Friday, July 27, 2012

Today Is NOT My Birfday

BUT, tomorrow is...hehehehe.
Sees, I didn't wanna mess up anybuddy's Olympic posts so I thoughted I would post TODAY!
But...uh, today IS da beginning of da Olympics...duh!
(Note to self: Buy a freakin' calendar!)
Oh by da way, I is back from my 'campin' trip' and my mum lied to me.
I did NOT go campin', they stuck me in da kennel and all I saw
 fur daaaaaaaays and daaaaaaaaaays was metal bars.

Anyways, I just wanted to wish myself a most wonderful birfday...tomorrow.
(just one more day Corbin)
I will be 4 years old!
Now hows a bout some early year fotos of moi?

Sees, even at a very early age I began diggin'.

 Dis is ME and Brudder Albert like da week I camed home.
He loved me when he furst laid eyes on me.
Actually he really didn't but ya'll don't needs to do knows dat.
I has been a fixture at My Girl's feet from da get go.
Back then....
...and now.
 When I furst discovered hows gawjuss I was.
 "Hellos theres HOT STUFF"

Dis was my furst portrait.

Here I is today...
...still gawjuss as evers huh?

Okays, nows I has to go sees wheres my birfday cake and beer is.
And then I has to go check out aaaaaall da Olympical posties.

Puddles...Almost Birfday Girl

Don;t furget TODAY is da openin' of da Blogville Olympics.
ROO...Opening Ceremony/Bloopers
 POSIE...Parade of Athletes


The Daily Pip said...

Just a quick happy birthday from me ...cause well, I want me the first in line at the Olympic concession stand see, my Olympic goal is to try a cheeseburger and beer from every single country. I may not be participating in any events (thanks to my lazy assistant) BUT I will be LIVING LARGE at the games. It's a BIG GOAL, but someone has to do it. Of course, I will have my phone is if you need to reach me, birthday girl.

Your pal, Pip

Declan said...

Happy Birthday Tomorrow darlin'!! You call a cab, I got the beers on ice. Bring everyone! Deccy x

georgia little pea said...

Happy early birthday Puddles! What a great pressie your mama gave you. She sent you to the gulag after all. Humans have such bad sense of timing.

How tiny were you? Haha! I think you must have been the size of my toe. Lucky no one stepped on you. But yeah, you're gawjuss. You really should learn to spell though.

Hoohah!!! Have a great weekend and eat lots of cake! MWAH! X

Backcountry Brodie said...

I so knew they was going to put you in JAIL! But at least you was sprunged in time for your birfday! ♫ Happy Birfday to YOU! ♫

Declan said...

Go on then... you can open your card.. You know I'm a sucker for little red greyhounds!! Deccy x

Asta said...

Has my Beew delivewy awwived yet?

you Gowgoos giwl, look mowe bootiful wif evewy passing day, no , make that minute.
So glad you'we back
Happy Happy Biwfday tomowwow..I'm aweady celebwating you

see you at the games
smoochie kisses

Unknown said...

Puddles we love you puppy pix. Happy birthday for tomorrow pal. Have a great day.
Best wishes Molly

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, you still are gawjuss! Happy Birthday my friend!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

houndstooth said...

Oh Em Gee! You were almost as cute as I was as a puppy, but you had a much better photographer! I didn't meet my mom and photographer until I was eighteen months old. You're such a lucky girl! I already knew it was your birthday, though, because Netlog sent me an e-mail about it. BOL!

I hope you have a fantastic birthday tomorrow! I'm awfully glad you found your perfect home where they can appreciate the wonder that is Puddles because you've brought us a lot of laughs over the years!


A MilShelb Mom said...

Happy Birthday (tomorrow), Puddles! Thank you are always making our day!
~Milly and Shelby

Erin said...

Happy B-Day Before your B-Day Puddles!

PS we is the sames ages.

Corbin said...

So, since you made me wait like 87 months, you have to wait a little longer for your birthday surprise. The mail dude said it would arrive on Monday... but MAYBE, just MAYBE, it'll come on time. I hope you like it... I waited forever to send it like a good little Puddles Birthday Waitin' Gentleman.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Even while all me company is here, me could not miss your birfday! So Hap-Pee Birfday a day early and where be da cake??? And da beer??

Lovable Lily said...

Happy (a day early) Birthday Puddles! With all the excitment over the Olympics you were smart to do your postie early. Did the dump truck arrive yet with all the Cheeto's in the back?

Your baby pictures were pawsome! We really enjoyed looking at them and going Ahhhhhhh......

Lily Belle & Muffin

GOOSE said...

