request


houndstooth said...

My mouth is watering! Oh, Puddles, how could of you to share some of your fantastic Southern cooking recipes with us. You could put Paula Dean out of a job!


Declan said...

Hey great, I got loads of squibbles! Actually they're pretty good with garlic mayo... just sayin'!!! Deccy x

jen said...

Awesome segment Puddles! I can't wait to try me some squirrel!
Love your pink Easy Bake Oven!

Dexter said...

Amazing. I have a piggy that might just work with that recipe. I left him out in the rain overnight to tenderize and soak up some dirt garnish.


My Mind's Eye said...

Yummmy yes indeed the lovely essence of stuffed squirrel has reached our nostrils too. Puddles your talents are endless.

One question what is the popping sound and should I take cover?

Respectfully submitted,
Madi your BFFF

The Daily Pip said...

How about we send a little easy baked squirrel over to the former owners of my house - kind of a thank you gift.

What do you think?

Your pal, Pip

The Daily Pip said...

Better idea - we munch out on the cooked squirrel and send them some live squirrels!

What Remains Now said...

Yum...citrus squirrel is still my favorite, but this is a nice option.

Unknown said...

Chef Puddles, would this recipe work on da Grill?

HH and The Boys said...

Chef Puddles.... that sure smells good.

pawhugs, Max

Lovable Lily said...

What time is dinner? We're looking forward to some of that yummy squirrel.

I tried squirrel once but it was raw and wasn't cooked. I don't know what happened next other than I went to get a better grip on it and it squeeled like a pig and ran away. Guess I better try cooking it next time.

Lily Belle

ShellePenn said...

Do you have sweet tea or a beer with this recipe?

Bassetmomma said...

Puddles your talents never cease to amaze me! Roast squirrel, yummy! I'm just lovin' your ovin'! heehee!

Marg said...

Oh that squirrel looks so yummy. Even the kitties would like that recipe. It is so darn easy.
Thanks Puddles for your nice comment on our blog about our Mom. You are just the best Puddles. We will let you know the good news. Take care.

Pippen said...

What? No use of the blow torch? We're kinda disappointed...

Sam and Pippen

Unknown said...

Chef Puddles.....I tried da recipe, and it turned out dee-lish.

One request... Would you now do a segment in cleaning out my EZ Bake oven? It's a mess with all that baked on squirrel furs and stuffs.

GOOSE said...

Just so I don't screw this up let me get this straight. Like popcorn when the poppen' stops the critter is done? Yummmm. I would hire you to cater my next get together.
p.s.- should you marinate it in beer first?

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH this looks So Delicious. So will you be doing a PEE CAN Pie fur dessert?

Brian's Home Blog said...

Bravo Puddles! I thought you were suppose to take a squirrel for a wok!

The Websters said...

What if you don't have one of those fancy pink ovens? My gotcha day is in January (maybe you can cater my party?) and I'll ask for one of those pink ovens but that is a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong time away.

I don't really like snakes either. Normally, I eat anything that moves in my yard but after our quick convo, I let that gross snake move on.


Patrice and Higgins said...

Yum, I think I can smell that sweet aroma all the way in Tennessee!!


Unknown said...

Wow Puddles your Mom lets YOU near an easy bake oven!

Peggy Frezon said...

Easy Bake Squirrel, oh my dear!!! I am laughing so hard at this one Puddles! I'm almost afraid to see what you might cook up next.

Scooter said...

Oh yummers, when is dinner served? I wil be right over in my vertable and help you DEVOUR that squirrel!!


Millie and Walter said...

What an excellent recipe. If Nina manages to capture another squirrel some day I will be sure to give this recipe a try.


Remington said...

You are creative, Miss Puddles, but for me I would rather look at the squirrels than eat them....

rottrover said...

I you have a recipe for GOPHER?? I'm sure trying to cantch us one!!


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Easy Bake Squirrel...Yum! How bout addin a little groundhog on da side?

Matilda the Boxer said...

Wow, you really are a good cook! I'm so impressed.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Well, that looks tasty! We are thinking you skeered that squirrel right in that oven with your awesome claws of doom!!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

BURRRRRRRP !! I just came back fur SECONDS.

Anonymous said...

Dang...I just tried to leave a really witty comment and it got sucked up into Blogger's ego or something.

