Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday Groomin' and Stuffs

Happy Wednesday ya'll!
Today I has just a few words...write dat down cuz it'll 
happen again!

It was groomin' day da udder day...
let's take a journey so I can shows ya'll.
Groomin' is very important when you has luxurious hairs like I do.
And ya'll do knows how I is bouts my hair.

"Is him gone yet"

 Today Pip and me is at Mayor/Diva/Cougar Madi's for our tour.
Please drop by and see what kind of trubles we is gettin' into we is up to.
Tomorrow we will be headed to Brudder Goose's.

And...I ain't done yet...
my furiend Gracie has an advice column so I'll hope ya will go
sees her and support her new venture.

 okays nows dis concludes dis post....



georgia little pea said...

BWAH haha! I sure hope Albert didn't eat anything too odiferous and putrid before grooming you, Pudds. That would be mortifying not to mention plain old stinky X

My Mind's Eye said...

OMDs there is a Feline in Doxie furs in your house. At first I thought Albert was trying to steal some pre chewed Cheetos out of your mouth but dang he was grooming your lovely self. Heck I'm mayor and I don't even have a groomer. Yep I officially jealous.
Signed Stunned BFFF in NC

Unknown said...

Gosh that was so dang cute! But I do hope his tongue was clean too! hehe.
Lovies, Miss Mindyp

The Daily Pip said...

Bawhahahahaa! Nice job covering up that little incident at Fat Daddy's ...these pictures should distract everyone while we make our get-a-way ...with our trunk full of wine, burgers, and beer ...

Your pal, Pip (in disguise)

The Furries of Whisppy said...

That's so funny! Hahahaha! You certainly looked like you were enjoying every single spit that was being left on you. BOL!

Kerri said...

So cute! I love the third picture that has your cheek up past your eyebrow. Good to know Albert takes his job seriously!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...


You should give a guy some WARNING... you called it Grooming We had no idea you were gonna show us YOU Getting a FULL BAFF.

My EYES MY EYES... Thank Dawgness ERNIE was out takin care of his Bidness and didn't SEE THIS.

Unknown said...

Hey Puddles Pip does that to me every morning. Great trip to Madis' friend. We popped over to Gracie. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

houndstooth said...

Oh, is kissing your brother one of those redneck things you guys do in your neck of the woods? Because there is NO WAY I am ever letting Kuster do that to me! *shudder*


Anonymous said...

Haha! You look so EXCITED to have him grooming you...he he he...

Going to go check out what kind of nonsense you and Pip have gotten yourselves into now!! ;)

Elyse and Riley

The Daily Pip said...

OK, I think that crazy hair chick from Fat Daddy's may be following us ...but no worries, I have a little trick courtesy of Alien. (pushes buttons on dashboard) Prepare for lift off ...bye-bye North Carolina, hello blue sky!

Lovable Lily said...

Oh Puddles, that is priceless! We is laughing so hard the tears are running down our legs.

Way to go Albert. We'd say that Puddles is now clean and ready to go the next adventure with Pip.

Lily Belle & Muffin

jen said...

OMD! Your expressions are priceless Puddles! Albert is such the groomer!

Remington said...

Hhhmmmm....I don't get a bath like THAT....interesting....

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OMD....You gonna be da cleanest weenie on da circuit! Toofies, ears, face....Albert don't miss a lick! Does him clean your butt too?

Patrice and Higgins said...

Awwww, how cutie patootie!!


GOOSE said...

You have your own personal groomer?!! I have always suspected you taste good. This just proves it. I bet your furs taste like Cheetos. Let me know if the position of your personal groomer opens up. I would like to apply for the job.

stellaroselong said...

I never knew that is what brothers are for..never...maybe i can talk mags into doing that for me.
stella rose

Brian's Home Blog said...

He probably loves that fresh cheeseburger smell from your visit on Monday!

GizmoGeodog said...

Aw Puddles, you get groomed so nice...much better than the *horrors* bathtub my Momz puts me in

Asta said...

Dawling puddles
Yoow Gwooming witooal is soooo much bettew than mine..I get my fuwws wipped out uncewemonioosly and I hate it!
I will go see whewe in the wowld you and Pip awe..I'm hoping you awe going to visit me soonest
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

Now that grooming was both sweet and cute - so I guess you didn't like it :)

Bobbie said...

LOL! That groomer sure does a good job. Especially with the ears. OH PUDDLES! That last picture of you is darling. I'm sorry to taint your bad girl image by saying that... but awww.. I just wanna give you a big ol (((HUG))).

Two French Bulldogs said...

Momma is laughing so hard she is making snorting noises. That's the best grooming
Benny & Lily

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Awww! Maybe we should hire Albert to groom us - it would probably be much less painful than Mom grooming us. (Which she is threatening us with...)

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

rottrover said...

GREAT series of fotos, Puddles! Who knew you let Blob I get so close to you?!?

-Bart and Ruby

Pippen said...

Why did Albert only do one side? You look awesome on the groomed side but the other side is just horrendous! There are hairs out of place EVERYWHERE!

Sam and Pippen

Matilda the Boxer said...

