Friday, April 12, 2013

A Funny Friday Story

Happy Friday Ya'll!
Unfortunately we not makes it to Friday without anything happenin' heres.
I thought surely afters last week nuttin' else could happen dis week but of course,
Mum proved me wrong again.
So naturally I has a story to shares and it is a hoot and half lemme just say.

Our phone went out and it really ain't a big deal except our phone be tied in with
our internet and I can't be havin' my internet interrupted so I made mum get on
da horn and calls da peoples to come fix it.
She did.

Well Mr. Phone Man comes by and he goes outside to dilly dally around 
and tries to figures out what be goin' on withs our service.

He gotted through out theres and he comes to da front door like so....

And then me, brudder, and sissy seen him at da door and we was all
barkin', hootin' and hollerin' and carryin' on cuz we is bad dogs like dat.

Mum goes to da door and opens it and we still be right theres protectin' our turf.
THEN it happened...
da little brown dog laughin' is me


I laughed so hard I almost puked.

Hers gotted all tangled up in us dat hers losted her balance and
went kerplunk right in front of Mr. Phone Man.
Mum's arms went out da door and her feets was still in da house.
(sorry bouts dat HELLbow mum).
Oooooooh me was her face red or WHAT?
Then hers called us little shits can you believes it?

Nows there is a moral to dis story.
Nevers allow stray hoomans to come to your house.
Oh, ya'll thoughts I was gonna say we should be betterly trained dogs?



Cowspotdog said...

Ah the dreaded tangle of paws....the mom knows that only to well. she has to be really careful though cause she has very brittle bones that snap easy..she learned to lock us outside when someone come....the nerve of her!

Katie said...

Oh no, what a scene! Thanks for sharing that with us on our Friday morning :-) Have a great weekend!

Piggy Kisses,
Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

Marg said...

Oh no Puddles, poor Mom. We sure hope that she didn't land on the Helbow. Bet the phone fixer was wondering what was wrong with her. We have to agree, the way you tell it, it was very funny. Hope all of you have a great week end.

Unknown said...

Puddles you never fail to crack us up. LOL! Poor mum must have been as red as a beetroot. Always love your drawings. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
PS hope mums' hellbow is OK.

Unknown said...

You three certainly did the right thing there! I made my Dad fall once! He hit his head, but as Mom said, "He didn't knock any sence into it!!! BOL! Happy Friday!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Grady and Leonardo said...

Puddles omd! Why didn't you help the human! -Leo

Declan said...

Pudds mate! You really want to be put on beer and Cheeto least make it look like it wasn't your fault......

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OMD....Puddles you really need to tink bout tradin hers in. Me tinks you gots a lemon and dere is a LEMON LAW you nose!

Lakeland adventures with Lola and Milo said...

I wish i could of been a fly on the wall to see that happen, who needs to watch telly with you lot around BOL

Poor Mum a bet she feels a right wally BOL i hope she didn't hurt herself.


What Remains Now said...

This is what happens. You and brother and sissy had it all covered and then mom tried to get in on the fun. I hope she didn't hurt her elbow more. That would be a bummer.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Puddles! I'm with Leo and Declan - at least PRETEND you were worried about mum's hello-bone. (I always called it that cuz I used to stick it in the ribs of Jade as a way to say welcome...)

But as you did make us laugh, maybe it was the funny bone that got knocked! BOL. YAM-aunty

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD Puddles you are gonna have to get your Mum enrolled at MY (Frankie Furter) Alma Matter... PetSmart University and Stuffie Distributorship.

They will teach her NOT to rush the Door when Peeps (or Squirrels) come to the door. Training is SO impawtant fur keeping our Peeps under control... esp. when they are the types (like your Mum) who would LIKE to think they are in control.
Trust ME... they will get her Whupped into shape in no time.

Lovable Lily said...

Do we dare ask what her next trick is gonna be?

We think you need to hold a raffle with a chip-in. Remember that movie with John Travolta where he played the boy in the bubble? Yup, gotta get her a bubble of her very own. That way she no gets hurted again.

