Friday, January 11, 2013

Look What I Done

Happy Friday Everybuddy!
I was thinking maybe ya'll would wanna see what I done. 
 Does ya'll wanna see what I done?

 I threw up a WHOLE pee-can!!!!!
(Don't try dis at home ya''s just cuz I has a big mouf dat I can do it  I is professional)

Bwhahahahaha...I cracks myself up sometimes.
But da kerazy Lady seems to has less hair these days.

In udder news....don't furget tomorrow is Madi's swearin' in to da new
Mayoral office so you must come and join da festivities.
I thinks I shall bring a Pee-Can pie....hehehehehe.
And I was tolded I has to stay one hundred feet from Sasha's pizza truck.


HoundDogMom said...

Oh Puddles. We are cracking up at you. We are glad you coughed it up though because that could have not been fun it it would have had to come out the other end. BOL Have a great day. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Backcountry Brodie said...

Puddles - I cannot help but notice how furry nicely the color of that pee-can matches the color of your furs. You is so furry stylish and color coordinated, gurlfurrend!

Unknown said...

Puddles you are a one. Your poor peeps. Yep stay away from the Pizza truck and steady on the beer tomorrow or there maybe more than just the odd pecan in your bed. Bol funny pal. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Is you fur sure dat is a pee-can? You didn't pop out one of your kid-knees or anyting, did you? Next time...burp a Cheeto. Dey is a nicer color!

Lovable Lily said...

Please just don't use that barfed up pee-can when you make your pie today.

We'll be seeing you tomorrow at the pawty. It's gonna be a rocking good time.

Lily Belle & Muffin

houndstooth said...

I can't believe that your mom wasn't totally impressed! I mean really, to get it down the hatch whole is quite a feat, but then to get it back out without even a scratch, well, that takes talent! Puddles, there can only be one you in the whole world.


Anonymous said...

Oh are one talented girl, let us just tell you that right now! We particularly liked how you threw it up on the WHITE sheets...oh wait, WHITE is the only color the Kerazy Lady allows in the house. (Cuz she's kerazy, duh). Oh well, maybe whackadoodle will think twice before she buys the next set of white sheets...

Okay, enough bashing the Kerazy Lady!! :) We hope you ALL have a wonderful weekend, and try to stay out of trouble (we know that will be incredibly difficult though)!

Elyse and Riley

Pippen said...

Pee-can barf on the sheets? That's kinda rude... we only barf where mom can't see it but is sure to step in it with bare feets! It's more appreciated that way!

Sam and Pippen

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh, you didn't even chew it, sos who gets it next?

OK, you and PIP can bring all the beer you want, but not to the e-naug-a-ration (swearing stuff, there is lots of parties for it OK.
Bites also will keep the Pizza truck Keys!!!

Susie & OFFICER Bites

Berts Blog said...

Niss Puddles, you never cease to amaze My Vickie. She is laughing with you but a little sorry for your human.

Me, I just love ya so anything you do is ok by me.

stellaroselong said...

Well heck its a toss up if we want food poisoning from you recycled pecan pie, or my mom's appetizers she thought she would bring (the mayor told her not to worry about bringing food)......
I am bringing a surprise guest with me so stay tuned!! Not MARGARET!!
Stella Rose

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Puddles Puddles Puddles is there NO END TO YOUR TALENTS???
We have NO IDEA why your mum was not THRILLED to have you barf that WHOLE Pee Can !! Possibly just green with Jellyness.
I am sure that the entire episode will make the NIGHTLY NEWS. BRAVO we Say... BRAVO

Film at 11.
I must admit that I am kinda glad to know that Sasha's Pizza truck will be IMMOBILE this time.
PeeS... We are just glad that you don't have a WATERMELON TREE in your yard.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

BTW... WE hope that you have your PEE CAN MOUNTED on your Wall of FAME. What a TREASURE.

Millie and Walter said...

Wow Puddles you sure have a unique talent. Your mom must be impressed too since she took a picture of the event to remember for all eternity.

See you tomorrow at the Swearing ceremony and party!


GOOSE said...

Bawhahahhaha. Puddle you are a pro in every scene of the word. Did I ever tell you that my MOM's favorite nut, by FAR, is the pecan. She LOVES them. Just wash that one off and send it my way. hahhaha she would be so surprised that I thought of her in such a way. Now about Madi's big day. Yes I am getting ready. And I am bringing my tickets, I will be using them as confetti. My cooler was to small so I am bringing my super duper huge wheelbarrow filled with all we will need. And when it gets empty we can ride around in it. Save a dance for me.