BOL, Puddles, you made Momma laugh! My boy does have nice, shiny hair, doesn't he? :) He is one of Momma's good friends, and he comes to visit me and Cinderella because he can't have his own dogs right now and LOVES us. He plays with us JUST like a dog does. I loves him!

Matilda the Boxer said...

Now you made Momma laugh harder!! His girlfriend might be mad if he tried to be Momma's stud muffin. ;) But that's okay, we likes him just being my boy.

Sketching with Dogs said...

OH MY DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have your own groomer?!
You truly are a Princess.
When you are finished with him, please send him over - we need a tongue bath too.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Declan said...

Never thought I'd say you look sweet I won't start now...hehe! Y'all looking forward to coming to Yorkshire?! Deccy x

The Websters said...

You gotta stop rubbing your face in peanut butter and he'll go away. I promise.


Murphy said...

And we bet the grooming bill is pretty cheap!

Keep Calm & Bark On!

Murphy & Stanley

Marg said...

Oh Puddles. you got one big bath. Just look at those shiny furs on you. That was nice of the brother to do that.
We loved your visit over at Madi's Good job of parking again. We have warned the donkeys about your parking when you come here. We hope it gets a little better Puddles. But we love ya anyway. LOL. Have a great day and drive carefully.

Unknown said...

This is supersweetness times a million. Loki would love a tonguey tongue grooming!

Mollie said...

Dat iz one of the funniezt fing'z wez ever seen..Fantaztic..BOL xx00x

Mollie and Alfie

Idaho PugRanch said...

Too cute. Loved the parking job on the building by the way! Have fun at Gooses' tomorrow!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Can't believe you sat still for all Albert's attention! Did he do the other side? Or are you just groomed on the one side....

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Mary Lou said...

Is he your brother.... Or your Mum?! Hee, hee, hee.... ;op
Love, Raelyn.... Plus Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

woof! Woof! That is soooooo CUTE!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Unknown said...

Puddles we are having a go at your drunk opps sorry dunk tank. What do we need to do?
Best wishes Molly

The Daily Pip said...

Psst Puddles's me Pip under this electric blue wig. I got one for you, too (tosses hot pink wig). Quick, put it on and let's make like a banana and SPLIT!

Unknown said...

BOL! Puddles, that is SOME groomin you got! I gotta go see what kind of trouble...ooops, I mean what kind of adventures you are having with Pip!

Duke said...

OMG - those are just the cutest pictures ever of you and Albert, Puddles!
Well done on the grooming, Albert!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Dachshund Nola said...

Bite his tongue!

Anonymous said...

Hey, once you gets the licky off you face we need some info. What do we need to do to get the dumk tank thingy

Sus & Bites

KB said...

Aw, Albert LOVES you, Puddles. Don't you love him right back?

I'm heading off to see you and Pip on your World Tour. Do you know that you're coming to visit us in February? Bring a warm coat!

Millie and Walter said...

I didn't think he was ever going to stop. You had to hide under the covers to get him to stop, but you should come out and let him do your other side.


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Ah! Love it. Albert can come over and groom me whenever he wants.{{{huggies}}}....Mona

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Such sweet kissys!

Scooter said...

I cant believe that you sat there through it all, bol If Addi tried have to smack her BOL

Jazzi and Addi

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Miss Puddles, I feel your pain. My brother aka Slobberdan, always grooms me and let me tell ya, slobber is not a substitute for hair prduct. Does Albert clean your ears too? No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Hilary said...

now that is what I call a bath! love it!

Ruby said...

HOLY CRAP! I never knews you made your minions licks your FURS?!! OMD!! I gots to get me one of those!! Since I'm and only pup, I don't have any minions to lick MY furs ~ and I asked Ma, and she said "NO!!!" Meanie.
So, nows we know the secret of your shiney coats....Albert slobber. Ya know, you could start a whole line of Albert Slobber-Infused Products!! You could even sell em' to the peeps! (did you see 'There's Something About Mary' with that Cameron Diaz chick? She puts, well, 'STUFFS' in her hair, so there is no TELLIN' what peeps will butts on there furs!! BOL)
You could become a BALZZIONAIRE!
Oh, I saw and update last night on America's Most WAnted, and they have NO IDEA where you and Pip are! BOL Oh, the profile they did on YOU!! OMD, made me LAUGH!! They used that pic of you in the was quite fetchin', I must say.
So, keep that pedal to the metal, and don't let em' catch up with you!! They won't gets a WORD out of ME!!
Peace out!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Holy crap Puddles, he is really washing you up. I hope his breath wasn't stinky. That would spoil it a bit. You do look beautiful, but I had no idea that was part of your beauty routine. I was visiting Goose and I can't believe you deaded a Buffalo. Seriously how friggin big are they?? It boggles the mind how you managed that. You and Pip look to be having a blast on your tour. I can't wait for you to visit me.

Loveys Sasha

p.s. I found a recipe for beer ICEES for the circus. I still haven't quite figured out cotton candy but I am working on it.

What Remains Now said...

That's one way to take a baff.

ShellePenn said...

Geez... I think Albert might need a bit of counseling after that adventure. I mean, Dog only knows what you had in your furs.

You might be protesting, but deep down, you know you really liked it!! hahahahaha

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,