Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Another Post From Mum About Whitney

Hey ya'll!
I hates to do dis to ya'll but I has to turn dis bloggie overs to my mum cuz her has sumptin to say.
Believe me, I feeeeels bad fur ya'll...and it ain't even bout me...blah!
So here is my mum.....

Thank you my sweet Puddles.
I do like to keep this blog fun and lighthearted but I want to share something today.
We don't typically blog about Whitney because she is so shy and HARD to photograph.
If you are new to this blog you can go here and here to read more about her.
However, my heart was overjoyed when the unthinkable occured.

Let me back up for a moment.....
Whitney has NEVER walked on a leash. I have tried so many times to get her to do it but it was like her feet were bolted to the ground and being the not-so-great dog mom I gave up and decided there was no use. And she was completely out of her mind when I attempted and didn't want her to be afraid or uncomfortable...I didn't want her to go through that. It was actually pretty heart breaking.
Anyways, I thought it wasn't a big deal whether she walked on a leash or not...until....
our vet said Whitney has gained too much weight. Not a big deal for most dogs but for a doxie that refuses to walk, it is a big deal. Six months ago she weighed 12 lbs and now she is up to 15.
I had no choice but to restart the leash walking.

I took Whitney up to the school to try to get her comfortable with the leash. We don't walk on our road because we have dogs with questionable temperments roaming and on leashes ( a other story).
Once at the school I put her leash on, carried her to the sidewalk and she WALKED! I know it seems silly but I was completely amazed. She just started walking...not well but it was progress. And yes, I did weep watching her. I let her go where she wanted in the beginning and then got her back to the sidewalk to follow me and she did. It was so rewarding to witness...I just can't begin to tell you all how thrilled I was.
However, the closer we came to people and cars she became increasinly anxious and uncomfortable but we managed and she calmed down as soon as they were not in her focal path.
My apologies, I know this was kind of boring today
I was just so excited that I had to tell everyone because it was such a giant step for Whitney and I was so proud of her. I will continue taking her to the school to get comfortable with walking AND to get that weight off.

Puddles will return tomorrow (bless your hearts) 
and thank you for letting me talk about Whitney for a moment.

Puddles mum


Unknown said...

Yay fur Whitney! And Yay fur da Puddles mom!

It is most wonderful to hear about Whitneys progress!
See what love and patience and time can do!

Owned ByDoxies said...

Whitney - We are all soooo proud of you!

Unknown said...

PeeS.......about da Whitneys weight loss and exercise regimine....do you thinks you could pass that along to my momma? Her b getting a little too plumps lately......ssssshhhh..don't tells


booahboo said...

Its wonderful to hear about Whitney and Albert sometimes.. even though we now remember them as the black blobs.. no thanks to someone.. hehehhehee

Its a wonderful to see them go on a walk.. esp when they become rooted when a leash is put on. With more outings.. i am sure she'll love her walks.

Both my dogs love their walks.. they use the body harness :) When Piper was little, we used the collar.. and he refused to budge at all. And we give up taking him for walks too.

Good luck with Whitney's weight loss thingy :)

Unknown said...

Hey Whitney! You go girl!!!!!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Happy News! Yay fur Whitney and Mom!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Unknown said...

Yay fur Whitney! And Yay fur da Puddles mom!

It is most wonderful to hear about Whitneys progress!
See what love and patience and time can do!

Ruby and Penny said...

You go Whitney.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - you are a beauty.

Unknown said...

I love updates on Whitney, she is so pretty! That is so awesome when a moment like that happens - its the small things in life that make us smile!
Go Whitney!!!

Mack said...

You go Whitney!! What a brave (and pretty) little girl you are!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Puddle's Mommy,
We love to hear anything you have to say!! You could make reading the telephone book exciting!! Thanks for sharing about Whitney!!


The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

From one diggy mom to another - it is never boring to hear about the progress of your "kid" - whether it is a 2 or 4 legger. When one of our doggies exhibits a desired behavior long given up on by us, we want to shout it to the world - at least I do.

You go Whitney! Keep up the good work.

The Daily Pip said...

That's just wonderful news!! Whitney sounds so much like Pip when he was younger. He was terrified of going outside, walking on a leash, car rides, anything and everything. If we walked half a block, it was HUGE!! I carried him everywhere and he gained some weight (he is still a chubby, but that's another story). It is really only been in the last few years that he will go for walks, etc. Of course, his legs get tired out so I still end up carrying him.

