Friday, December 17, 2010

Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas

Note: I is not part of da gift ideas
(I am gettin' a little tired of dis shirt...and da crappy fotos of ME....
...but, NO post is complete withouts a foto of ME)

I searches da internet yesterday to helps ya'll out withs some last minute Christmas gift ideas...
cuz if ya'll is likes me then you has procrastinated withs your shopping.
I sure hopes ya'll likes what I found.

furs dat little Redneck Dachshund girl on your list.
(I won't mention any names)
I thinks hers would be ever so grateful fur dis....

A beer holster is what dat doxie could use NEEDS.

OR......Hows bout dis?

.....some Cheeto's chapstick.
Nows dats what I'm talkin bouts.

 I dat little doxie could use dis note pad cuz her is SO furgetful at times.

Close up....

******Remember to send gifts to...
123 Puddles St.
and I will be sures to get da gifts to hers pronto.
Up next, I has here some ideas fur a few others dat just might be on your list.
I knows a little super hero dat sure would loves a new bed fur Christmas....
in his favorite flavor.

dis NOT eatable thoughs.

A gift fur a Relentlessly Huge dog?
Gots dat covered....

Or fur those Sibe furiends hows bout dis....
Yous can GROW your very own 6 hours!!!!!!!
(Whatevers you do...DO NOT let Frankie see dis, it just might send him overs da edge)

Now I knows we all haves a favorite little Alien furiend (dat wears a red smokin' jacket)
so here is da perfect gift fur him.

I'm not sures if he eats it or uses it as fuel fur his spaceship...oh well.

Nows dis next one just cracked me up to pieces and there is nobuddy in mind furs dis one.
I just wanted to show it to ya'll...

Bwhahahahahaha...get it?
There Freudian Slippers!
Nevers mind...tuff crowd today.

Oh and of course here is da ultimate ribbonary fur these pressies too...

Note: All products are from
except da cheeseburger bed.

Peace Out,


Anita said...

What a great last minute gift list...we shall have to remind our DOHs that they do still have some shopping to do! Happy Howlidays!
Bones and Treats
Bronson and Pepper
P.S. Our DOH#2 got the biggest laugh at the Freudian slippers...we don't know why, we is just sayin.

booahboo said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. the ever so lovely Puddles in your snowsuit.. urmms.. i mean christmas suit :) i is never tired of seeing you in that suit though.. and you can come with Santa as a pressie for me.

woofs n licks,

houndstooth said...

Bwaaaa ha ha! Puddles, I can always count on you for a good laugh! I'll have to write down a few of those and try to remember them while I'm out shopping!


Amber DaWeenie said...


Ok, so I is speechless today. (Cheetos Chapstick???) Never minds..


Unknown said...

Billy wants that cheese burger bed......NOW!

Pippen said...

Great gift ideas, Puddles! We're thinking of getting mom that stamp... WTF... She could probably use it at work!

Sam and Pippen

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Oh Miss Puddles - u iz most loverly in you Christmas suit as always. We need tu show mom that cheeseburger bedd - we wantz one.
Shiloh'n Shasta

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Puddles the mom's eyes are leaking and she is making noises like a hyena. Girlfriend you need to put a warning on your blog that says....
"Please take a potty break before reading. The management is not responsible for any messes."!!!

Mom secretly wants the slippers..
Hugs and Happy Weekend,
Madi and Mom

Corbin said...

Hm, now I didn't see what to get that handsome dog friend (Me, Corbin)... so I'm just going to assume that I get the first photo of that post.... PUDDLES! Right? I'll be waiting... are you going to ship UPS or Fedex? I'll be home to sign for you.

Backcountry Brodie said...

O.O.O... Freudian Slippers! Hahahahaha! And I thought that woz Santie Paws on those shoos. But then I is a dog and wot duss I know? Grate giftie ideas!

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

What a fabulous list of gift ideas!!! Thanks for the tips Puddles!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Bruschi said...

Oh Puddles, you are one heck of a shopper! You find the bestest gifts ever!! Cheetos Chapstick! They HAVE thought of everything!

Ina in Alaska said...

Love the beer holster! Would come in very handy on those long hikes! Cute post!! Merry Christmas!! xo

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Well now I just felt the Earth Shake... I'm thinkin it was caused by PIP who Fainted when he saw that BED!!!
Love the Cheetos lip stuffs... Now you need to make my LORI show pictures of the lip lickin good special Chicken Flavored stuff that my mom got fur HER!! You will just CRACK UP.
I took some very much careful notes as I read this. I'll pass the list on to Santa Paws. hehehe

Unknown said...


My momma is wishing her had time to get a few of those items fur her office Christmas Gift Exchange on Monday. Her thinks everybuddy at da office could use da WTF stamp!!

Butt, my pawsonal favorite is da Cheeto flavored Lipstick!!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Puddles, haaaaaa! Cool stuff. We like that bow
Benny & Lily

♥I am Holly♥ said...

You have got some cool gifts there Puddles! I'm not sure which one I like the best...they are all wonderful!! Funny!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Unknown said...

LUCY here.
I simply MUST add that Cheeto Chapstick to my Avon product line!!

I'm thinking of a full array of Redneck LipGloss. Like:
Pork Skins
Biscuits n Gravy
BlackEyed PeasTfur New Years)

Whatcha think?

Ms. ~K said...

Freudian Slippers....teeheehee...
gotta get those for my cousin the Shrink!
Happy Weekend Miss Puddles and Co!

Wyatt said...

That is a great list of gift ideas. That Cheetos Chapstick will be a great stocking stuffer. I wonder if it makes your lips bright orange?

Wyatt and Stanzie

Barbara said...

