Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My Halloween Portrait

Hellos ya'll!
It be almost Halloween so I thoughted I'd shows
everybuddy my Halloween portrait to gets ya'll in da spirit.

I IS too freaking hilarious furs my own good.
And I not even has no idea what I is but I does likes da wig... keeps my head warm so I can thinks betters.

Ya'lls wanna sees somemores pictures?
Of CURSE you do...

I totally haded so much fun withs dis heres foto session.
I thinks I may has to invest in some more wigs.

I just realized...I has a big mouf.

Nows I will be attendin' all da HOWL-O-WEEN festivities so
watch out. But, I was too lazy to link everybuddy up.
I'll be bringin' da BOOOOOOS....BWHAHAHAHAHA!
Ya'll gets my little joke?



liparifam said...

OMG! I'm creating a new acronym - FOTSL (falling off the sofa laughing)...

Cowspotdog said...

We agree FOTSL!

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

If we were on the sofa at the moment, we'd totally be falling off it! You look, um, well, ah, terrifying! But we mean that in the nicest possible way! And there's nothing wrong with keeping your head warm. Even if you sort of look like you had an encounter with a Brillo pad that ended badly for both of you! Heehee!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

genji said...

You looks great in a wig. I think you should have a different wig for every Holiday.

The Daily Pip said...

Bawahahhahahahahahahah! You look a little like me when I need a haircut! Would you like a headband?

OK, now I have just crashed, I mean flown back from Mollie's and am quite disturbed by what I saw. Has the whole world gone crazy in the last week. I've only been gone a week ...and I haven't really gone, too far. Frankie and Ernie hitting the pole, Madi packing on the pounds from grief of losing her one true love, me, and you dancing with NO BEER! One must always hold a can of beer when belly dancing! Have you already forgotten everything I taught you.


Your pal, Angel Pip

Unknown said...

Puddles that is one cool syrup of figs (wigs) you have on your bonce (head) mate. More wigs please. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

My Mind's Eye said...


The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Diva Shasta here - now u know that once us Beaglez start howlin'well - just can't stop us. HOWEVER, after c'in'u in that wig - I, DIVA Shasta, a real D(VA, iz just speechless - or iz that HOWL-less?
Diva Shasta

houndstooth said...

Bwaaaa ha ha! I just had the "Shaft" episode of The Fresh Prince flash before my eyes! Puddles, did you know they have a rainbow wig like that at Wal-Mart, and some witch hats with green hair attached? Send your mom out to get you more cute stuff!


Pippen said...

Black wigs are SO yesterday... you need a wig like the Sam has!

Sam and Pippen

PeeS. We would say that you are frighteningly scary but you scare us everyday so this is nothing new!

booahboo said...

Tats woulds be the best costumes ever for Howl-o-weens :D Didya steal your momma's wig?

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

BaaaaaWaaaaaah Puddles you CRACK us up.

What Remains Now said...

You look hip and happenin', Puddles.

stellaroselong said...

Laying on our backs..kicking our feets ...laughing with you!
stella rose,mags, and gussie

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Hahahahaha!! You look good in the wig, Puddles! Will you be attending all the Halloween fun in them and the BOOOOS? ;)

Matilda the Boxer said...

That's a pawesome costume, Puddles! Save me a dance. I'll bring the beer!

The Daily Pip said...

Da Puddles wants more cheese Angel Pip gives her more cheese. (Snaps paws, wiggles hips and cheese starts raining from sky)

Note to self: when making cheese fall from sky ...make sure to request soft cheese. Ouch!

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...


Idaho PugRanch said...

BWAA HAA HAA Puddles you always make us laugh! Thanks
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Mary Lou said...

"I'll be bringin' da BOOOOOOS....BWHAHAHAHAHA! Ya'll gets my little joke?". Loud and clear, Friend!! Crack. Me. Up!! ;op

Marg said...

Oh Puddles, we love your wig. Love how you model it. Just purrfect. We would like to join you in the Booooooos. What fun. Take care.

Lovable Lily said...

Oh Puddles, you wear it well! We didn't really think it was you at furst, so we had to do a double take.

You're rocking it!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Puddles we are still STUNNED by your Wig and your POLE Dancin Skills... butt we think the WIG is the BESTEST. You can tell us now.... Really you can.. ADMIT it...

You SHAVED Albert and Whitney's BUTTS to make it... DIDN'T YOU.

JacksDad said...

Oh you just make me laugh so hard I can't stand it! :)

The Daily Pip said...

I told Frankie that you were taking over the reigns and he felt so much better. Rosie is chasing Alien around the barn so the hayride is all yours!

Millie and Walter said...

OMD! What Frankie said about shaving Albert's butt to make your wig is just so wrong. You wouldn't want Albert's butt hair on your head would you?


Sketching with Dogs said...

You look suprisingly good in that!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Murphy said...

Oh, we're in the spirit now!

Your Pals Who Get To Pass Out Candy Tomorrow,

Murphy & Stanley

Barbara said...

Oh mah goodness, I am dyin' over here laffin.

Now do a blonde!!

Mayzie said...

BWAHAHAHAHA! BOOOOOS! That sounds lots like BOOZE! Wait...was that a coincidence or did you mean to do that?

I like your wig. You kinda remind me of Oprah! AND YOU GETS SOME BOOZE! AND YOU GETS SOME BOOZE! AND YOU...!


Wiggles & Wags,

Duke said...