Unknown said...

I coulda sworn I heard two hundred feet away from the Pizza truck! See ya tomorrow!!!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Hi Puddles!!
So glad you told us what that was...we thought you had a pee and poop attack at the same time. Us puggums and our poor eyesight.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

Val said...

Oh Puddles, you do make life interesting. I'm glad you didn't have to go to the dogtor to get that pee-can out--it might not have been so good.

Patrice and Higgins said...

BOL, Puddles, you never cease to amaze me!!!


Sweet William The Scot said...

Why I thought you would be the entertainment at Madi's swearin' throwing pecans at hecklers.
Sweet William The Scot

Unknown said...

This be a pain, trying to comment. My momma got a new Hoofheld device and none of my blogs are preset. Hope this isn't the 87th comment that posts

Unknown said...

Now if that happened at our house, Brudder Rooney would be eating it up. YUCK! He claims he is just helping with cleanup, but me and my momma think he is nasty

Scooter said...

Hey Puddles!
Wow, there's hardly anything more impressive than a good pukie! Good thing you swallowed it whole or it wouldn't be near as interesting. BWAR HAR HAR
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Unknown said...

Youre like a magician! But instead of pulling rabbits out of hats you pull whole peecans from your belly! TA DA!

rottrover said...

Puddles, Puddles, Puddles...We're speechless...

My Mind's Eye said...





booahboo said...

are yous gonna use THAT same peecan on your bed with the yellow surrounding liquids (that might have harden) to makes you your peecan pie for tomorrow?

booahboo said...

do u know... in some strange chinese culture/sayings.. or whatever... when a momma loses hair.. or lost a lotta hair... it isssssss becos.. her baby is smiling.. urmm.. i thinks.

So your momma losing her hair.. is fine... cos you are smiling.. laughing too much.. thats why her hair is a dropping..

doesn't make much sense...

Unknown said...

Oh first I thought maybe that was poo! Yikers and BOL! Thank dogness you explained it was a pee-can. Maybe you shouldn't swallow those anymore.

Have a great weekend!
Hugs, Oz

The Furries of Whisppy said...

BOL! You swallowed the PeeCan WHOLE? Bravo, Puddles!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Momma is talking about doing pee pee in her pants she is laughing so hard. Chew it next time
Benny & Lily

♥ Sallie said...

Yay! I'm home!

Alien confiscated the beer you left me. Something about doctors orders. But this pee-can pie smells delicious. I don't know why everyone is telling me not to eat it. This not seeing thing is going to take some time to get used to!


Sketching with Dogs said...

Blo*dy hell, that was an extrodinary feat and we would applaud if we had any hands!
Perhaps we could manage a whole peanut?
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Noodles said...

Was that pecan as good coming UP as it was going DOWN or did you not taste it because it was whole?
Good thing it came up that way, tho' IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
Love Noodles

georgia little pea said...

Oh god. Puddles, if I'd done that, I would be dead. I bet your mama had to use a bucket of Napisan to get that out. A beautiful white sheet too!

Matilda the Boxer said...

How could your momma not be totally impressed by your mad skillz?! You need to move to a more appreciative home!

Marg said...

Oh Puddles, has anyone told you lately how funny you are. The Person does have her panties in a twist and she is very uncomfortable. Thanks for all the nice thoughts for Ande.
That pecan throw up is first class. We cannot wait for the PeeCan pie. That will be yummy. Have a great day Puddles and Mom

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey PUDDLES.... I really hope you saved that PeeCan Puke... beclaws I have heard that if you rub it on the runners of your SLED.. you will go faster than a squirrel with its tail on FIRE.
All you gotta do is rub in in good and you will be the FASTEST Dawg on the Hill. Sarge will think you are just a BLOND BLURR.

Ruby said...

HOLY CRAP GURL!!! What will you do next??? Puke up a golf ball??! Geesh, I knows your all professional and everythings, butts I don't know if THAT'S the ways your suppose to SHELL the pee-cans!! That could take you like 87 thousand days! Okay, next times you gots to CHEW the pee-can furst! I knows with your jaws of doom, you can do it.
Ya know, that Po-Po is gettin' really strict on the 'no beers' at the inagurations tomorrows....I say we smuggles in the beers under some of those STUPID hats my Ma puts on my heads!! They gotta be good for somethings! I figure, we could smuggles at least 2 beers under each of em', that should give us like 87 beers for the cerimonies!
Okays, gotta go, Ma says I talks too much...
pees: I LOVES how you corrdinated your Puddles Puke with the comforter! I bets the kerazy lady appricated THAT! BOL

The Websters said...