We did laugh a lot tho at your story! (Just don't tell her that!)

Lily Belle & Muffin

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Oh that is hilarious! But probably very embarrassing for you Mom. But, HAHAHAHAHA!

PS/ We hope your Mom didn't hurt her already injured HELLbow.

Mollie said...

Bawahhaawaahh Oh Puddles I fink I would of puked wiff laughter too'z.. I waz gonna say poor Mom but I'mz too buzt lauffin..Have a wonderful Furiday xxx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Murphy said...

We are glad your mom didn't get hurt, especially with that bad elbow! We trip our pawrents too. We think if they had 4 feet instead of just 2 and if they weren't so dang big there would not be a problem!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

The Websters said...

That is a really great moral to the story!

For guessing correctly, you win Mrs. Master's undying love and affection for not pointing out all the hairs on the floor. Ollie is still blowing his coat and robovacuum just can't keep up...loser vacuum.

Good job showing your mom AND the stray human who's boss. I'm going to try that sometime.


Anonymous said...

I know you stuck out a paw to trip her :)

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Ha, ha, ha Puddles.'s the phone? Bah, ha, ha...

GOOSE said...

That is a GREAT moral to the story. Although I have to ask, did you just maybe stick a paw or tail out as she reached the door? Or was the phone man so handsome that you mom just fell allover him. hehhehehe. I also wonder why she went to the door in the first place, obviously you and the brudder and sissy had that covered.

rottrover said...

Imagine if you all weighed about 100 pounds!! You can really mess with the humans!! Me and Gizmo once knocked mom down and she broked her arm! We all love to crowd in the kitchen when the foodable cooking is going on - until she screams OUT OF THE KITCHEN!!! We give her like 30 seconds hehehehe.


Millie and Walter said...

Your illustrations of the incident were great! So did you get your phone fixed or did the phone man run away scared at the three of you?


Matilda the Boxer said...

BOL!!! Sounds like your momma needs better training so she doesn't get in your way when you're defending your territory.

Idaho PugRanch said...

BOL oh poor Mum. That phone guy probably didn't know what to do!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

jen said...

Having a hard time typing because I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying.

I wouldn't laugh so hard if your Mom didn't call you little shits and if I totally couldn't envision the whole scene in my head because I am sure it will some day happen to me but I'll being yelling something a little different!
I do hope your Mom's elbow is ok.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Poor Mom! You always have something going on, but I guess he fixed the phone since you are here!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

puddles...we new doxies bee small but ewe all knead ta beef up sum coz frum yur pick surez at de front door....well...we can see why yur mum tripped over ewe all coz her dinna see ewe for de love that blinded her eyes for de internet phone dood


wink wink....

plus like if ewe wood beef up on like sum ham samiches ya could go frum bein like this big

turn head side ways heer


ta this big ______________________

da tabbies o trout towne said...

pea ess

hope everee one haza grate week oh end !

Taryn said...

When someone rings our doorbell, pandemonium breaks out. It is quite easy to get taken out at the knees by my lowriders. It's a wild scene, I'm sure, as viewed from the outside looking in.

stellaroselong said...

Well first of all my momma is so glad you guys act like that when people come to the door cos in her perfecto world all dogs lay down on the floor quietly when there is a knock at the door, thus once again puddles you have proved her WROnG and that she is expecting WAYYYYY to much from us puggies.
2nd we hopes your mom didn't fall on her helbow cos its already hurt, but i guess if she did then it would be the same pain and not a new one elsewhere...AGAIN we thinks your momma n ours is related..member when mom fell UP the steps at work and spent the better part of the day in the er getting cat scans etc cos she forgot our address...(if i was there i would have told them heck thats normal!)
stella rose

Sketching with Dogs said...

You little bug*ers, do you want the internets to be fixed or not?
Hope your mum was okay and her hellbow was not injured.
We make much the same fuss if anyone comes to the door except we are pushed into the room and the door slammed in our faces, pfftt!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Ruby said...