OMG, this is one of the funniest things we've ever seen, Puddles! haha

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

BARRRR..HARRR.HARRRR Puddles you are full of it, but the wig does look awesome on you. Have fun at the Hal-O-Weenie stuff, we gonna miss it all, we came back to late, do some Pip stuff for us, OK, send us a basket of cheetos and a couple of bottles of Hal-O-Weenie beer!

The Mad scots

The Mad scots

Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles, first of all, Mommy secured the chandelier for a reason and how did you get that lock off?? Be careful please and can I ask you and Mayzie to stay out of the toilet?

Ok now, when I first saw you I thought, who is that? Is is Scary Spice?? I looked again and saw the mouth and thought, oh its Puddles. Now back to my pawty, I made a fresh batch of punkintinis and just took a pizza out of the oven. Lets through popcorn at Ernie and Mayzie. How about ding dong ditch??? Wait, its my house, that might now work.

Loveys Sasha

FiveSibesMom said...

Those are wonderful photos!!!! Happy Howloween!!!!

Scooter said...

Wow, Puddles, that might be the scariest costume of the season! BWAR HAR HAR. Oh, we're gonna have a blast today and tomorrow fur sure!
Grr and a Creepy Woof,
Sarge, Monster

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM on a chair, but FOTSL slides of the tongue better!! You are an egg-sell-ent model Pudds and I agree - MORE WIG-STUFFS PLEASE!

Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Brian's Home Blog said...

What costume puddles?

GOOSE said...

Hey Puddles meet me in the pumpkin patch and bring the BOOOOOOOS lots and lots of Boooooooos. It's scary in the patch and I need some liquid courage or maybe just a friend to keep the spookies away.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Brian is funny:)

Puddles, you always make us smile - what a fun fotosession!

Happy Halloween.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

KB said...

I am rolling on the floor laughing!!!!! Great costume.

Taffy said...

Hey! That's kinda what I think my daddy would look like if he had any furs on his head!

Two French Bulldogs said...


Scooter said...

Nice furs Puddles, you just crack us up!!


Katie said...

That was a great joke, Puddles. Mamma said she might borrow it :-) You look fabulous!

Mollie said...

BAWAHWHHAHWHHAWAA OMD that is too Hilaroius, juzt peed me knickers.. Get a pink one to try BOL xxoxxx

Mollie and Alfie

Taffy said...

By the way, I added a comment to my post today just for you!!!! Sometimes things just work out great! Mom and Dad hadn't even planned to go to the zoo until 2 days before :0)

The Daily Pip said...

Now that I'm as strong as Hercules about we join the circus and head to Vegas?

The Daily Pip said...

Do you see me now? Bawahhahahahaha!! Between your get out of free jail card and my being invisible (to anyone who is sober) we can rule the world! Bawhaahahahhahaaha

Unknown said...

BOL! Puddles, you look hilarious in that wig!
*high paws*

Sweet William The Scot said...

Puddles have a goulash ghoul Howl~O~Ween! Bawheheee
Sweet William The Scot

da tabbies o trout towne said...

puddles...ewe bee boo zin hill larry uzz...we dunno which pro trait we likes de best....coy, shy, ore all out PUDDLES !!!! ya noe, ewe could even tie dye it for oh for Christmas; pink for eazturr, bloo for summer fun N sun !!! happee howl o ween ta everee one; heerz hopin yur trik N treetz bag be filled with mackerull, mice N pie !! ore like bizcuts in yur case :)

Anonymous said...

You look great! Once Prince wore this hairstyle too - and he became famous. Have a super funny Howl-o-ween!

Pippa Sheltie said...

Ahahaha, oh Puddles!! What would we do without your funniness! Girl, your curly mop looks so good, I thought you were a model!
Happy Howloween!
Pippa :)

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yeah, we get it.

And we're really scared since Angel Pip has given you a get out of jail free card. Yikes!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

My oh my - we Beaglebratz just came frum Frankie'z an'Erniez blog - now whoooooooo due uuuuuuuuu s'poze wuz duin'that poke dance? HUH?
Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

Oskar said...

"Bringing da Boos", BOL!

You are totally rockin' that wig!

Happy Halloweenie!

GizmoGeodog said...

FOTSL fur sure So why is it all I can think of right now is Don King? Maybe too much Booos?

SquirrelQueen said...

You are the cat's meow in that wig Puddles. Save some boooos for us.

Happy Halloween,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Alien said...


Happy Halloween!


Ruby said...

OMD!!! Gurl, you remind me of Samuel Jackson in Pulp Fiction!!! That Jheri curl suits you Puddles!!! BOL
Nows, you do have a big mouths, butts all the great hunters did ya know. I'm just sayin', lookie at the lions and cheetahs! HUGE mouths on them !!
And, just thinks of all the Cheetos you could fit in theres! Have you ever counted??? I'm just sayin, I thinks you could break the world record or somethin'! BOL
Happy Halloweenie "Jules" (Sam jacksons character)
Ruby ♥


Mouses! Puddles you got your Gerri curl on! Teehee!happy Halloween!

The Websters said...

I totally missed this post. Please more wigs. Please oh please.


Anonymous said...

We agree with the others...more wigs, please!! Kinda looks like you had a black bath loofa strapped to your head! ;)

Hope you had a good Halloweenie and that your girl got lots and lots of candy to rot all her teeth right out of her head! That's when you know you've had a successful Halloween.

Elyse and Riley