Kristin, Pip's mom

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

PS - I really didn't mean diggy mom - suppose to be doggy mom, honest.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

That's wonderful! I don't mind hearing about Whitney at all. Or Albert. He's a very cool doggie. I bet that now that Whitney is able to go on some walkies she'll start to come out of her shell a little more all the time. Maybe not as far out as Puddles, but only Puddles can be Puddles, of course.

lotsa licks, Lola

My Mind's Eye said...

Ahhhhh Whitney we are so VERY PROUD of your Doxie courage!!! Evidently something unpleasant happened to in your 'first' life. Well done Mom for letting Whitney ease into this...we are sure before long she will be leading a group of Strutting Doxie on a daily walk. Give her a big hug for us....Madi and Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh, gosh, Momma Allison! Now my momma is over here all blubbery and saying she got chills and how that's a Most Huge step (literally) for beautiful Whitney. And you know what this all means, don't you? (I can tell you cuz I've been in Whitney's pawsteps.) That means that she trusts you! She trusts that you're gonna keep her safe and not let anything happen to her. It's prolly the first time in Whitney's whole life that she's felt totally safe.

You did the right thing, Momma Allison, for not pushing her to go out for walkies right away and letting her gets comfy in your house. I bet before you know it, she'll be all promenading down the street like a queen!

Wiggles & Wags,

The Heartbeats said...

Yay Whitney!! We'll see you zooming around the 'hood before long!

Pippen said...

Way to go, Whitney!

Sam and Pippen

Rusty said...

Yay and double Yay for Whitney!!! I has a little secret to tells da Whitney's Mom. Takes a little baggy with some of da Whitney's favorite food or low-cal snack along on dos walkies. When da Whitney looks like scardy cat, just pop a snack into da mouth (hers, not mom's). Worked like a charm when Max and Amber went on dere first leashy walkies. Now dhey always wants to go out for walkie. Of course, da Rusty never has dis problem. Overs and Outs!!!

Corbin said...

Oh, yay for Whitney!!! That's such a big step! Were was the picture of Puddles though? Did I miss it? I'll have to look again...

Charlotte said...

Whahoo for Whitney!! That is pawsome - you go girl!!
We have a non-walker in our family too - who is a little on the "portly" side, as well!
Xena will walk - but only when Dad carries her up the street & she can scamper home - that is about it! She does not like being walked on leash, at all!

Keep up the great work, whitney!!

((Hugs)) your friends
Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohh that is so wonderful to hear, it may seem like a little thing to some but for dogs with Whitneys background the little steps are the most rewarding I think. You must be so proud of her right now and you should be very proud of yourself too. It takes a certain special type of person to take on a dog with 'issues' and you are certainly a very special person.
Way to go Whitney & Mom

Mollys Momma Tea
x x x x

houndstooth said...

We love hearing about Whitney and Albert just as much, okay, almost as much, as Puddles! And certainly, we are always happy to share in celebrations! Knowing what we know about Whitney, that is a Big Deal and you should celebrate it.

A long time ago after we'd first adopted Treat, we went through a trial. We adopted her right after Christmas and through most of the winter, we rarely encountered barking dogs on our walks. She also had a sore spot on her leg from a missed IV attempt during her spay surgery that had gotten infected. So, one March morning, we were at Petsmart doing a meet and greet and a little fuzzy dog started barking at the hounds like crazy. She jumped right on Treat's sore spot on her leg. After that, she decided that all barking dogs were to be avoided. She'd always loved going for walks, but it got so bad that she wouldn't even leave the driveway because there were barking dogs on every route that we could take from the house for walks. She'd just turn into a statue. I tried everything to get her to walk -- treats, cajoling, stern voice, happy voice, begging, pleading, dragging her along, pushing her along, crying and I almost gave up on walking her! I hated it, too, because I knew she loved walks. I didn't want it to be a painful, horrible experience for us both. One thing we did was I had my husband drive us over to the park and then we'd walk home. It sounds like walking home isn't an option for you, but maybe walking in a place that's quiet and interesting, like a nature trail where you can go at your own pace and there are interesting smells to smell and soothing sounds to hear, might help. I also used training treats to reward her when she was doing well for a while. I know you're trying to get Whitney to lose weight, but maybe you could feed her less kibble and take a little along to use as a reward. I also learned that Treat began to walk better when she had a companion to walk with. I don't know if that's an option for Whitney right now, but it might be worth a try -- even if you have a friend without a dog who'd be willing to walk Albert with the two of you.