I thought you were helping serve the squirrels you killed from the truck!

That peecan trick is really great. I think Mrs. Master would really like it too. Maybe you can teach me?


Duke said...

We're so happy that you told us that was an upchucked pecan. We thought it was something else!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

liparifam said...

Hmmmm, impressive, but idk, Puddles - my daughter's BF's Golden threw up a MOUSE - I think he may have you beat, lol! (Btw, glad you're back to top form after your near-death experience!)

What Remains Now said...

Well done, you! Right on a really nice white coverlet and you even added extra stomach juice. I bow to the master.

Scooter said...

PUddles, you have so many talents, where does it end?? BOL
You crack us up all the time and can you really keep away from the pizza truck????????

Jazzi and Addi

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

well done!

Unknown said...

Oh my puddles...what a...thing!

Thanks for stopping by and checking up on me! Mommy has been sickies for a whiles now.


Murray's Mouth said...

Oh dear! It's almost as big as you!

jen said...

Oh Puddles! You better stop making your Mom's hair fall out cause mine is almost all gone and I won't have any to give her!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Looks like pecans and you don't agree with each other. Glad you told us what it was, as it sure looks strange! bol.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

It was considerate of you to barf on the washable, bleachable white covers and not on the beautiful quilt. Probably kept your mom from tearing out ALL of her hairs.

Anonymous said...

Well if I did that on Bed my mom would like HOWL for an hour :)
Anyway you do like I do - no use chewing when you can just swallow.

Dexter said...

Great spot for barfing. That way the crazy lady was sure to find it and not worry that the pecan would cause tummy trouble. Of course, the whole deal is off if you turned around and ate it again.


Remington said...

Sorry your tummy had to get rid of that....hope you are feeling better....that is NOT fun to do! See you at Madi's!

Katie said...

Oh Puddles, that pee-can must not have been too good after all!

Oink oink,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

Bobbie said...

LOLLOOLLOL! Puddles you crack me up girl-friend!

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Puddles, love it. My dad thought it was a poop. Ha, ha, ha - silly man. However, in fairness, my brother Owen got sick after he managed to steal and eat over 300 grams (that's a lot) of buffalo liver. Guess who put their hand in it one morning....

The Websters said...

You can't use the word nice and no snow in the same sentence.

I suppose we could take a trip to mexico now that I have the scooter! Some chips and salsa and a margarita sound nice.

You up for it?


The Websters said...

I'm thinking if i eat some bean burritos the toots will help me go faster on the way home...too bad you'll be down wind!


Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles after yet another near death experience I got scared all oover again when I saw what you did. Seriously a whole peecan!!! I guess it was better come up then working its way through and going down. Eeeeesh. Did it hurt? Did it still taste good? Are you gonna eat that? I have never had a peecan. I can't wait to party with you!!!!! Do you Nora will take us for another ride?? Maybe Alien will take us to outer space!!!

Loveys Sasha

Mary Lou said...

"I thinks I shall bring a Pee-Can pie.". Crack. Me. Up!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Hey Puddles, you are very talented. We don't know of anyone else who could cough up and entire pee-can.

Didn't we just see you at the back door of Sasha's food truck? No worries, we won't tell. If you want to join us for a nip party come on over. It's BYOB (beer that is).

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Did it hurt coming back up?

Bet that tasted nasty.

Sniff ya later.......Weenie

Declan said...

Oh wow you is a class act girl! Deccy x

Enid said...

Oh my DOGS!!! you are really good at that stuff, I am SO hopeless! The CAT I live with is kind-of good, (though I am a bit displeased to admit it)
Enid xx

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Miss Puddles, we are always impressed with your barfing abilities. As we always say, we want to be like you when we grow up! ;-)

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Unknown said...

Puddles you'll have to teach me your barfing secrets! I once barfed up play dough once..... BOL
Love Milo :)

Bassetmomma said...

Hehehe! That is some talent you've got there Puddles. Your like the Great Houdidni or something. I wonder what else you can throw up in tact? hahaha!

The Daily Pip said...

We is going to be busy, busy, busy assistant has just sent out 87 million emails to dogs and cats wanting us to come for a visit. Hope you have a passport ready to go ..uh, I don't think they are going to let you through security with all that beer.

Your pal, Pip

ShellePenn said...

All this time we thought a pee-can was what men used on long trips and they didn't want to pull over and use a tree...


Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,