Well, at least her pants didn't fall down!!! That REALLY would have been embarrassin'!!
Bubble...I keep tellin' you I'm gonna find your Moms a bubble to puts around her...she's dangerous on her own! BOL
Now, I don't see anythings wrong with whats YOU did ~ I do the same things. I too gets yelled at to stop, butts I, too, just trip Ma!! I usually just 'stop' right in front of her, so TECHNICALLY she's at fault...she should have been lookin' where she's goin! Just sayin'....
I do love the moral to your story. Stray humans ~ and tree rats ~ should never come to the door!
pees: hopes your Moms didn't break off her hellbow...

Anonymous said...

Oh Lordy! Thanks for the laugh today!! Your Mum is the epitome of grace and poise, we must admit! :)

Too bad you're not on Facebook...I got my aunt to start reading your blog right at New Year's. I wasn't sure if she was reading it or not, but she mentioned it on Facebook today to all of her friends. So she reads it! I don't know if she comments or not though.

Elyse and Riley

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great graphics of the big event, Puddles. Poor Mom. The Momster says that is one reason she is thankful for all our baby gates. We can't get near the door. But truth be told, she could trip over her own feet, she doesn't need us to help.

Have a catastrophe free and fun weekend.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Anonymous said...

Just doing your job, just saying, BARHARHAR!

The Mad Scots

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You ARE trained! You're Guard dogs! That's what you're supposed to do. That's what we do. Maybe not the makin' HER fall down part.

Hope she didn't hurt her Devil's Elbow again.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my goodness hilarious. Those pictures really tell the story. You must have been cracking up when she went kerplunk
Benny & Lily

Duke said...

Your poor mom, Puddles! The exact same thing happens here when someone comes to our door. We got totally nutso!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

I told her, Puddles! Now just try to keep your Mum from breaking herself or you until Monday!!

Elyse and Riley

GizmoGeodog said...

OMD Puddles I iz still laffin at dis one...Only one of me so I haz to be creative om causing dese things...Like I go to the living room at night when Momz is sleeping and move my big red dog right in front of the door so when she gets up in the dark she trips over it...And then boy howdy do I laff

liparifam said...

OMG - this totally made me feel better about my three and the appalling way the behave when the doorbell rings! Also, the other day at the vet's, I was squatting next to Josey in the waiting room looking at her leg with one of the techs, and she got her leash wrapped around my waist, and totally pulled me down backwards onto the floor. And I was in a dress and high heels, on my way to work! What can you do but laugh...

liparifam said...

Also, I'm really glad Mum didn't crush you little guys :)

Sweet William The Scot said...

Puddles ~ Was your Mum throwing herself at Mr Phone Man in payment for services? Well at least the door couldn't slam shut with her locked out and you dogs left inside.
Sweet William The Scot

Dachshund Nola said...

BOL BOL we get burdened with the dumbest humans!

Bobbie said...

Puddles, only YOU can make me laugh till I cry.... It was the part where she called you little s*@%*'s where I lost it... LOL!! Now, I'm assuming that your mum is okay, otherwise I would not be wiping the haha tears from my face.
At first, I thought you were going to share a story somewhat like the one in our 'Gracie's Diary' book - chapter 10 - where the Sears Repair Man stepped in a big ol' pile of Gracie's poop.
Anyhow.. glad your mum is okay and I hope this didn't hurt her hellbow any more than it already is.
Have a good weekend Puddles and try to stay out of trouble...

Scooter said...

Oh, we can sees it all happening!! Too funny Puddles. Your mom gives you a TON of excitement huh??

Jazzi and Addi

Dexter said...

Life lessons, Miss Puddles. I can always count on you to provide them.


Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles OMD BOL BOL that was a hoot and a holler! I hope she learned her lesson and let's you handle the door greeting. OMD I am still laughing. Your drawings are spot on as always.

I will be over later and Mom hid the keys for the truck, sorry. I am bringing cupcakes.

Loveys Sasha

P.s. Mommy says she hopes your Mommy didn't hurt herself

Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles are you going to answer the door when I come over? I will try not to knock her over. Can I play with your girl?

KB said...

OMD Puddles. You make me laugh so hard. The drawing rock. You should be an artist.