You got home not a moment to soon! I was fading away not just because I was on a beer and Cheetos strike but no dog can go this long with out a Puddles fix. If you would have had to spend your birthday "camping" Bert and I were prepared to bust you out and have you come party at his place (it maybe a daycare and kennel but there are NO bars). OK I need to eat and drink now I am feeling very weak. Glad your home beautiful almost birthday girl.

Linda said...

Happy Birthday gawjuss gal.
Save a beer fur me I am on my way.
xo Cinnamon

Pippen said...

You know what we noticed? You are NEKKID in ALL those pictures! Couldn't you put some clothes on???

Sam and Pippen

Remington said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow, Miss Puddles! I hope you have the BEST day EVER!

What Remains Now said...

Happy Early Birthday, Puddles. I'm so glad you have an excellent photographer to capture your wonderfulness. The pictures are fabulous.

The Websters said...

Ok did we remember wrong or fall for a trick?

Well, either way, we celebrate birth weeks and months around here so Happy Birthweek!


Inger said...

Anyone who wants No-one to forget their birthday lets them know a day ahead. That way, unless a Someone is very, very old, like me and forgets, they will remember and come back tomorrow and say Happy Birthday, Puddles, Gorgeous One.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Puddles, from all us in Canada - happy birthday. If you can get your mom to bring you by our house, we have real, cold Canadian beers, bison jerky and yes, we can get you a liver birthday cake too. We're waiting..

My Mind's Eye said...

DELICIOUSLY DARING DAME NOW AND WHAT A DOXIE-TUDE YOU HAVE!! Which of course makes you 200% purrfection in my book. Happy almost b-day to you...I'm glad you rec'd your card...
hugs madi your bfff

jen said...

Gawjuss as ever Puddles! Happy early birthday to you! I hope your mom spoils you!

Cole said...

Happy Birfday! Such a pretty little puppy then... and simply gawjus now!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OK... FURST let me say how sorry I am that the MAILMAN STOLE your pressie package.. and then REFUSED to deliver the SECOND Birfday Card that Ernie and I sent to you.
THEN Ernie want me to tell you that he is sending his Big Sis.. a giant Hump Hug fur your birfday.
Next I gotta say that I think hair #87,000 might be kinda GRAY.

Anonymous said...

Fed Ex is delivering a box full of live rodents to your backyard. Enjoy!

PeeS: I hope you appreciate what I had to go through... first to round up enough Puddles-worthy rodents and then to convince the Fed Ex guy that the noises he heard coming from the box were just in his imagination probably caused by unresolved issues with his mother and a fragile grasp of reality. Happy Birthday!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

OoH Puddles,

We is gonna pawty hawty tomorrow my furiend! Da train car we rented is loaded up wif beer and cheetos and Max and me is on da way to your house! :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I'll bet LUCY has some Avon Special on Furs Color.

You know I'm just Yankin your Walkin String.. Don't you???
You still look like a ONE YEAR OLD.

Duke said...

You were just the cutest puppy ever, Puddles! Happy Birthday in advance!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Matilda the Boxer said...

Oh my dogness, Puddles, you were such a cute little bundle of fur! And now you're just amazingly gawjuss. I'm so glad you're my furiend. Happy birthday!!

Marilia said...

Happy early birthday sweet Puddles!!!!!

Millie and Walter said...

Puddles, I think you were the cutest puppy ever! Happy Day before Birthday!


Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Birthday Puddles! You are so special you can celebrate every single day!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Awwwww what a cutie patootie you were and are!! Happy Birfday Puddles!


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Puddles, we haz no ear drums left. Meowm saw that baby picture of you next to your brofur, and squeed so loud, well our ear drums burst.

We hope you have a great day tomorrow!

Marg said...

Oh Puddles, Happy Birthday to you tomorrow. Isn't it fun to celebrate for days and days. Gosh you were so so so cute as a tiny little dog. But now you are just gorgeous. So you have a great day today and tomorrow.

Tucker said...

What you is older than me? Happy early birfday.

is dat a wrinkle?

woof - Tucker

Sketching with Dogs said...

Hope you have a very Happy Birthday tomorrow Gawjuss!
Try not to get too drunk and make sure they give you plenty of treats, ALL the attention and lots of pressies.
All our lurve, Dip Bridge Elliot and Lynne (our personal slave, he he.)xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Sweet William The Scot said...

Thanks to modern medical advances such as antibiotics, cheetos, beer it has become routine for dogs in the civilized world to live longer lives. You are a great specimen Puddles. Live long and prosper!
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday to you, Puddles, today and tomorrow too - we hope you have a magnificent day with lots of beer and cheetoes and lots of fun time with Your Girl. We loved seeing all your puppy pics - just so adorable.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Corbin said...