Sorry, I've nearly written a novel about dog walking here! I'm just really happy for you that Whitney's starting to come around. Have fun walking together!

houndstooth said...
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houndstooth said...
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houndstooth said...
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houndstooth said...
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houndstooth said...
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houndstooth said...
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Anonymous said...

I must object. I don't recall being consulted about this hijacking of Puddle's blog. While it's very nice that Whitney took a walk, I'm not convinced that it's blog worthy. I'm still in a drug induced fog however...

(trying to clear my head... cobwebs... so hard to focus)

I suppose if I took a walk like that right now it would be big news too... okay, I get it. Yea for Whitney.

Can Puddles come back now? I hear she's got Cheetos stashed in her couch (the one on the front porch.) I'm getting the munchies really bad.

Bruschi said...

Hi Puddles Mom! (Puddles, it was very nice of you to share your blog with your mom today!)
YAY for Whitney! It is so nice to hear that she is making progress....it's all about baby steps! In her case, baby doxie steps! Keep up the good work!!

Hugs and Licks, Bruschi

Anonymous said...

Yay for whitney!

I own a puddles clone and love your blog!

One suggestion... If you are not already, you might want to try using a harness and attach it to the leash. (options that fit doxies that I have used are lupine, hug-a-dox and papia) It is supposed to be better for doxies than a collar and it may not be as obvious to Whitney that she is not in control.

Enjoy your fall walks!

Barbara said...

Congratulations for Whitney! I'm so glad she's doing well at leash!

Grady and Leonardo said...

Way to Go Lady Whitney!!!

Grady and I are doing the Newfie Happy Dance in your honor.

Overcoming your biggest fear is one of the most wonderful feelings in the whole universe.

Thank you Puddles (for the use of your blog) and mom for knowing how important anydogs accomplishments are and sharing them with all of us.

We hope it's a great day for a walk.
(Grady and Mom too!)

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Good gooding Whitney and mom!!! Whitney is a beauty and we love hearing about her. Puddles, we always love you! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Road Dog Tales said...

Awww, Whitney - Congratulations you brave girl! And yay for your Mom for not giving up on you! It's most important to keep your girlish figure!
The Road Dogs

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Whitney this is just the bestest news I have had... since I saw Jennifer Jeep pull into Miss Buzz Off's Drive yesterday.
I am soooooo very much proud of you. It is all a matter of TRAINING you Peep to know WHERE to walk with you!! I guess there is SOME hope for that woman yet!!!
You Rock Whitney!!!!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Miracles do happen!!!!!!!! Yay, Whitney....and what a beauty you are.
We will be purring for Whitney....and that she will keep progressing.

We luvy'all.

rottrover said...

Yay for Miss Whitney! (for someone who's hard to photograph she sure looks beautiful!) There's a Dog Whisperer episode about a dog who won't walk on the leash. He carried the dog a couple of blocks away and had him walk home. Worked like a charm, but of course he's Cesar...Nice work, Puddle's Mom :)

Those Elgin Pugs said...
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Those Elgin Pugs said...

Whitney!!! We both know why you are walking on your leash!! ;)

Puddlison!! (HA HA... get it)

Great to hear that she is out walking on her leash and I am the doxie whisperer!! BA HA HA!!

CraZy Pugga Momma

Those Elgin Pugs said...

pee-s... that deleted comment above our heads is from us...


Didn't have on my vision works

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Its NEVER a dull post when its about such a grand accomplishemnt! I still remember the joy when I first got Mollie to walk on a leash. Then to walk on loose leash...then to pass the CGC test on loose leash.

Congrats Whitney!!!!

Mollie's Momma

Brian's Home Blog said...

That certainly wasn't boring at all, you have good reason to be excited, way to go Whitney!!! Thanks for letting your Mom tell us about this sweet Puddles.

Remington said...