Thank you for that list, Puddles! You solved my gifty problems. May I share a gift idea with you?

It's the "Off Road Commode"...

Scooter said...

Hey Puddles!
BWAR HAR BOL BOL These pressies are a riot! Very funny. I think I'll get that snowman thing for Frankie just to see what happens! BOL Maybe my peeps will get me that chapstick. Sounds yummy to me...but I'm not sure I have lips!
Grr and Woof,
Blogville COP (Chief of PoPo)

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Does dat beer holster come in a larger size cuz I could sure use one of dems! ;)

Woof and Licks,
Maggie Mae

The Daily Pip said...

OMD! That bed! That's what I have always dreamed of - I could just lounge in that bed and eat cheeseburgers for the rest of my life. Maybe I would become a shut in and never leave the house again. As long as someone brought me beer and Cheetos, it wouldn't be so bad, right?

A dog can dream ...

Your pal, Pip

The Daily Pip said...

Frankie's right, I did faint when I saw that bed. Some people buy a condo in Florida when they retire - I think I will buy that bed.

Your pal, Pip

Oskar said...

That is a fantastic list! The Cheetos lip balm almost made my mom person hurl, don't know what's up with her.

Oh & she almost peed herself over the Freudian slippers. Need to get her some training pad...

Nubbin wiggles,

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We got very excited, till we saw that you are not one of the gifts. Then we got a good chuckle out of some of the gifts posted. We will have to talk it over and see if we can decide on which one to buy our Meowm.

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohhh Puddles I was so hopin to find you at the end of my bed on Crimbo morning. Great pressie ideas though Ronnii n Richies Pop would like the cheetos chapstick and that superhero would love that cheeseburger bed you ar so right about that.

Big hugs to you sweetie
Momma Tea
xx x xx

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Great research, Puddles. Maybe you could get a job as a gift consultant.

We love the ribbon.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Remington said...

Great last minute ideas! Beth said she thinks she has some more shopping to do....ha ha!

Anonymous said...

What? Nothing from Cracker Barrel???

Well, these are all excellent ideas too. Nice job.

A MilShelb Mom said...

Great ideas! Mom especially loves the ribbon! lol!
~Milly and Shelby

Duke said...

We had no clue that Cheetos chapstick even existed, Puddles! Our mom is too busy checking out the M&M chapstick flavors!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Brian's Home Blog said...

I had never heard of but those are sure fun gifts, I'll check them out! Have a safe and sober weekend Puddles!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo are just the bestest pawsonal shopper!



Yoo is da bestest elf Santa paws efur had.


Mollie said...

Thanks for the laugh - I needed that!!

Zona said...

PAWSOME GIFTS! We especially liked the gift bow here. BOL!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

WHAT???? What do you mean you aren't part of the gift list? Bummer, and here we were thinking we were going to find you under our tree on Christmas morning!

You always have the greatest ideas, Puddles - we have to see if we can find the plastic card and get shopping. We think MOm would really like those slippers. BOL.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

How Sam Sees It said...

Hmmm... thank you for the ...ummm... wonderful gift ideas!


Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Mama laughed out loud at the gift ribbon at the end! The rest of the gifts are most creative, especially the Freudian Slippers. Mama's sister [Pretty Girl's mama] is a therapist. Maybe it's not too late to order those?

We're still waiting for our Christmas card order, so if they ever come, they will be New Year's cards for sure. So in the meantime, Merry Christmas!

Jed & Abby

Anonymous said...

Hardy Har Har! Y'all have the bestest shoppin list! :D I sure hope that lil hero gets his cheeseburger bed :) Course he may be inspired to retire and never leave it!?* Maybe just a bed of lettuce? ;)

Waggin at ya,

Anonymous said...

hahaha thanks so much for sharing! I know some people who would appreciate those gifts a bunch :) Hope you're ready for Christmas by Christmas day Puddles! I might not be... Yikes!

KB said...

Thank you Puddles! I have one person on my list who I think that you just chose a gift for. The beer holster looks perfect! I wonder if I can get it overnight?????

Lots of laughs!!!!

Alien said...

Ah, Minx. You know me to well.

About the beer holder, I think that many beers wrapped around you might make you keel over. Better add that you want one of my mechanical reindeer to help you carry it around.


Tucker said...

Oh I'm glad you included the note that the Puddles isn't the last minute Christmas gift, whew. If you do get a puddles in a box you better hope that it's wrapped with the receipt tape.


woof - Tucker

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm ever so relieved that you gave us those gift ideas, Puddles! This is gonna help me finish up my shopping, for sure. But I AM a little disappointed you weren't on the list. Can you imagines if everybuddy could order their very own Puddles? Gosh, there would be joy all over the world on Christmas morning!

Wiggles & Wags,

the booker man said...

miss puddles!

heeheehee!! those are all grrreat pressies, but i totally want that cheeseburger bed! mama wants the freudian slippers...she spit out her drink when she saw those...ooops! :D

the booker man

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Mom thought the 'Freudian Slippers' were hilarious. Of course, Mom watches comedies on BBC and sends friends Giant Microbes (seriously... for Christmas (because I guess nothing says 'Merry Christmas' like giving someone the Black Death...). We were wondering, do you really need a list of reasons to get drunk? I mean, if the beer (or in our case, scotch) is there, isn't that reason enough? Heehee!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

PeeEss: You may be sick of the suit, but we think you look Most Cute. And you're right - it just wouldn't feel right if there weren't a picture of you!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, those Freudian Slippers were a big hit here. I wouldn't be surprised if Blog Mom tries to get some for somebuddy before the big day. Thanks for the excellent list.

lotsa licks, Lola