Monday, April 18, 2011

I Will Rememer You

Today we had to say goodbye to you until we meet again Richie.
Though my heart hurts, I know you are in a good place and can run and you have no more pain.

Rest in Peace my dear friend

with Love,
Puddles and Family


Brian's Home Blog said...

I just came back from there, it's always so sad.

kalyxcorn said...

warmest of hugs to his family <3 b

ShellePenn said...

so unbelievably sweet... its always so sad when a loved fur-baby must cross the bridge.. but his family is shining his memories for everyone to see.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

We are so sorry for your loss and our thoughts and prayers are with the family. It is very hard to say goodbye. Lots of love, Holly and mom

Bobbie said...

I am so sad for Ritchie's family and for you, Puddles, on losing your friend. Ritchie says not to be sad for him, cause he is now so much better off at the Rainbow bridge and he's with his sissy. What a great day that will be when we are all reunited with our fur-friends at the Rainbow Bridge. In the meantime, we miss them. HUGS > from Gracie and me.

Remington said...

This makes me so sad....may he RIP....

Barbara said...

I'm sorry you lost a friend's very hard. We went and said goodbye to Richie. We'll all see each other again.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We are in shock and so sad to lose our furend. We just visited his blog and had a really hard time accepting that he has left us. But he will be happy and young and able to run free once again.


Soft purrs and headbumpies to Ritchie's family...we will go by and leave them our purrs.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We visited Richie's family a bit ago - we are just so surprised and sad. Way too many crossing that bridge. Soft woos to his family.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Peggy Frezon said...

sniff sniff that song made me tear up. Sorry for your friend Puddles, and I'm sending out prayers to his family too.

booahboo said...

So sad he has to go so soon... such a trooper he is. He'll be in our hearts.

Duke said...

We are so sorry to hear about your friend, Puddles. We wish we would have met Richie. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Corbin said...

I just saw Momma Tea's post and Richie's post... a very sad day indeed. Mom said I will get an extra special treat tonight to celebrate Richie's wonderful life.

George The Lad said...

I have been to see them.
So sad
George and Jan xxx

rottrover said...

Oh NO!! So sad. On our way to visit.

Zona said...

Such sad, sad news. Lots of prayers and snuggles being sent their way...

Sad wags,
Zona and Mom

Maggie Mae and Max said...

So sad to lose another sweet and dear furiend. We will miss Richie very much. :(

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Pubbles we are so sorry to read about Richie's trip to the rainbow bridge. Many prayers to his family.
Madi and Mom

Amber-Mae said...

I read about Richie's passing in Zona's blog. This is just so sad.

Oskar said...

Oh what a heartbreak..

What Remains Now said...

Thank you for telling us about Richie's passing, Puddles. Richie sounds so happy. My thoughts are with his Momster.

houndstooth said...

Oh no! I hadn't heard until I read it here! I'm so sorry for Mama Tea and Ronnii!


Unknown said...

Oh dang! Wheres the tissues when you need one? So sorry Puddles dear. I will go and visit. Much love to you!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We didn't know Richie but we went by to leave a comment since we know the pain of losing a furry. We're all in tears. What a beautiful post.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...


XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Hi Puddles - when mom got home frum werk she wuz furry much sad an'then she told us how shocked an'sad she wuz when she red your post at werk - made even sadder when she coodn't leave a comment fer Richie's family frum her werk 'puter.

We nu Richie wuz havin'sum health problemz butt we hoped he wuz gettin'better. We all r just so furry much sad butt tryin'tu b happy fer Richie cuz now he iz in such a good place an'feelin'so much better. An'he gitz tu b with hiz Angel sissie tu.

Mom sez we need tu go over an'leave a message now fur hiz family.
~Shiloh an'Shasta~

A MilShelb Mom said...

We are so sad. Our Mom is leaking she is so sad.
~Milly and Shelby

Levi said...

I am sooo very saddened to hear this news. I don't believe this is possible. I am saddened and heartbroken. My heart goes out to the family.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

We were just so sad to learn about this. His family is so brave and his Mom is something very special. We'll all miss him, but it's so good to know that he had someone to care so much right up to the end.

The Daily Pip said...

We are just heartbroken about Richie! I know he is happy and with my sweet Molly, but it was all so sudden and tragic ...Thanks for such a nice tribute to my dear friend.

Your pal, Pip

Neeko said...

Sad day in Bloggieville...
He is with Sis, Miss Molly now celebrating the wonderful life they had with their Pawsome Pawrents.
So sorry... We will miss sweet Richie lots!

Neeko :o(

Two French Bulldogs said...

run free Richie
Benny & Lily

Asta said...

I'm having a hawd time obeying Wichie and not being sad. It doesn't help that Mommi is cwying all ovew.
I know Wichie is feeling gweat and seeing his sissie and will nevew have pain again. that does make me happy..but I still hate saying fawewell
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

I am very sad.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Momster, Popster and Ronnii.
Kisses and hugs

KB said...

Oh no. RIP sweet Richie.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Puddles, I'm just so sad. I know he doesn't want us to be but I can't help it, you know?

Gentle wiggles & wags,

Asta said...

Deew Puddles
I know you awe tewwibully sad, but I have a special photogwaph on my bloggie fow you that might bwing a smile to youw face(I hope)
smoochie kisses