Oh Puddles! Your sister is BEAUTIFUL! Where have you been keeping her? I am sending a big Newfie hug to her! (Oh and by the way YOU are just a "little" more beautiful....don't get upset....)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I vote Whitney is bakhk fur tomorrow's post too!

After all, Whitney will be on mine ;-)


Tucker said...

I thought a lady never revealed her weight?

woof - Tucker

George The Lad said...

I'm pleased for yea, little steps that's the way, I like hearing about Albert and Whitney, Puddles wouldn't mine if you did a post now and again, would she :)
See Yea George xxx

K9 Katastrophie said...

thank you for your nice comment


JacksDad said...

Oh I don't think that was boring at all! I'm very excited that you're working with her to let her become the best dog she can be!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sometimes it is those little things that are just so special. We are so happy you could share your joy. Does Whitney like carrots or any really low calorie treat? If so, you could take some with you on your walks and reward her for walking along with you. We have also heard that you can teach her the "watch me" command so you can get her to focus on your face when she is stressed by the cars going by or other distractions. Too bad that these suggestions have to involve food when you are trying to watch her weight, but some just some thoughts.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Dandy Duke said...

That's awesome news about Whitney!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

WOO HOO!!! You go Whitney!!!!!

Meowm says the first time she put a leash on her Basset Skye, she yelped and cowered like she was being beaten. She had always worn a collar and all Meowm did was clip the leash on. She didn't try to move her or get her to walk or anything! It was truly pitiful. The yelping lasted a few minutes, then when she realized she wasn't being hurt they went for their walk.....and Skye loved it! No more yelping when the leash was attached after that!

Lorenza said...

I am very happy to know Whitney wanted to walk!
I am sure she enjoyed it too!
Those pounds will be gone soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

the booker man said...

you totally rock, miss whitney! way to show that leash thingie who's the boss lady! :)

the booker man

Taffy said...

Whitney you are such a beauty! Love seeing your photos! Way to go with walking with your momma! We all understand that it is hard for you to trust but it seems that you are starting to feel a little bit more comfy all the time and WE LOVE IT! Go Whitney! Go Whitney!
PS: Puddles, you have a lot of followers that I don't have so you wanna send them over so they can see what evil MP bestowed at my house????

kissa-bull said...

we fink whitney ish absoutely gowgeous and please to gives her extra slobbers from ush for her big step. we are bursting wiff the pride.

pibble sugars
the pittie pack

Anonymous said...

Yay! Way to go Whitney!

Waggin Waggin Waggin and Waggin at ya :)

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Like Mommy said the first time hers read about Whitney...God Bless your Mommy for loving Whitney and never giving up on her. She was a pretty girl but now she looks gorgeous in the picture at the bottom of this post.

Puddles we all love ya but once in a while could your Mommy post more about Whitney and brudder Albert?


Zona said...

After being away for almost a WEEK... this was a fantastical post to come back to. CONGRATS, Whitney! I agree with Frankie, way to show your two-legger how to walk on a string. Hehe...

This is most wonderful news!


Texas The Doxie said...

Texas's Mom: Yay Whitney!!!!!!! Bubbles used to be the same way, we could NOT get her to leave the yard, after we changed her food up, got her another doxie her size, she walked about a mile with us the other day (Walkie's post) she was dragging towards the end, but she did it!!!

Martha said...

Hurrah for Whitney, you go girl!
Walking is good - if you get fed up just sit down and refuse to move that's what we do.
We have found though that we small dogs can put on the weight if we don't exercise and you don't want to lose your girlish figure.
Now don't be telling Puddles we said this but we think you are absolutely stunning!
You have such a rich coat and beautiful eyes.
You don't have to walk in Puddles shadow - get out there and shine.
love you lots
Martha and Bailey xxx
ps sorry we are late our human is completely and utterly useless!

Neeko said...

Hello Mrs. Puddles Mommy ♥

Your Whitney Girl is sooo BEAUTIFUL!!!
Yay!!! Great job Whitney!!! Smooches from all of us :o)

Keep us posted with her progress; we LOVE hearing from Puddles' siblings too.
Look at my bloggie... my Sis and Bro pop in all the time... Grrr but that is how family works. They always come uninvited :o)))

Neeko ♥
P.S these are for Beautiful Whitney ♥♥♥