I hope that the hellbow is okay.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You really did put some smiles on all of our faces with that story!
That was so funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh you made me laugh -again. But you know, I bark too when I hear doorbell and I aint behaving badly. I'm just a happy dog..... What did ya say mom..... oh never mind :)

genji said...

Hmm, my phone/internet went down this week, and Mr. Phone man had to come to my front door to fix it. But my guys were very good, and there was luckily no falling down on my part. I did not have to call my guys 'little sh*ts' :)

Reuben said...

Puddles you was just doing your job! What a very good protector you is; I think you deserves bacons for all of that good guarding work. Thank you for the big laugh at your mama's expenses. In fact, I think our mamas with their hellbows and other misadventurings should has a reality tv show or something.....


Inger said...

Puddles, you are one BAAAAAAD dog! Your poor mommy and her elbow too. Of course, I'm pretty bad myself, cause I just can't stop laughing at the way you described it all. I take it you got your service back, but how's mom?

On a more serious note: Thank you so much for your comment on my post about Kennedy and King. Please thank your mom too. It was a very thoughtful comment.

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

bahahahahaha.... oh dear...

A MilShelb Mom said...

bahahaha! Now, Mom wants to know how come yall didn't go running out of the house. Because, at our house that would have been the next part of the story... we ran over Mom and down the street. BOL!!
~Milly and Shelby

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Miss Puddles, hey, has your mum been drinking your beer??? Just askin'. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Unknown said...

You guys crack me up all the time! I got such a crystal clear visual!!

The Daily Pip said...

Bawhahahahhahahahahahaha! Who needs beer and Cheetos when we have our moms around to entertain us ...cause you know this is something that my mom would do, too!


OK, we may not get a post up tomorrow, but I will be around tomorrow spreading good cheer (and cheeseburgers) to all my friends!

Your pal, Pip

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Puddles we are so late to this party but we laughed so hard we had to leave a comment. Yep the crazy lady needs to learn to watch where she walks but the good news is she is, like you all , she i vertically challenged, she didn't have far to fall.
Hugs madi your BFFF

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh noes Miss Puddles!!!!! We hope she didn't hurt her other elbow!

Unknown said...

BOL! Oh Puddles...that is a hoot and a holler! Your poor mum. I hope she didn't hurted her elbow...again.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, your poor mom and her hellbow! And all of you laughing at her. :(

Peggy Frezon said...

Poor mom. But I bet it was kind of fun for you guys. Gotta do something to keep the days from being boring.

georgia little pea said...

Her poor hellbow! Was the phone man handsome? If he wasn't, it probably doesn't matter.

The Daily Pip said...

Is you all around today ...because I finally have a post up ...and I am firing up the grill and chilling the beer and I'm going to look kind of silly having a party for one. Bawhahahahahaha

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Puddles, you crack me up girl!!! What a great story! Your mom must have been VERY red faced at fallin in front of the phone man. I know when mum falls she is very happy if no one else sees it!! BOL!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Patrice and Higgins said...

OMD OMD OMD, that is so funny!!! Well, funny fur us four legged kind, but not fur your mom!!


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Great story Puddles!! But your poor Mommy.


♥ Sallie said...

LOL! Your drawings crack me up.


Oskar said...

Bwahaha! It's funny to laugh at out people. Even funnier cause you guys are the reason that she fell!!

Nubbin wiggles,

Wyatt said...

Puddles, I keep telling you that you need your own TV show!! We would watch and so would the rest of America...Entertainment plus!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Unknown said...

Hey, hadn't heard a peep outta ya so thought I'd just say hi and miss ya!

Unknown said...

Puddles, i check your blog everyday and never get a word. I NEED my Puddles fix!

Elyse and Riley's Aunt Nancy

Grady and Leonardo said...

Puddles, where did you go!? -Leonardo

Anonymous said...

Puddles, we miss you!!! Come back! :)

Elyse and Riley

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...


ShellePenn said...

HAHAHA We should not laugh so much, but OMG that is hilarious!!

Your poor mom! :)

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,