Anyway, Riley is over here drooling over your baked squirrel recipe...a;lskdjfiuahewkjhngajdvn...whoops, she just drooled all over the keyboard... ;)

Elyse and Riley

Oskar said...

Ooh, that looks delicious!

My mom person sent of a package to your girl today :)

Nubbin wiggles,

Scooter said...

Hey Puddles!
Wow, that looks totally delish! I think that his tail-end might be a little bit underbaked, but rare is my FAVORITE! BWAR HAR HAR If I bring some extra squirrels and some turkey, can I come over for dinner? We can shove a gobbler in there too.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

We were kind of expecting to see how you prepared that Ground Hog you deaded, but Easy Squirrel Bake is good, too! Alas, we have to catch a squirrel before we can prepare this recipe (we have one like yours, but Abby prefers to throw those at Mom...), so we'll keep working on it. Once we catch one, we'll be SO READY for Easy Squirrel Bake!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, sounds good!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Sketching with Dogs said...

Thank dog it wasn't that blo*dy dead groundhog you were cooking! He he.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Puddles, I bet that oven evens puts "grill" marks on the squirrel. Can I have mine a bit raw?

Posie said...

heeheeheehee dat iz wun owf da funneriest fings I haz evir did see in a longy longist owf tiymes! hheeeheehee dadder n mummer waz laffing owt loud too! heheehe! brilliyernt, love pdorg xox

Mary Lou said...

"Easy Bake Squirrel"? Hmmmm.... Can you make that into dog biscuits? ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Corbin said...

Is it your birthday yet?

Corbin said...

I'll keep patiently waiting. I'm just SO excited.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Golden LAUGHS!!! HAPPY Wednesday. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

JacksDad said...

I think that's e-z-bake chipmunk! :)

Linda said...

My mom wants to know if it comes in a box and you add water cuse her can do that?

Duke said...

You have both of us drooling, Puddles. We can only imagine how good it smells in your kitchen!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

K9 Katastrophie said...

BOL! Great recipe! Hey how did you get your name?



Does dat squirel come in a BBQ flavor?


Cole said...

Hahahaha! The real question is - how does your girl get the taste/smell of squirrel out of her Easy Bake oven when she wants to make cupcakes again?!

KB said...

Puddles... Doesn't the tail need to be in the oven?

Will it work for mice?

Love the photos!

georgia little pea said...

Oh My Goggles, Puddles! I swear, this is the best EVER recipe I've ever seen! I think My Typist might even be able to swing it because the instructions are so simple. I'll be sure to remind her the next time I find some road kill. YAY! :) x

P.S. did you use any marinade?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We would love to engage your services, Puddles. Can you plan to provide us with your catering services Saturday evening? And can you also provide the squirrel? They don't seem to be easily accessible her - only bunnies:)

Woos- Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Wow, Puddles, that sounds so yummy. Maybe you could cater the big wedding? I have some bumble bees that could be baked.
Sally Ann

Dachshund Nola said...

I'll go try this out!
Dachshund Nola

Bobbie said...

My dad used to fry up some squirrel late at night after he had a few beers. It smelled so good... it TASTED so good! But it looks like you're baking your squirrel Miss Puddles. Probably much healthier for you, right? Careful of those bones now, ya hear?

Two French Bulldogs said...

Puddles we are drooling from the aroma. You are just like Julia Child
Benny & Lily

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh Puddles,,,
I was kind of afraid to read this,,,
but okay-- I smell it,, and it smells like pop corn to me!

Shane Kent Louis said...

That's a superb segment of you, Puddles! I get a little nervous whenever I hear popping sounds.

Dog Fence

Casper Bear said...

That looks so delicious Puddles, my mouth is watering! Excellent recipe.
Lotsa Licks
Casper Bear

Anonymous said...

Hi P!
Does the oven have to be that cute easy bake thing? Cause I don't have one and I'm pretty sure my mom won't let me use her oven.

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

The backyard is a larder, if the peeps just knew how to use it. Abby is fond of sushi-rodents and sushi-birds, but baked is good, too. Also barbecued, fried, whatever. We have a title suggestion for your cookbook: Puddles' Backyard Southern Gourmet Cookbook. You could leave off the Gourmet part for sales in the Deep South, but it would boost sales in the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast and on the West Coast for sure.

Jed & Abby

Anonymous said...

BOL! OMD! That is sooooooo wrong! Bahahahahhahaha! K, you're hired ;)

Waggin at ya,