Is it tomorrow yet?

Scooter said...

aww...puddles, you were so cute!! Yes, gorgeous for sure!!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Have a happy happy birthday, Puddles. You were an adorable a gorgeous adult.

We saw you in the Parade of Athletes...lookin' devilishly good!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

My Mind's Eye said...

Holy cat poop you should sue for breach of contract! I know a good lawyer..I am calling him tomorrow for myself..maybe he will give us a BOGO.
Mom packed me up in my PTU today in 200 degree weather for a well kitty visit. See tomorrow for more details
Hugs your BFFF

Anonymous said...

SQUEEEEEE!!!!! You were the most SQUEEDORABLE little baby puppy and now you're the Most Gawjuss grown-up doxie there ever was. I'm awfully glad you were born and you picked out the family you did so you could come live with them and be my BFF!

Happy, happy, happy birthday, my furend! I ordered you a keg. I'll be over with it soon.

Wiggles & Wags,

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Happy birthday woofie!

Ruby said...

OMD ~ you are so friggin' cute Puddles! Ma just loves ya! Those are the cutest baby pics I have ever seen (well, except for Moi, of course!).

Happy, Happy Brthday Puddles!!!!
Have lots of Cheetos and beer



Dachshund Nola said...

So gawjuss! Happy birthday tomorrow girlfurind! OMD you look a bit like my cross dressing brother as a puppy. But I like you better BOL

Two French Bulldogs said...

and you are still a beauty
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday gorgeous!

Mary Lou said...

"All (you) saw fur daaaaaaaays and daaaaaaaaaays was metal bars"? That sounds like prison!! I am so sorry!! :-(
Happy "birfday"!! You were too cute.... And still are!! Just "gawjuss"!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Asta said...

Oh my dog Puddles
That swimmsuit
I saw you at Pawlympic swimming stadium and almost fainted Giwwwl, you suwe have kept yoow figoowe..i guess cheetos and Beew awe a vewy good diet..(Mommi is going to give it a twy, heheheheh)
I feel vewy safe in the pool wif you guawding us
smoochie kisses

Bassetmomma said...

Happy Birthday gorgeous!! You were such an adorable baby!!

I'm just playing a bit of catch up while on holidays. :)

booahboo said...

Happy Happy Almost Birdday.. i meant Birfday to youssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss... you are such an adorable lil patooooooooooootie... still gawjust a lil.. i mean gaWWWWWWWWWjus now.

Have a lovely birdday.. i mean dun eat the birds.. but have a lovely birfday and don't get into no troubbles yeh.

love n lotta lickies,

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Birthday, Puddles. It's tomorrow already so we're on the right day. You were / are a cutie.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Happy Birthday Girfriend!!! I am opening a Miller Lite and crunching on some fried squirrel and cheetos in your honor. I am horrified that you had to be caged for the last few days, but I am certain that you will find a way to get back at the Kerazy Lady for the indignity. Now the baby pictures are to die for. Puddles, my Mommy is making so many ooooooooooh Puddles and ahhhhhhhhhh...oh look how cute she was...look her little tiny butt. I almost can't stand it, except its you and I love you. You were a gorgeous baby and you are a gorgeous 4 year old. Have a great day Miss Puddles!! May the pressies be with you.

Loveys Sasha

KB said...

Happy Birthday, Miss Puddles! What a cute puppy, and a gawjuss grownup you are!

Were the cheetos still there when you got back?

I love your photos, Birthday Girl!

Inger said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PUDDLES! I hope you are having a wonderful birthday!

Backcountry Brodie said...

Happy Birfday on today, your fur real birfday!

Madam Shawnee
Paw Reader
No Paw Too Small

Posie said...

Hey hey miss rainwater with tha tonedd gluteS heehee. Hope u havv had thee mosht wunderrfullz of dashhoundy burfdaiys Posserbell. Happy birfday ma bff!heehee! hoppe u gotd lotds owf cheatos heehee! Eef wee nude it was ur bigg day annd had ur snailymaily we wood haz sent u sumfing. Xmas okayz?! Manie happery retturns. Love n likks n birthfdaiy wuggles, pd xxox

Posie said...

Ps your puppy pics were beautiful puddles. Happy bday ! xxx Posies mummer x

Dachshund Nola said...


Ruby and Penny said...

Happy Birthday Gawjuss!!

Love Ruby & Penny

Dexter said...

Miss Puddles! Those baby pictures are smokin' hot! Does that make me a pupaphile?


ShellePenn said...

Happy Belated Birthday to you, Gorgeous!! xx
You look really good to be almost 30 in dog years. :D

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,